MAH CET 2015 Registration: Do not make mistakes; ensure error free submission & be sure of candidature
An applicant is supposed to follow all the guidelines issued by DTE to avoid any mistake in completing the registration and application process for MAHCET 2015
Registration for MAHCET 2015 for admission to MBA/MMS 2015-17 got opened by Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Maharashtra on Feb 18 and is proposed to close on Feb 27, 2015. Less than a weeks time is left to register and apply for MAHCET 2015 and in any case, if you happen to enter some wrong details in the online application form and pay the application fee also, you may not be able to correct the details instantly nor your fee will be refunded by DTE Maharashtra.
Follow the DTE guidelines
DTE Maharashtra has issued the guidelines to register and apply for MAHCET 2015. Clarifying on all the points in filling up the details in application for MAHCET 2015, Directorate of Technical Education has published a detailed document on Feb 20, 2015.
An applicant is supposed to follow all the guidelines issued by DTE to avoid any mistake in completing the registration and application process for MAHCET 2015 and ensure his candidature for MBA/MMS admission 2015.
Personal Details: Fill up as per documents
Applicants to MAHCET 2015 are required to enter the personal details in accordance with the respective documents issued by various authorities so that there is no mismatch in correctness of data as the same may create problem while appearing for MAHCET 2015 exam or in the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) round.
Your name: Ensure that you have entered your name as per S.S.C. Mark Sheet/certificate. Please also check that you have correctly spelt your full name. No abbreviations are allowed while writing your name.
Fathers Name: DTE has instructed that your fathers name must be entered as per your Birth Certificate
Mothers Name: You are supposed to enter your mothers name also as per your Birth Certificate. It is quite possible that your Birth certificate may not contain the full name with surname of your father or mother. You are supposed to write the correct name as given in your Birth Certificate.
Gender: You are supposed to specify your gender selecting one among the three genders Male/ Female/ Others , from the drop down menu in the online application form.
Date of Birth: Correct format of Date of Birth to be entered is DD/MMM/YYYY. It has to be selected through a drop down menu in the application form for MAHCET 2015. The date of birth has to be entered as per SSC certificate/birth certificate/school leaving certificate/ passport or any other relevant document.
MS or OMS candidate
You are supposed to enter in the column whether you are a Maharashtra State (MS) candidate or Outside Maharashtra State (OMS) candidate.
DTE Maharashtra has prescribed 4 parameters to define the different types of Maharashtra State candidate, if you are one of them you can fill up the details as MS candidate else as OMS candidate.
Who is MS Candidate
Following will be classified as Maharashtra State (MS) candidates
Type A: Passing HSC and qualifying examination from Maharashtra state. OR Passing Diploma in Engineering / Technology / Pharmacy and qualifying examination from Maharashtra State; and the Candidate is Domiciled or Born in the State of Maharashtra.
Type B: Candidate/ Father or Mother of the candidate is domiciled in the State of Maharashtra
Type C: Father/Mother of the candidate is an employee of the Government of India or Government of India Undertaking who is posted and reported to duty in Maharashtra State before the last date for submitting the application for Admission
Type D: Father / Mother of the candidate is an employee of the Government of Maharashtra / Government of Maharashtra Undertaking
Who is OMS Candidate
All Indian National candidates not satisfied as Maharashtra State Candidates mentioned above, are considered as Outside Maharashtra State (OMS) candidates
Category: Ensure correct details
There are 3 categories of the candidates. You are supposed to select the correct one as follows.
Category-1: SC ST OBC VJDT SBC NT(B) NT(C) NT(D)
This is for Maharashtra State candidates only. Before filling up the application form , Candidate should ensure that they have Caste/Tribe Certificate/Validity for SC/ST/OBC/VJDT/SBC /NT(B)/NT(C)/NT(D) Categories and Non Creamy Layer (NCL) Certificate for OBC/SBC/VJDT/NT1/NT(B)/NT(C).
Category-2: Maharashtra state (MS) candidates of open category should choose OPEN category. MS candidates with no SC/ST/OBC/VJDT/SBC /NT(B)/NT(C)/NT(D) Categories should fill up Open category.
Category-3: Outside Maharashtra State (OMS) Candidates who do not fall into any types of MS category candidature should choose OMS only. If you are an OMS candidate belonging to any of the reserved category even, you are supposed to choose OMS category.
Important note For Backward Class MS Candidates
For Maharashtra State Candidates only the Caste Certificate except for OPEN and OMS category will be required. Caste should be recognised in Maharashtra State as Backward Class. Non Creamy Certificate except for SC/ST & OPEN Category valid up to 31/03/2016 will be required for Maharashtra State Candidates only. Caste should be recognised in Maharashtra State as Backward Class.
Person with Disability: The field is required to be filled up with choice of YES or NO. Insert NO if you are a Normal Candidate. If the candidate has disability and has a certificate from concerned Authorities regarding disability, YES should be inserted.
Nationality: Certificate required
According to DTE Maharashtra, Indian Nationality Certificate/Domicile is Required from candidate mentioned as Indian. For NRI /PIO/FOREIGN NATIONAL candidates Other than Indian Candidate certificate from concerned authorities is required stating the status whether the candidate is NRI/PIO or a Foreign National.
State: Telangana not included; choose carefully
MS candidates of any of the 4 types have to fill up only Maharashtra State. However the OMS candidates should choose the state from the drop down menu to select the correct state.
Please check well that the name of your state exists in the list of states on the site. For example recently formed Telangana state is not included in the list of states available on the application form. You are therefore supposed to choose Andhra Pradesh instead which exists in the list.
Preferred Exam cities: Begin with most nearby centre
A candidate can exercise 3 preferences while selecting the MAHCET 2015 exam Centres from the drop down menu. City choice by the candidate for examination has to be selected from the list of cities where DTE proposes to conduct MAHCET 2015. Although the Competent Authority reserves the right to allocate test city, in all probability the candidate would be allotted the first preferred city.
Communication Address: Must fill up correctly
The details should be filled properly by candidate For postal correspondence. Please check after completing the address details and especially check whether the correct Pin code has been inserted in the relevant column.
Your Email ID: Should remain valid throughout
Please remember that you must provide the correct e-mail ID in the relevant column. This e-mail id will be used by DTE Maharashtra for frequent communication.
Your Mobile No: no prefixes or suffixes
Applicants to MAHCET 2015 are required to enter only 10 digit mobile phone number. Aspirants should not add 0 or +91 before the cell number.
DTE Maharashtra has further advised the candidates that with the completion of application form it is the basic information required for the CET which has been captured. For the next round of admission process, the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) which will begin after declaration of MAHCET 2015 result on March 25, 2015, candidates shall have to fill the complete application form as per the notification to be issued by DTE Maharashtra after declaration of the CET Result.
To help out MAH CET 2014 candidates, has started unique initiative to provide LIVE MAH CET 2015 Preparation and Results update, news, Cut-offs, Expert guidance, DTE Admission Counseling and GD PI Updates for Admission 2015.
Stay tuned to for more updates on MAHCET 2015
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