Last Updated on April 22, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

MAH CET 2015 Result: Important update MBA/MMS admissions put on hold; Court hearing on April 23

The hearing date has now been fixed for April 23, 2015 in Court number 53, 2nd floor at 11 AM.
With no hearing taking place again in the Bombay High Court on April 21, 2015 on PIL/39/2015 demanding MAH CET 2015 re-exam or judicious application of equi percentile to all the test takers, the hearing date has now been fixed for April 23, 2015 in Court number 53, 2nd floor at 11 AM. It is expected that the Court would also not prefer delaying the matter as the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) for the MBA/MMS 2015-17 batch has to be started at the earliest.
Although the CAP has been put on hold but Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Maharashtra is also worried whether the B schools in Maharashtra would be able to begin their academic session on time as the delay might adversely affect the academics and other session activities. In accordance with the stay order issued by the Bombay High Court on April 15, 2015, the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Maharashtra has already advised the B schools in Maharashtra on April 17, 2015 not to proceed with any further activity on MBA/MMS admission process.
No hearing due to Beef Ban Case
On account of already scheduled hearing on one of its kind Beef Ban Case Bombay High Court postponed the hearing on the demand for re-exam or alternate measures to rectify the problems being faced by thousands of candidates in faulty application of equi percentile process in MAH CET 2015 result to April 23, 2015.
Government of Maharashtra has passed an act banning the possession and consumption of meat of cow, bulls and bullocks even if the animals have been slaughtered outside Maharashtra. Feeling that the Act proposes to violate the fundamental right of citizens to have food of their choice, petitioners have challenged the section (5) and (9) of the Act. Government of Maharashtra has now filed an affidavit in the Bombay High Court that the ban is introduced under Maharashtra Animal Preservation (Amendment) Act which has also received Presidential assent. The Act does not violate the fundamental rights of citizens in any way.
Since the hearing on the case took quite long, Honble High Court couldnt get time to hear the Public Interest Litigation on MAH CET 2015 result on April 21.
DTE gets more time
DTE was already looking around to find ways and means to strengthen its case against the demand of Re-exam or adopting other corrective measures in faulty application of equi percentile in MAH CET 2015 result. This is evident due to the absence of DTE Counsel on the hearing date on April 20, 2015.
The hearing could have been completed on April 20, 2015 itself but since DTE has been in search of buying more time to present some corrective measures which may or may not be acceptable to the Court and to the aggrieved students either, the bonus of 2 days before the hearing date on April 23, 2015 is a windfall for the DTE.
Court in mood to dispose quickly
Bombay High Court has already directed Directorate of Technical Education to sort out the matter of Equi percentile Application as fast as possible. As such DTE was asked by the court to come prepared with the proposed measures to be taken by DTE to correct the errors in application of equi percentile process in MAH CET 2015 result. But instead of coming out with some solution to expedite the process, DTE chose to keep itself away from the hearing in High Court on April 20, 2015. It is expected that DTE would come up with some strong and fool proof corrective measures before the High Court on April 23, 2015.
A few demand No Re test
Another PIL was filed in the court requesting to direct DTE not to conduct any Re-exam. The PIL is filed by such people who feel satisfied by the application of Equi Percentile process in MAH CET 2015 result. This PIL is also supposed to be clubbed with other ones on the issue.
Typically, those who appeared in second session on first day of MAH CET 2015 are the most benefitted ones as the 155 scorer in this session has secured the highest percentile in all the sessions as against the 165 scorer in the first session who has secured a lesser percentile. No one has contradicted about the process of equi percentile but it is the calculation and application methodology applied to different sessions in different manner on the pretext that the exam was less or more difficult in one or other of 4 sessions of MAH CET 2015. No candidate asked DTE to allot him any particular slot with higher or lower Level of Difficulty. Now, how the DTE could decide that the highest scorer in a particular slot should become a low scorer in other slot, is anybodys guess.
57000+ still waiting for reprieve
In the court room on April 15, 2015 DTE stated that they have been very serious on the issue of equi percentile calculation in MAH CET 2015 result since the career of more than 57000 MAH CET 2015 test takers was at stake. DTE also assured the court to come up with necessary corrective measures to rectify the faulty application of equi percentile method. But the fate of MAH CET 2015 takers is still dangling and the only solace could be from judiciary.
Aggrieved students are worried lest DTE take a somersault and instead of taking some corrective action goes on doing only lip service and simply linger on the cases filed against it. The delay might create panic among MBA/MMS aspirants and instead of fighting for a just cause they may be left with no alternative but to bow before the pressure.
However, aggrieved candidates have full faith on judiciary and are optimistic to get a well justified verdict shortly for the betterment of all the MBA/MMS aspirants and for the rightful CAP process to begin on time.
To help out MAH CET 2015 candidates, MBAUniverse.com has started unique initiative to provide LIVE MAH CET 2015 Results update, news, Cut-offs, Expert guidance, DTE Admission Counselling and GD PI Updates for Admission 2015.
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