MAH CET CAP 2015: Dont get carried away with confusing words of DTE; 5 precautions while applying
Applicants are advised not to be taken away with any misleading or confusing language in the DTE Maharashtra MBA/MMS 2015 Admission Notification- II
As has been the track record of Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Maharashtra, it has been creating more confusion than clarity right from conducting MAH CET 2015 for MBA/MMS/PGDM courses. Notification for registration to Centralized Admission Process (CAP) for admission to 2015-17 batch of MBA/MMS/PGDM programmes in Maharashtra B schools is no exception to it.
The applicants are advised not to be taken away with any misleading or confusing language in the DTE Maharashtra MBA/MMS 2015 Admission Notification II No.2A/ ADM/ Management/ 2015/675 dated May 13, 2015.
Confusing Eligibility asking for registration fee from all
The Eligibility for Online Registration for Admission detailed by DTE Maharashtra has following points:-
1.1 Candidates who have registered for MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2015 during the period 18/02/2015 to 02/03/2015 and appeared for MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2015 or CAT (conducted by IIMs)/ GMAT (conducted by GMAC, USA)/ CMAT 2015 (Conducted by AICTE)/MAT (conducted by AIMA in February 2015)/ XAT (conducted by XLRI)/ ATMA (conducted by AIMS) are eligible* for online registration for admission to MBA/MMS and PGDBM courses through candidate login.
1.2 Candidates who could not register for MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2015 during the period 18/02/2015 to 02/03/2015 but appeared for CAT (conducted by IIMs)/ GMAT (conducted by GMAC, USA)/ CMAT 2015 (Conducted by AICTE)/MAT (conducted by AIMA in February 2015)/ XAT (conducted by XLRI)/ ATMA (conducted by AIMS) are eligible* for online registration for admission.
1.2.1 Such candidates may register* for admission as a new candidate (new registrants) with fees as given below (Fees includes late fees of Rs.1000/-).
1.2.2 Such candidates shall be considered as All India Candidates irrespective of his/her type of candidature & category. (For eligibility to the Rounds, read Annexure I from the Information Brochure)
DTE has placed asterisks (*) at point number 1.1 as well as at point 1.2 specifying at 1.2.1 that such candidates may register as a new candidate. It means both who had registered for MAH CET 2015 earlier or are registering now for the first time have to pay the registration fee with late fee.
Dont be confused
This is not correct. While those who had already registered prior to MAH CET 2015 exam are the already registered candidates and do not have to pay any fee and should login with their MAH CET 2015 ID. Only those who are going to register for CAP 2015 now as mentioned at point number 1.2 should pay the MAH CET 2015 registration fee including late fee and not those mentioned at 1.1. DTE should have clarified well the point number 1.2.1.
DTE adding fuel to the fire
At point number 1.2.2 DTE says such candidates shall be considered as All India Candidates irrespective of his/her type of candidature & category.
Does it mean that all those who registered for MAH CET 2015 (As mentioned at point number 1.1) and those who did not register for MAH CET 2015 (point number 1.2) and are registering now only as new registrants will be at par and will be treated as All India candidates, although he/she may belong to Maharashtra State category candidate.
Correct picture
In fact those who belong to specified Maharashtra State category shall be treated as Maharashtra State category candidates and those who belong to Outside Maharashtra State (OMS) category only will be treated as OMS category candidates. It is expected that DTE should bring clarity in its notification so that candidates can understand the instructions well.
Ironically the registration form at step 2 suggests candidature types and has following categories visibly mentioned. The registrant has to click on one of them
Claim Your Type of Candidature
Note :
Read all the types carefully and claim your Type of Candidature by clicking on the radio button and then click on Save & Proceed Button.
Eligibility Requirement
Select Candidature Type
Candidate Passing H.S.C.andQualifying Examination from Maharashtra StateORCandidate Passing Diploma in Engineering / Technology / PharmacyandQualifying Examination from Maharashtra StateANDCandidate Domiciled or Born in the State of Maharashtra.
Maharashtra - Type A
Does Not Satisfy as Type-AButCandidate / Father or Mother of the Candidate is Domiciled in the State of Maharashtra.
Maharashtra - Type B
Does Not Satisfy as Type-A and Type-BButFather or Mother of the Candidate is an Employee of the Government of India or Government of India Undertaking who is posted and reported to duty in Maharashtra State before the last date for submitting the application for Admission.
