Last Updated on April 3, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

MAH CET 2015 Result: Candidates Panicky; DTE Mum, Unable to announce re-test or CAP dates

Finding no solution to the panicky problem on calculation of equated scores, DTE Maharashtra has now kept in abeyance the announcement of dates of CAP rounds
Despite the grumbling resentment and protest by MAH CET 2015 test takers against the process of calculation of equated scores in MAH CET 2015 result as adopted by Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Maharashtra, the MAH CET 2015 conducting authority DTE has not come out with any resolution to solve the problem which has caused so much panic among the test takers.

Finding no solution to the panicky problem on calculation of equated scores, DTE Maharashtra has now kept in abeyance the announcement of dates of Centralized Admission Process (CAP) rounds supposed to be held in April/May 2015. The stage of indecision has put the fate of 57000 candidates aspiring to take admission in Maharashtra B schools in jeopardy.

It has been 10 days from the date of declaration of MAH CET 2015 result and a week from the date of the meeting held between the dissatisfied MAH CET 2015 takers and the director of DTE Maharashtra where in the candidates demanded either retest of the entrance exam or some fool proof solution to the problem of huge variation in award of percentile scores which became a game changer since slot-2 on day of the exam was taken as the base for calculation of percentile in MAH CET 2015.

Panic persists: DTE unresponsive

The panic and dissatisfaction among the MAH CET 2015 takers on account of presumably faulty process of calculation of equated scores have led them to write to Mr Vinod Tawde, Education Minister, Govt of Maharashtra in the hope that he would intervene to find out some solution to the problem. Till date neither DTE Maharashtra nor the Education Ministry of Maharashtra Government has come up with any notification or formula to solve the issue.

MAH-MBA/MMS CET 2015 was conducted on March 14 & 15, 2015 in 2 sessions on each day. Reports of technical glitches at some centres compelled DTE Maharashtra to reschedule the exam for the particular centre for next day. Another grave issue was the appearance of wrong questions and wrong answer options in the exam which made DTE Maharashtra not to evaluate 59 questions out of 800 questions in the exam.

To resolve the issue and oblivious of impact that the adopted policy would create, DTE Maharashtra picked the Percentile scale of Batch II as the reference base for equi-percentile method while processing the MAH CET 2015 2014 result. The reason cited by DTE for the taking the session-2 exam of March 14, 2015 as reference base is that the maximum number of 14817 candidates appeared for this batch and rest of the batches had less candidates in each session.

The rationale behind choosing the slot-2 on first day of exam as cited by DTE Maharashtra has out right been discarded by the candidates who appeared in other 3 slots of MAH CET 2015 as the unilateral strategy of DTE caused loss of percentile to them

Now the dissatisfied test takers are pressing for re-examination. Hundreds of the candidates have not only contacted Dr S K Mahajan Director DTE Maharashtra but have also aired their grievances before the Education Minister of Govt of Maharashtra. The result of their efforts are yet to bear fruit.

CAP 2015 at stake

Admission to Maharashtra B schools after declaration of MAH CET 2015 result will be through the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) to be conducted by DTE Maharashtra at different centres. Once the dates for conducting different rounds of CAP 2015 are announced, candidates would be able to finalize their journey schedule. Till date MAH CET 2015 takers are not even aware about the date by which they will be required to submit their necessary forms and documents; selecting the ARCs and other components of CAP 2015.

DTE has to find solution to the problem quickly to proceed further in the process of Centralized Admission Process as any delay in CAP will further delay the academic session.

Possibility to re-conduct MAH CET 2015: No denial from DTE

Hundreds of MAH CET 2015 takers have been pressing their demand for re-test. Sarthak and other test takers say We had meeting with DTE, in presence of 100+ students and JBIMS director. Officials have understood about injustice happened to slot 1 and to the some extent to slot 2 also.We are continuously demanding RETEST as that is the only solution we are able to infer right now. Though, DTE has been denying for RETEST we wont give up till we get satisfactory solution.

Another group of candidates led by Anup Gajbhiye who appeared in MAH CET 2015 in first session on March 14, 2015 is of the view that the students who appeared in second slot on March 14, 2015 enjoyed the most because it was taken as reference batch for calcutation of equated scores. When actual marks obtained by the student in session-2 when converted to Marks out of 200 is the final Equated score.

With the formula adopted now, Rohan with 155 marks emerges the topper in MAH CET 2015 with 99.993 percentile leaving behind Siddharth with 165 marks with 99.966 percentile. The anomaly can enable Rohan to get into JBIMS but other candidates with same scores in slot-1 may not be so lucky to get JBIMS.

According to these test takers the case would have been totally different had the slot-1 been taken as reference batch. Batch-1 test takers have suffered with a difference of nearly 12% lower percentile than the rest of the batches. In case of slot-1 on March 14, 2015 being taken as the base for Equating the percentile score, for an actual score of 132 marks the equated score would have been 145.856 intstead of 113.75 and a higher percentile than what has been awarded now.

DTE Maharashtra has not issued any notification denying the re-examination on its site nor has accepted the proposal as it will require a lot of hard working exercise, full of energy and involving proper vigilant perception so that the similar or other issues shouldnt come up again.

Going by the trend in conduct of MAH CET 2015 by DTE Maharashtra, it appears that in comparison to MAH CET 2015 2014, the process in conducting MAH CET 2015 started very late. The approach has been quite casual and was full of technical problems. MBAUniverse.com right from the date of publication of MAH CET 2015 exam notification has been publishing and suggesting DTE Maharashtra to take due precautions so that no issue comes up. But DTE Maharashtra probably paid no heed to it nor it responded to the various queries raised regarding the delayed process, conduct of exam, technical issues and eventually the prediction came to be proved right.

DTE: To solve and announce CAP dates

It may not be justified to keep dragging on the issue without finding a solution. DTE should take in confidence all the stake holders for MAH CET 2015, arrive at some expert solution put the same on its site and take the decision. There is no logic also in keeping on hold indefinitely the announcement of CAP dates. It is no other but DTE Maharashtra who has to find the solution to the problem. Sooner will be the better else creditability of MAH CET 2015 and associated with it of DTE Maharashtra will also come at stake.

DTE should also remember that thousands of seats in number of B schools in Maharashtra remain vacant every year and not resolving the matter may further disenchant the candidates from taking future MAH CET 2015 tests.

To help out MAH CET 2015 candidates, MBAUniverse.com has started unique initiative to provide LIVE MAH CET 2015 Results update, news, Cut-offs, Expert guidance, DTE Admission Counselling and GD PI Updates for Admission 2015.

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