Last Updated on July 24, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2015: Exam notification to be officially out on July 26; website operational from July 27, CAT convener

CAT 2015 exam official notification is going to be out after 2 days on July 26, 2015 in all leading news papers

CAT 2015: Exam notification to be officially out on July 26; website operational from July 27, CAT convener

CAT 2015 exam official notification is going to be out after 2 days on July 26, 2015 in all leading news papers. The candidates who have got some confusion of the CAT 2015 exam and registration dates must not be worried now as all the information related to the exam will be available in the advertisement to appear on the morning of July 26 in all leading dailies.

As regards CAT 2015 website, whether going to be functional along with the notification on July 26, 2015 or later, Prof Tathagata Bandyopadhyay, convener CAT 2015 and admission chairperson IIM Ahmedabad has shared that the CAT 2015 website would become operational possibly on July 27.

Most of the CAT 2015 aspirants are confronted with various news items sharing the information about the CAT 2015 registration to begin on August 6, 2015 and exam to be held on November 29, 2015 in a single day 2 sessions. Although Prof Tathagata has not marked the information on dates as incorrect, he has advised the aspirants to keep restraint and go through the CAT 2015 advertisement and then raise their queries. On being asked about the correctness of exam dates published in various news items on July 23, 2015, CAT 2015 convener says Dates are all correct.

Verify details on July 26: Avoid confusion
Only 2 days are left for CAT 2015 notification to be out. There is no need to panic or get confused earlier. In the morning on July 26, 2015 you can verify all the details regarding the CAT 2015 including the opening of registration process, issue of admit card, date of exam and declaration of result.

Please remember CAT 2015 will cater to higher intake in IIMs and other top B schools for their MBA/PGDM programmes 2016-18. It is therefore expected that more than earlier CAT aspirants will appear in CAT 2015. It is anticipated that the number of registrations for CAT 2015 could exceed 200000 candidates.

Better to go for early registration
Number of changes are proposed in CAT 2015. One of the biggest changes is 1 day 2 session exam, aspirants wouldnt get enough time after first session to know about the trend of question paper, nor you will have the option to exercise to choose your preferred session and testing day. The best option therefore for the CAT 2015 aspirants is to go for early registration when it opens on August 6, 2015 instead of waiting for last few days and get blocked in technical glitches.

Late CAT 2015: Big reprieve for Bihar
CAT 2015 aspirants in Bihar will get a great relief due to late conduct of CAT 2015 exam. If the CAT 2015 were to be held in October or early November 2015, they would neither be able to prepare well nor could appear fully geared up in the exam. The reason behind is proposed assembly elections in Bihar in the month of October/November 2015.
The term of Bihar Assembly will be over on November 29, 2015 and Election Commission of India may not stretch the elections any further beyond November 1st or 2nd week, the CAT Centre 2015 must have decided on November 29, 2015 as the exam date due to this factor also.

More test cities to cope with the rush
CAT 2015 will be held in 115 Test cities and at 400+ test venues to accommodate 200000 test takers in a single day.

Early result proposed
Exact date for CAT 2015 result will be announced in the exam notification going to be out on July 26, 2015. However, it is expected that the result for CAT 2015 exam will be declared sometime in the 3rd week of December, 2015.

One more IIM to be added for CAT 2015 applicants
Common Admission Test (CAT) 2015 is the prerequisite for admission to PGP 2016-18 batch of 20 IIMs offering 5500+ seats. At present there are 19 IIMs and one more in Jammu & Kashmir is proposed to commence operation from the academic session 2016-17.

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