Last Updated on July 22, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

SNAP 2015: Online Registration opens on Aug 24; know the eligibility and application process

Online registration and application process for SNAP 2015 for admission to MBA programmes in 13 Symbiosis institutes for the batch 2016 18 will open on August 24 and will remain open till November 24, 2015.

SNAP 2015: Online Registration opens on Aug 24; know the eligibility and application process

The online registration and application process for Symbiosis National Aptitude Test (SNAP) 2015 for admission to MBA programmes in 13 Symbiosis institutes for the batch 2016-18 will open on August 24 and will remain open till November 24, 2015.

Announcing the key dates the Symbiosis International University (SIU) Pune has shared that SNAP 2015 for admission to MBA programmes 2016-18 at 13 Symbiosis institutes for the batch 2016-18 will be held on Sunday, December 20, 2015 across the country. There will be 30 test cities where SNAP 2015 is proposed to be conducted.

Eligibility for SNAP 2015
A graduate from any recognized/statutory University or Institute with a minimum of 50% marks (45% for SC/ST) can register and apply to appear in SNAP 2015. However, the programmes which require specific discipline/subject specialisation need to be checked for eligibility as given by the respective Institute.

Symbiosis International University (SIU) Pune has also clarified that a candidate who has completed qualifying degree from any Foreign University must obtain an equivalence certificate from the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) to be eligible for admission to any of the 13 B-schools affiliated to SIU Pune.

SNAP 2015: Registration process
The registration process for SNAP 2015 will be online and will begin on August 24, 2015. Prior to that candidates may not be able to fill up the on-line registration form as the site snaptest.org would not open. The registration process will close on November 24, 2015.

In case any Changes in the online application form are required to be made, it can be done only up to the closing date of Registration November 24, 2015. After that no change will be permitted by SIU.

Scanned Photograph & Signature
Please keep your scanned high profile photograph and signature ready in your computer system. You will be required to upload your latest scanned coloured photograph to establish identity.

SNAP 2015: Registration fee & modes of payment
A fee of Rs 1500/- to appear in SNAP 2015 is required to be paid while finalizing your registration for the test.

There are 3 modes of fee Payment for the SNAP Test
Online Payment of fee
The candidate may pay directly through Master or Visa card online by following the instructions on the SNAP website after the registration. The candidate may also transfer SNAP test fee to Symbiosis Test Secretariat account using Net Banking option after the registration.

Payment in Cash
After online SNAP 2015 registration, please print Axis Bank or Indian Bank Challan from the SNAP website. It is in 3 parts. Pay Rs. 1500/- in cash at any Axis Bank or Indian Bank branch in your city. Refer to the list of branches on the website. The bank will return two stamped parts of the Axis Bank or Indian Bank Challan to the candidate. Candidates need to keep the Candidate copy as payment receipt.
Sign the stamped Symbiosis copy of the Axis Bank or Indian Bank Challan and send it to the Symbiosis Test Secretariat at the address given on the page.

Payment by Demand Draft
Obtain a Demand Draft (DD) of Rs. 1500/- from any Nationalized Bank in favour of Symbiosis Test Secretariat payable at Pune. Fill DD details in the DD payment option in SNAP website and take a print out of Payment Advice form for DD and send it along with the DD to the Symbiosis Test Secretariat. The photocopy of the Demand Draft should be retained for future reference.

The last date of payment for SNAP test is November 27, 2015.

SNAP 2015: Admit Card
Admit card for SNAP 2015 will be available on SNAP website from December 5 to December 20, 2015. Candidates shall have to download the Admit card, take a print and keep it ready alongwith desired documents to appear in the exam.

SNAP 2015: Exam pattern
SNAP 2015 will be a paper pen mode Multiple Choice Questions based examination of 2 hours duration from 2 PM to 4 PM. Candidates are allowed with blue or black ball pen, preferably black as the OMR sheet in black ink can be better read by the system. The test will comprise 4 sections and the expected total maximum marks would be 180 while maximum marks for each section may be as follows
Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension - 40 marks
General Knowledge and Current Affairs - 40 marks
Quantitative Ability and data interpretation - 40 marks
Analytical and logical Ability 60 marks

Although candidates will be allowed to attempt any section in any order, sectional cut off will always be there. One shall have to score at least a minimum cut off score in each of the four sections.
SNAP 2015 will be an objective test. Each question will have 4 responses. Candidate should choose an appropriate response. Each wrong answer will attract25% negative marks
SNAP 2015: Declaration of Result

Result for SNAP 2015 exam is proposed to be declared on January 11, 2016 on the website snaptest.org.

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