MAHCET 2015 & MAT 2015 scores acceptable to Top MBA programmes in Maharashtra
Except for JBIMS, Mumbai which has acquired the status of an autonomous institution, other B schools will accept MAT Feb 2015 scores alongwith MAHCET 2015 scores
Not only MAHCET 2015 scores but also MAT Feb 2015 scores will be accepted for admission in best B schools of Maharashtra. It has been clarified by Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Maharashtra as well as the individual B school that the scores of MAT Feb 2015 will also be considered along with other exam scores for MBA/PGDM/MMS admission 2015 in Maharashtra B schools.
Except for JBIMS, Mumbai which has acquired the status of an autonomous institution, other B schools will accept MAT Feb 2015 scores alongwith MAHCET 2015 scores.
More B schools accepting MAT scores
AIMA the test conducting body of MAT Feb 2015 has a list of around 360 B schools which are going to accept MAT Feb 2015 scores. The most striking part in the list is that there are many B schools of Maharashtra who display on their site that they accept MAT scores but their names are missing from AIMAs list of B schools accepting MAT scores.
MAT Feb 2015 scores will be accepted by DTE Maharashtra in its Centralized Admission Process for allotment of seats in the Maharashtra B schools in the category of All India Candidates.
MAT scores in CAP
All the B schools associated to CAP in Maharashtra are governed by DTE Maharashtra that has already announced the acceptance of MAT Feb 2015 scores in its CAP round 2015. The only condition is that you must have registered for MAHCET 2015 and must have scored Non zero marks. MAT Feb 2015 scores will remain valid only for the academic year 2015-16.
MAT: an important test
MAT, an important national level entrance test for admission to PGDM programmes is taken by about 20k students to explore admission possibilities in B schools across the country. You may not find it as difficult as CAT and XAT, but high score in MAT can get you a seat in the top rated B school like SIMSREE, KJ Somaiya, SIES, N L Dalmiya, Durga Devi Saraf, IESMCRC, Dy Patil, PUMBA in Maharashtra. brings before you round up of about top 20 B schools where according to AIMA, MAT Feb 2015 scores will be accepted in Maharashtra. Top B schools in Mumbai, Pune accepting MAT Feb 2015 scores
Candidates who have already registered for MAHCET 2015 shall have to participate in Centralized Admission Process 2015. They can be hopeful of getting admission in MBA/MMS/PGDM programmes of these highly ranked B schools in Mumbai, Pune.
The most important feature is that the aspirants have to go through the single process of final admission round for all the B schools. Most of the B schools have already closed their direct application process for PGDM programmes, still it is advisable to go through the respective sites of the B schools like ITM, IECMCRC, KJ Somaiya, BIMM, METIOM, Suryadatta, DSIMS, UBS where you could find application status open for one or other reason.
(SIMSREE) Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education, Mumbai
Individual application not required before MAH-CAP 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs. 1.38 lacs Intake: 160+20 (KJSIMSR) K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai Admission through CAP in MMS and direct as well. Individual application status is closed now. The candidates coming through CAP only will get admission.
2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs. 3.1 lacs Intake: 144 MET IOM, Mumbai MET IOM offers two years full time MMS and PGDM programmes with specialization in Marketing, Finance, HR, operations & System
2 Year Fee: Rs.3.25 lacs Intake: 181 (MMS)+400 (PGDM/eMBA)
ITM (Institute of technology and Management), Navi Mumbai Tuition Fee:Rs.7.45 lacs Intake: 120
SIES College of Management Studies, Mumbai 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs. 3.45 lacs (interim) Intake: 120
N. L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs. 1.65 lacs Intake: 120 IES Management College and Research Centre, Mumbai 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs. 2.70 lacs Intake: 60
DSIMS (Durga Devi Saraf Institute of Management studies), Mumbai 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs. 1.60 lacs(Interim) Intake: 120
Universal Business school, Mumbai Tuition Fee:Rs. 5.98 lacs Intake: 180
PUMBA (Pune University Department of Management Studies), Pune 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs. 1.40 lakhs Intake: 120
(ASMs IBMR) ASM INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH, PUNE 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs.3 lacs onwards for various MMS/MBA courses at different campuses Intake: 1000+ on different campuses
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Management, Pune 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs.1.30 lakhs Intake: 120+ other courses
PCMRD (Pravara Centre for Management Research & Development), Pune 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs.2.10 lakhs Intake: 120
SIOM (Singhad Institute of Management), Pune 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs. 2.10 lakhs Intake: 300
MIT School Of Business, Pune 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs. 5.5 lakhs Intake: 360
IIMS (International Institute of Management Studies), Pune 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs. 4.98 lakhs Intake: 120+60
FLAME School of Business, Pune 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs. 5.30 lakhs Intake: 120
Suryadatta Group of Institutes, Pune 2 Year Tuition Fee:Rs.5 lakhs Intake: 120
While it is not necessary to appear in MAHCET 2015 to explore admission opportunity in Maharashtra B schools on the basis of MAT Feb 2015 scores, it is mandatory to register for MAHCET 2015 so that your eligibility to participate in CAP round for admission to Maharashtra B schools is ensured.
On the basis of Centralized Admission Process (CAP) 2015 you will be allocated the respective B school in Maharashtra. If you wish to further improve your score, you should appear in MAHCET 2015 exam going to be held on March 14 & 15, 2015 across the 61 test centres in the country. The registration for MAHCET 2015 was closed on March 3, 2015.
Stay tuned to for more updates on MAHCET 2015
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