MAT May 2015 Admit Card Enabled: All the details available: Confirm your candidature
Please confirm your candidature and satisfy yourself that the details appearing in the Admit Card are as filled up by you in the application form
AIMA in a swift and accurate action has enabled the MAT May 2015 Admit Cards even for the candidates who registered late after April 20, 2015 for computer based test. Admit Cards of thousands of MAT May 2015 aspirants were simultaneously issued by the AIMA. Aspirants are required to view the Admit Card, down load it and after checking all the details available in the admit card should take the print of the same.
Aspirants can download it now by login with their name, registered form number and date of birth. It is further advisable to take at least 2-3 prints of the admit card in case the details given in the document are correct. Please confirm your candidature and satisfy yourself that the details appearing in the Admit Card are as filled up by you in the application form.
Easy accessibility: No technical glitches
MAT May 2015 Admit Card has easy accessibility despite thousands at a time might be accessing the AIMAs MAT 2015 site simultaneously. Number of MAT May 2015 aspirants have reported that they didnt face any difficulty or technical glitches while accessing to view and download their admit cards.
Save the Admit Card
You should save the Admit card for MAT May 2015 after downloading it. This will help you for future reference and to view all the details in case you miss the printed copy.
Admit Card is simple & Clear
The best part with the issuance and download facility for MAT May 2015 Admit card is that you will be able to view all your details in a very simple format, with all clarity of details properly placed in the admit card. Apart from the details in the Admit card, you are supposed to match them with your application form
Unlike the admit cards of other entrance exams, MAT May 2015 Admit card does not contain any confusing details. AIMA has issued a very simple but rich on details Admit Card.
Important details to check in Admit Card
While viewing your admit card on AIMAs website,please ensure to check that all the details are available in it. If you find any information missing, please immediately contact AIMA on mail or on phone.
Name: Your name as entered in the registration/application form of MAT May 2015
Application form Number: The Application form number is your registration number also to login the AIMA website to view the admit card and score card in future.
MAT May 2015 Roll number: AIMA has allotted the roll number to each prospective test taker. Please note it down and save it somewhere.
Date & Time of test: Date of your MAT May 2015 exam and the time slot will be mentioned on your admit card. While paper pencil based test will be conducted on May 3, 2015, the computer based test will be conducted from May 9, 2015 in multiple slots depending upon the number of candidates at a particular centre.
Test Venue & Address: Name & Address of MAT May 2015 test centre would appropriately be mentioned on the Admit card.
No separate Hall Ticket
Candidate has to strictly follow the date and time allotted to them in case of Computer Based Test. No separate admission card will be issued. Also, activation of a test centre depends upon the minimum number of registration. In case fewer candidates register for a particular centre, candidates may be required to appear in paper pencil mode of the test.
If unable to view the Admit card
Please note that you will be able to view the admit card only if you applied and registered successfully for MAT May 2015. You must have received the confirmation mail if you applied online.
In case your application was submitted successfully, you would sure be able to view your admit card. In case of any problem to view your MAT May 2015 Admit Card, please immediately contact AIMA, the MAT May 2015 test conducting authority.
Stay tuned to for more updates on MAT May 2015
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