Last Updated on August 5, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2015: Registration session time fixed to 30 minutes; complete in time or login again

CAT 2015 takers should either complete the registration process in 30 minutes or should login again to complete the unfinished task

CAT 2015: Registration session time fixed to 30 minutes; complete in time or login again

CAT 2015 aspirants who plan to go for exam registration immediately after opening of registration and application window at 10 AM on Aug 6, 2015 must note that the prospective CAT 2015 takers should either complete the registration process in 30 minutes or should login again to complete the unfinished task. It is expected that more than 200000 candidates would register and apply for Common Admission Test (CAT) 2015, the Pre-Requisite for admission to flagship PGP 2016-18 programme at IIMs.

According to Prof Tathagata Bandyopadhyay, Convener CAT 2015 and faculty at IIM Ahmedabad The default time is 30 minutes although candidate can login multiple times
As has been notified by CAT Centre 2015 that the registration process will be solely on-line right from the filling up the data in the registration and application form to payment of Rs.1600/- as registration fee, the applicants will have to be more careful avoiding any technical flaw in the process and filling up any detail even by mistake since it may lead to re-registration for CAT 2015 without any benefit of refund of earlier paid registration fee.

30 minutes: sufficient time to complete
Not more than 20 minutes are required to complete the process of on-line registration for CAT 2015. You have 30 minutes in one go at your disposal, so why to go for re-login when you can finish the process in single sitting. This will also give you freedom from any unexpected technical problem, you may encounter when trying to re-login.

The need is to keep all the required data, scanned signature, photo and other documents ready with you while starting the registration process.

If registration remains incomplete
Since you are not allowed nor will be able to keep the registration window open indefinitely, it will close down after 30 minutes by default. If you do not save the data on each page, your entire exercise on registration process may go waste and you will have to begin afresh.

CAT 2015 convener and faculty at IIM Ahmedabad Prof Tahtagata Bandyopadhyay advises the strategy to avoid such situation Candidate can login multiple times and every time he can save the data and after logging in again he can continue with where he left.

The facility will remain available throughout the CAT 2015 registration window from Aug 6 to Sep 20, 2015.

How to proceed on the Link to CAT 2015 registration
CAT 2015 registration link will open on August 6, 2015 at 10 AM. Since all the CAT 2015 aspirants will open the link for the first time for registration, they should click on Register instead of going to existing user. Please note that the candidates who registered and appeared also for CAT 2013 or 2014 will also be the new users hence they should also click on Register.

If CAT 2015 Website not accessible
In case the CAT 2015 registration website is not accessible for any reason, the CAT Centre 2015 advises to close your Internet browser and try again. Apart from this please ensure that you are using the correct version of the Internet browser recommended as follows

Versions Supported

Internet Explorer
7, 8, 9

Mozilla Firefox
14 to 28

Google Chrome
20 to 33

Although the Registration/Application form is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers, you may also refer to the CAT 2015 help desk, details of which are given below: Toll free number: 1-800-266-0207; Email: cathelpdesk@iimcat.ac.in

CAT 2015: Calendar of events
Following are the important dates and key facts about CAT 2015 which the candidates should remember

CAT 2015 is the mandatory exam for admission to flagship management programmes beginning in 2016 at 20 IIMs and other top B schools like FMS, MDI, NITIE, IMI, IMT, JBIMS, SPJIMR, BIMTECH, TAPMI among others
Around 75000 candidates are proposed to be shortlisted for final admission round by top B schools in India on the basis of CAT 2015 scores.
CAT 2015 registration will be on-line only. The registration window would open on August 6, 2015 at 10 AM and is proposed to be closed on September 20, 2015.
CAT 2015 Registration and application fee is Rs.1600/-. No separate or individual fee to apply to each of the 20 IIMs is to be paid.
Admit card for CAT 2015 will be available on site and can be downloaded from October 15, 2015 onwards.
CAT 2015 will be held on November 29, 2015. It will be a single day exam and will have 2 separate sessions-forenoon and afternoon.
CAT 2015 result will be declared in the 2nd week of January 2016.

CAT 2015 exam will be a computer based test of 180 minutes divided in 3 sections with individual sectional time limit of 60 minutes. Total questions will be 100. The sectional division of questions will be; Sec 1- Quant 34 questions; Sec2- DILR 32 questions; Sec3-VRC 34 questions

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