XAT 2016: The most transparent exam; know the salient features
XAT 2016 going to be conducted on January 3, 2016 is the only exam, scores of which will be accepted by XLRI for admission to flagship PGDM batch 2016-18
Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) 2016 going to be conducted on January 3, 2016 is the only exam, scores of which will be accepted by XLRI for admission to flagship PGDM batch 2016-18. XLRI Jamshedpur is the top rated B-school in India and the great learning experience in XLRI class room enables its students to grab unparalleled placement packages. However, a candidate has to score high percentile in XAT 2016, if he aspires to take admission in XLRI or top rated B-schools accepting XAT 2016 scores. There are 100+ B schools who will accept XAT 2016 scores including SPJIMR, XIMB, IMT, TAPMI, Great Lakes among others.
XLRI Jamshedpur conducts test on behalf of the XAMI. For more than 60 years XLRI has been conducting Xavier Aptitude Test at all India level to select the most appropriate candidates for management education.
Know the salient features of XAT 2016
Second largest Exam
XAT is the second largest exam after CAT. There were 90000 candidates and 89000 candidates who registered for XAT 2015 and 2014 respectively.
National Level test
XAT is a National Level Admission Test for admission to Post Graduate Management Programme in XLRI Jamshedpur and many other top MBA Colleges, Institutes, reputed B-Schools in India.
XAT: the most transparent exam
No other test than XAT offers such a high grade of transparency. Post XAT 2015 result, XLRI published in public domain its question paper; correct answers and the OMR answer sheets of the candidates. This enabled the candidates to ascertain their right and wrong answers as well as the scores.
Paper Pen based exam
XAT 2016 will be a paper-pen based exam. Since inception the test format of XAT has remained the same. Giving the rationale for retaining the pen-paper method, XLRI says, The format of XAT would remain pen-paper based. This is to ensure that candidates of all backgrounds are at par, so that those who have pre-familiarity of operating computers, specially coming from privileged background or having worked in IT sector, do not get any advantage over others who do not have access to computers. The paper-pen mode also ensures that all candidates are tested on exactly the same set of questions, and not on different sets.
3 Hours exam on Jan 3
XAT 2016 will be a 3 hours test. The test is proposed to be conducted in 47 cities on January 3, 2016 (first Sunday of the year 2016) across India in a single session beginning from 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM with no break in between.
MCQs and Descriptive type exam
XAT 2016 will be divided between Objective MCQs and subjective Essay Writing tests. The Multiple choice questions (MCQs) part will be over in 150 minutes and next 30 minutes will be allotted for essay writing part.
4 MCQ+1Descriptive section
XAT 2016 will be divided in 4 MCQ sections and 1 Essay writing section. The 4 sections comprising Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) will be divided among Quantitative Ability; English Language & logical reasoning; Decision making and General Awareness. The descriptive section will have Essay Writing Test.
Switching among sections allowed; sectional cut offs applicable
XAT 2016 will not restrict the test takers from moving to one or other sections within the overall allotted time. However, all the sections will have the respective cut off percentile.
Number of expected MCQs
XAT 2016 is expected to have MCQs in the range of 101 to 105. The sectional division could be Verbal Ability & logical Reasoning-28-30; Decision making-23-25; Quantitative Ability & Data interpretation-30 to 33 questions. General Awareness (GK) is expected to have 30 questions on conventional type and current affairs.
Negative marking
One fourth of awarded mark for correct answer will be deducted as penalty for each incorrect answer in XAT 2016. Candidates have to be careful while marking answer choice on the OMR sheet.
GK & Essay Writing: No role in percentile calculation
XAT scores, despite having sectional cut-off leave its General Awareness and Essay Writing Part, out of the purview of percentile calculation. A few of the prestigious B-schools like XLRI use the General awareness test before finalising their admissions.
XAT 2016 aspirants should accordingly prepare and practice more to crack the exam. Registration notification for XAT 2016 is about to be released by XLRI shortly and will remain open till November 2015.
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