Last Updated on January 15, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

IIM Bangalore declares Short List 2015: PI round to have 30 minute WAT; begins Feb 2015 first week

IIM Bangalore has declared the shortlist of Candidates selected for the second phase of admission for its flagship PGP 2015-17 batch on January 14, 2015

IIM Bangalore declares Short List 2015: PI round to have 30 minute WAT; begins Feb 2015 first week

IIM Bangalore has declared the shortlist of Candidates selected for the second phase of admission for its flagship Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGP) 2015-17 batch, a two-year, full-time, residential MBA programme on January 14, 2015. IIMB is an autonomous Central Educational Institution of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. IIMB awards students graduating from the PGP a Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), which is equivalent to MBA degree offered by universities.

While prior work experience is not mandatory for admission to PGP 2015-17 at IIMB, various batches in this programme have work experience of 2-3 years. The programme aims to lay the foundation for conceptual and analytical reasoning, and to give the students an insight into the dynamics of the business environment. According to IIMB the programme prepares students to manage and lead in global business scenario which is getting increasingly complex and dynamic.

Check, if shortlisted
Candidates should login to IIM Bangalore site at the link. The page that opens has yet another link IIMB or you can straightaway click on the following link IIMB websiteYou are now required to login with your CAT 2014 registration id and the registered mail id to know whether you have been shortlisted. If you are shortlisted, IIMB would congratulate you, if not it will say sorry.
Sufficient candidates shortlisted
For an intake of 400 students in 2015-17 batch, IIM Bangalore has shortlisted sufficient number of candidatesfor PI round. According to IIMB Sufficient candidates will be invited for PI to enable selection based on the additional PI evaluation components: (a) note content, (b) note style, (c) personal interview, and (d) review of work experience (if any).

Shortlist based on 5 weightage points
IIM Bangalore has shortlisted the candidates for WAT & PI round 2015 on the basis of 5 key components. The PI round is proposed to begin in the first week of February 2015.

In order to identify candidates for the PI and WAT who have an excellent academic record and work experience but couldnt score high percentile required for shortlising, the process at IIMB effectively replaces candidates who have only a high CAT 2014 score but remain poor in terms of their past academic record and work experience. The emphasis is on consistent and high performance in past academics.

Candidates with CAT 2014 percentile as high as 99+ but with uneven and lower than prescribed sectional percentile and not so good on academic back ground have not been shortlisted by IIMB. On the other hand candidates with lesser overall percentile but even and balanced sectional percentile and with excellent academic record have found the place among the shortlisted candidates for PI stage.

CAT 2014: 20 point weight
Actual CAT 2014 score cut off in shortlisting process at IIMB has gone much higher than the prescribed cut off in the admission policy 2015. The short list of candidates by IIMB is based on candidates securing minimum section wise and aggregates percentile scores in the CAT. While the percentile cut-off scores for CAT 2014 are 80 in quant and 85 in Verbal section with overall as 90, the actual cut off has gone beyond 97 at the first stage of shortlisting. The weightage to CAT 2014 scores in shortlisting criteria is 20 at IIMB

Class X marks: 15 point weight
The maximum weight to the marks secured in class 10th board is 15 while shortlisting the candidates for PI round. Candidates with 80+ aggregate percentage of marks could be awarded this weight.

Class XII marks: 10 point weight
The maximum weight awarded to the highest percentage of marks in class XII is 10 in the shortlisting criteria at IIMB. Candidates with 80+ aggregate percentage could expect the award of this weight.

Graduation Marks: 15 Point weight
Final scores obtained by the candidate are used for the bachelors degree and professional degrees (if any). Incomplete or intermediate scores are considered only if the candidates final score was pending. For final year bachelors degree candidates, their incomplete graduation score would be taken in lieu of final graduation score. Graduation scores are adjusted within their respective categories. A maximum weight of 15 points has been awarded to the excellent percentage of marks in bachelors degree exam.

Work Experience: 5 Point weight
Candidates with Chartered Accountancy, Cost Accounting, and Company Secretary certifications are eligible for weight under professional course. No other professional course is eligible for weight under professional course. The professional course score is also standardized for all candidates in the first shortlist. The months of work experience up toSeptember 2014 as captured in CAT application form (and substantiated in the application to IIMB). This implies that the score will peak at 36 months work experience and will remain at that level for candidates with work experience exceeding 36 months. The work experience score maximum 5 in the pre-PI stage, will be multiplied by the quality of work experience score on a 5 point scale.

PI Stage: WAT & PI to be the components
The scores of WAT and PI will be accounted for after the final admission round and Candidates will be offered admission accordingly.

WAT 2015: 30 minutes with 15 point weight
The Written Ability Test (WAT) in the final admission round for PGP batch 2015-17 will be an important component of PI round at IIMB. The candidate will be called during a particular half-day (morning or afternoon) session. Each of the candidates participating in PI round will have to write a short note (one page) on a topic provided by IIM Bangalore.

The WAT topics are to be on current political, economic and business affairs, though other topics such as sports and requiring more creative thinking may also be included. The time provided for writing the note will be about 30 minutes. The performance of each candidate on the note will be scored by in terms of content and style. While 7.5 point weight will be awarded to the note content, the same 7.5 point weight will be awarded to note style.

Personal Interview (PI): Weight 20 points
During the PI process the candidates selected for interviewing will be evaluated by the panel on their performance on various aspects during the session. Each interviewer will use the Personal Interview to comprehensively evaluate the candidates motivation and ability to fit in and benefit from the PGP program. A maximum weight of 20 points will be awarded to the candidate in Personal Interview.

IIMB: Convert the Call; focus on WAT & PI
In order to convert your call in IIMB, the need is to focus in the best manner on both the components of PI stage i.e. Written Ability Test and Personal Interview. WAT and PI will form 35 point weightage in final admission round

Academic background , quality of work experience and other personal traits will be evaluated in the PI round at IIMB. The written note will be evaluated separately. Scores of both, written note and interview, in combination with pre-PI selection parameters will be used cumulatively in the second and final phase of selection to identify the candidates who will merit selection from among those candidates who appear for the PI.

For each of the three elements of evaluation during the PI process-Note Content, Note Style and Personal Interview-the average of the scores given by the interviewers will be considered. All candidates will be required to provide three confidential reference letters from their employers or faculty and this will also be used in the personal interview evaluation.

The work experience score will be multiplied by the quality of experience score, as evaluate by the interviewing panel as an assessment of the relevance of the work experience to the program. The quality of work experience score will be evaluated on a 5 point scale by each member of the panel during the interviews. The average quality of work experience score will be multiplied by the pre-PI work experience score and accordingly the work/professional experience component score (maximum score 5) used in shortlisting in Phase 1 will be revised in Phase 2 with maximum score 10.

The scores in all past academics will also be updated, if required, on the basis of actual mark sheets/ grade cards submitted. Percentage of marks would be calculated by considering all subjects that the candidate has appeared for examination.

The note content score (7.5), note style score (7.5), and the personal interview score (20), after standardization across interview panels and sessions, will be added to the pre-PI total to arrive at the final aggregate score.

The final offers of admission to candidates will be made strictly on the basis of ranks in each category on the final aggregate score.

IIMB: Facts

IIM Bangalore is headed by its learned Director Dr. Sushil Vachani. Few important details on IIMB are shared below

Intake in 2015-17 batch: 400
Flagship programmes: PGDM
Acceptable Exam scores: CAT
Fee Structure: Rs 15 Lakhs
Average Placement 2014: Rs19.5 Lakhs

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