XAT 2016 Convener Dr Munish Thakur to address IMC 2015
Convenor of Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT), Indias second largest MBA entrance test after CAT, Dr Munish Thakur will be addressing IMC 2015 and sharing insights from the test, and changing student behaviour
Enhancing competitiveness in Admission Management is one of the key themes of IMC 2015. Convenor of Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT), Indias second largest MBA entrance test after CAT, Dr Munish Thakur will be addressing IMC 2015 and sharing insights from the test, and changing student behaviour. More than 90,000 students take XAT exam every year, and the scores are used by 100+ B-schools.
Dr Munish Thakur was the convenor of XAT 2015, and will be leading XAT 2016 as well. He is a Fellow of IIM Calcutta and also Chairperson of XLRI Admissions.
XAT is widely recognized as a pioneering management entrance test that focus on holistic assessment of a candidate. For more than 60 years XLRI is conducting test at all India level to select the most appropriate candidate for management education. XATs multidimensional testing framework is designed to meaningfully asses the aptitude of candidates for future business success. XAT is aimed at assessing the holistic make-up of the candidate. Essay writing on a issue of social or national importance is one of the hallmark of XAT.
XLRI, set up in 1949, is ranked amongst the Top 5 Institutes in India, and counts IIMA, IIMB and IIMC as its peers.
Dr Thakur adds more firepower to IMC 2015 where 30 leading management thinkers from India and Abroad will be speaking on the theme of Enhancing B-school Competitiveness.
Key speakers at IMC 2015 includeMr Ajit Rangnekar, Dean, Indian School of Business (ISB), India; Ms Avani Davda, CEO, Tata Starbucks; Mr Dilip Shanghvi, MD, Sun Pharmaceuticals; Dr Edward Snyder, Dean, Yale School of Management & Former Dean, Chicago Booth & Darden; Dr Kalok Chan, Dean, The CUHK Business School, Hong Kong (a triple-accredited Hong Kong based top B-school);Dr Janat Shah, Director, IIM Udaipur;Dr P Y Agnihotri, Director, IIM Trichy;Mr RS Sodhi, MD, GCMMF Ltd (AMUL);Mr Sangeet Chowfla, Global President & CEO, GMAC; Mr Sanjeev K Gupta, MD- H&PS, Govt. Rel. & Corp Affairs, Accenture India; Dr Shekhar Chaudhari, Former Director, IIM Calcutta, India; Dr Sofri B Yahya, Dean, Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia; Mr Sridhar Venkat, CEO,Akshaya PatraFoundation;Dr Surajit Mitra, Director & VC, IIFT, New Delhi (All names in alphabetical order.)Conference website http://www.mbauniverse.com/imc2015 has more details.
Partners for 6th Indian Management Conclave include Alliance University, Bangalore; BIMTECH, Greater Noida; Bloomberg; Emerald; GMAC; Harvard Business Publishing; IBM; IFIM Business School, Bangalore; Jaipuria Institute of Management; National Stock Exchange (NSE); NMIMS University, Mumbai; and TAPMI, Manipal (All names in alphabetical order).
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