Maharashtra - Type C
Does Not Satisfy as Type-A, Type-B and Type-CButFather or Mother of the Candidate is an Employee of the Government of Maharashtra or Maharashtra Government Undertaking.
Maharashtra - Type D
Outside Maharashtra State (OMS) Candidate.
Jammu and Kashmir Migrant Candidate :J-1 TypeORJ-2 TypeORJ-3 Type.
J & K Migrant Candidate
Foreign National OR Persons of Indian Origin OR Children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries.
Foreign Students
Non-Resident Indian (NRI) Candidate.
OMS candidates have no reserved category
All those going to register for CAP 2015 for admission to MBA/MMS/PGDM programmes in Maharashtra B schools, should know that Outside Maharashtra State (OMS) candidates have no reserved category and they will be treated for admission on All India seats irrespective of their category.
Dont send filled in forms by post to ARC
According to DTE Maharashtra candidates should present for Documents verification, updation and confirmation of Application Form for Admission in person at ARC for Maharashtra State/All India/J&K candidates including new registrants from 16.5.2015 to 1.6.2015 till 5 PM.
You are therefore supposed to present yourself in person at Application Receipt Centre (ARC) of your choice with the set of Application forms print-outs alongwith relevant documents till June 1, 2015. In case you choose to send the application form by post to the ARC, it may not be accepted.
Documents required for verification at ARC
Following are the mandatory documents you are supposed to carry along with your application form at the ARC for verification
Certificate of Indian Nationality in the Name of the Candidate.
Statement of Marks or Certificate of Passing of Std. 10th / S.S.C. / Equivalent Examination
Statement of Marks or Certificate of Passing of Std. 12th / H.S.C. / Equivalent Examination
Statement of Marks or Certificate of Passing of Graduation Examination
Score Card of CAT/XAT/CMAT/MAT/MAH CET 2015 or any other CET exam acceptable in CAP 2015.
Maharashtra State category candidates who appeared in MAH CET 2015 as well as in other exams and wish to be considered as MS as well as OMS candidate should enclose score cards of all the exams.
New Registrants to pay in cash
At point number 1.2.3 of its notification under reference, DTE says Such candidates shall pay the fees in the form of CASH (offline mode) at the any ARC during document verification and confirmation. However such candidates are again not specified by DTE Maharashtra and if a candidate who is planning to register and apply for CAP 2015 for the first time is sure to have a tough time to understand what the regulator of Maharashtra Technical education wishes to convey.
Come out of confusion
Whatever be the ambiguous language used by DTE Maharashtra but the meaning is that only new registrants who did not register for MAH CET 2015 and did not pay the requisite fee at that time, have to register for CAP 2015 afresh and have to pay Rs.2000/- as application fee as new registrants. The requisite MAH CET CAP 2015 fee of Rs.2000/- has to be paid in cash at ARC in offline mode at the time of submission and verification of your documents.
Important Instructions to remember
The applicant for MAH CET CAP 2015 should remember the following points
You will have to fill up the Registration Details, Candidature Type Details, Home University & Reservation Details, Qualification Details, All India Exam Details and Upload Scanned Images.
You have to verify the correctness of the information filled. In case of any correction, you can do it online before confirmation.
You will not be able to change the information after the confirmation of Application Form.
Confirm the Application Form in person at ARC only as per schedule. Do not send by post.
Carry all Original Certificates and one set of attested true copies of these documents at the ARCs for verification and confirmation of Application Form and and get the Receipt-cum-Acknowledgement duly signed by ARC.
Before personally submitting printed Application Form, Please ensure that You have taken one copy of printout of Application Form and have signed the Application Form above the word Signature of Applicant. You should also write Place and Date on the Form.
Verification process at ARC
After you submit the Application Form in ARC, the ARC Officer will scrutinize all the required documents, will confirm your Application Form online.
There will be 2 printed copies of Receipt-cum-Acknowledgement of Application Form. One will be signed under seal and will be returned to you.
Please keep the acknowledgement Receipt safe as you will be required to present it at later stages of Admission process.
To help out MAH CET CAP 2015 candidates, has started unique initiative to provide LIVE MAH CET CAP 2015 update, news, Cut-offs, Expert guidance, DTE Admission Counselling and GD PI Updates for Admission 2015.
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