Last Updated on August 11, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2015: MCQ & Non MCQ; Understand the shape and implication; all questions compulsory

With no answer options available after the questions, the Non-MCQ type of questions will test your answering approach while arriving at the final answer of the question

CAT 2015: MCQ & Non MCQ; Understand the shape and implication; all questions compulsory

Common Admission Test (CAT) 2015 is not going to be a cake-walk for the aspirants as it will not be on the pattern of earlier CAT exams. Apart from Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) the non-MCQ types of questions have also been introduced in CAT 2015. With no answer options available after the questions, the Non-MCQ type of questions will test your answering approach while arriving at the final answer of the question.

Type in the answers: No answer options
Sharing with MBAUniverse.com about the shape and nature of Non-MCQ type of questions, Prof Tathagata Bandyopadhyay Convener CAT 2015 and faculty at IIM Ahmedabad has said Instead they need to type in the answer to some questions where options will not be given.

All questions compulsory
Responding to the query whether these questions will be compulsory, he adds Every question is compulsory. In view of Prof S K Agarwal expert on Verbal Ability and mentor on CAT 2015 preparation, it implies while the weightage for MCQs and Non-MCQs will be the same, each and every question should be attempted by the aspirants, if he or she is able to solve it. Losing any question will result in loss of marks.

No change in MCQs
In response to the query whether the MCQs as appeared in the past years would also change, CAT 2015 convener does not propose any major change and says The question type in each section will remain the same as in the previous years.

It is therefore clear enough while MCQs will have negative marking pattern the non-MCQs will not have the negative marking system in CAT 2015.

Written answer Questions (Non-MCQs) in every section
With the introduction of 3rd DILR section comprising 32 questions in CAT 2015, the exam will now have 3 sections instead of 2. In each of the 3 sections there will be a few Non-MCQs. The questions will not be followed by answer options. The test taker will have to solve the question and will have to write the answer on computer screen.

Non MCQ: example
For example if there are 4 sentences in a paragraph and one or more of them bear errors of usage or vocabulary, the candidate instead of opting for one of the correct answer options will have to locate where the error lies. Then the correct answer (may be with the logic) will have to be typed on the screen like So and so sentences have correct/incorrect usage, hence the correct answer is

Look at the following example-
Direction-In the following question, there are four sentences or parts of sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) that is/are incorrect in terms of grammar including, spelling, punctuation and usage. Write your answer in the space given on the computer screen
A. It would have been better for the improvement of
B. socio-economic condition of our country, if we
C. opted for some other form of Government and the
D. economic system than the one which exists now.

First solve & then answer
You are not supposed to solve the question on computer screen. You should write your answer on the computer screen only after you have solved it.
In the above example, since the sentences in question are based on use of conditional clauses and as per the rules of English Grammar, the structure of sentences A, B, D is correct, it is sentence C which needs improvement. The correct usage should be had opted for some other form of Government and the, you will have to write the answer like Only sentence C is wrong, it should be had opted for some other form of Government and the This way you will be conveying your answer incorporating your approach to the answer. In case the space is short, simply write the answer only.

Number of Non-MCQs in each section
It is expected that the number of non MCQ type of questions could be 5 to 8 in each section. The exact number is not proposed to be shared by the CAT 2015 convening IIM Ahmedabad. Responding to a query how many non-MCQs are there in each section IIM Ahmedabad says The number of questions varies and cannot be disclosed

Scoring for Non MCQs
No penalty is proposed for writing wrong answers of Non-MCQs. Sharing about the marking/grading scheme in CAT 2015, IIM Ahmedabad says For questions other than MCQs, 3 marks are assigned for correct answer and no marks for wrong or no attempt.

Now the candidates attempting the Non MCQ or short descriptive answer questions do not have to be afraid of losing their marks due to award of 1/3 penalty for wrong answer written on computer screen.
IIM Ahmedabad the top B school of the country has been assigned the responsibility to convene CAT 2015 and true to its name, the top rated B-school has brought many changes in the forthcoming CAT 2015 exam.
The CAT Centre 2015 will be sharing the probable type of Non MCQ questions in CAT 2015 exam through the Mocks, more than a month before the exam day. It is proposed that the Mock for CAT 2015 will be published in public domain in the middle of October 2015 while the CAT 2015 exam is scheduled in a single day on November 29, 2015 in 2 sessions.

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