Last Updated on August 18, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

IIFT 2015: with or without a changed structure and content; be careful in preparation

Guesses on the LOD and structure of the entrance test for MBA (IB) 2016-18 batch at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) scheduled to be held on November 22, 2015 are underway

IIFT 2015: with or without a changed structure and content; be careful in preparation

Guesses on the LOD and structure of the entrance test for MBA (IB) 2016-18 batch at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) scheduled to be held on November 22, 2015 are underway as IIFT has not shared much about the exam pattern and contents.

The IIFT entrance test for admission to its Delhi and Kolkata campuses has so far been a paper pencil mode exam and as has been announced by IIFT this year also that it will continue with the same format but no mention of number of questions and other details has been made.

Aspirants preparing for November 22, 2015 have been raising queries about the expected number of questions, some clues on proposed test composition and the difficulty level. IIFT has not shared any plan to change its pattern and the B school would like to stick to its pristine glory of Guess for surprises in the exam.

The IIFT entrance test for admission to its New Delhi and Kolkata campuses in India and at Dar-es-Salaam campus in Tanzania attracts higher proportion of candidates in comparison to CAT. While registration for CAT 2015 may be around 2 lakhs of candidates for 15K+ seats, registration for IIFT entrance remains around 60K for 220 seats.

Historical data of IIFT reveals that year after year the entrance exam has been exploring more depths of knowledge and intelligence of candidates, testing them with the well established MCQ testing pattern followed by Essay Writing, Group Discussion and Interview, based on marks obtained in Written Test. Hence IIFT as of now may not change the pattern.

The final selection round will be held in January/February 2016 in various cities in India. The candidates are required to select one of the specified centres for Essay Writing, GD and Interview.

Number of questions in IIFT entrance test
IIFT entrance will be conducted in 20 cities across India. The conventional paper pen mode test will be of 2 hours duration from 10.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon to be held on Sunday, November 22, 2015.
IIFT entrance test comprises the questions covering English Comprehension, General Knowledge & Awareness, Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Analysis. The written admission test to MBA Programme in IIFT consists of multiple choice objective type questions (in English).

Guessing the exact composition and number of questions in IIFT 2015 entrance test, that too with variable marking pattern is hard nut to crack. Going by the past record, although there are no fixed number of questions in IIFT entrance test, the number may vary anywhere between 125 to 130.

35 questions on English Comprehension
Candidates should expect about 35 questions on English comprehension in IIFT Nov 2015 test. Questions are anticipated to be composed of core English language usage and Reading comprehension passages.
Major areas covered in this section are - Active-Passive, Reported speech, conditional sentences, one word substitution, fill in the blanks, Jumbled paragraphs, phrases, figures of speech, error correction in sentences, analogy, spelling correction and above all Reading Comprehension passages.

IIFT aspirants should expect about half of the number of questions based on RC passages in this section.

Sample Questions
Directions for questions 1 to 2: For each of the questions given below, select the word that fits well in all the four given sentences.
(i) The Bill _____________________ reduction in electoral expenses.
(ii) The plan ____________________ten percent growth in production.
(iii) The budget _________________ a twofold increase in this years turnover.
(iv) The Company _______________a good production year due to better harvest.
A. Seeks B. Envisages C. Hopes D. Demands

(i) We ______________the room with an electric heater.
(ii) His mother _______ lunch for all his friends.
(iii) The will ___________that each child will receive half of the money.
(iv) He ____________ for his family by working overtime.
A.prepared B. equipped C. arranged D.provided
Direction-Select the word to replace the blank space

Q.3. Benevolent : Kind : : Unclear : _____________
A. Bright B. Thick C. Luminous D. Muddy
Direction-Select one word/phrase which is closest in the meaning to the given sentence

Q.4. Person who Knows or can speak many languages
A. Polyglot B. Potable C. Plebiscite D. Paramour

Q.5. Which of the following Statements is grammatically correct?
A. Each of the girls living in the orphanage had been ill-treated by her family before they were abandoned.
B. Each of the girls living in the orphanage were ill-treated by their family before they were abandoned.
C. Each of the girls living in the orphanage had been ill-treated by her family before she was abandoned.
D. Each of the girls living in the orphanage was ill treated by her family before she had been abandoned.

Expect 25 questions on Quantitative Ability
IIFT Nov 2015 aspirants should anticipate 25 questions in Quant section on following topics- Probability, integers, Time distance speed, Time & work, percentage, Algebra, Profit & Loss, compound interest, Log theory, Mensuration, Permutation combination, Geometry. More questions on Arithmatic and Algebra may be included in the test of IIFT.

Sample Questions
Q.6. If decreasing 70 by X percent yields the same result as increasing 60 by X percent, then X percent of 50 is
A. 3.84 B. 4.82 C. 7.10 D. The data is insufficient to answer the question

Q.7. If the product of the integers a, b, c and d is 3094 and if 1

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