MAT 2015: Get ready for computer based test on Sep 12
Candidates going to appear in computer based MAT 2015 on September 12 should remember that the difficulty level of CBT would more or less be the same
AIMAs MAT for admission to 180 management institutes in 2016 in paper pencil mode conducted on Sep 6, 2015 was attempted by good number of candidates. One of the reasons to the show could be attributed to No-CMAT in September, 2015.
The paper based MAT 2015 was held in a single session across the country with the participation of more than 20000 candidates. Test pattern was more or less at the same difficulty level as shared by in its earlier articles on MAT 2015.
The candidates going to appear in computer based MAT 2015 on September 12 should remember that the difficulty level of CBT would more or less be the same as was in paper based test. The computer based MAT 2015 test will be held in different time slots subject to availability. According to AIMA If the number of candidates registered for Computer Based Test is limited and can be accommodated in a single day; the test will be completed on 12 Sep 2015 itself.It means that in case there is more number of candidates, the computer based MAT 2015 may be conducted in subsequent dates after Sep 12 else it would be over on Sep 12, 2015.
Get ready for CBT
The computer based MAT 2015 test will be conducted at different venues than the ones where paper pencil mode test was conducted. Since MAT 2015 Computer Based Test means that the candidate sits in front of a computer and the questions are presented on the computer monitor and the candidate submits the answers through the use of keyboard or mouse, it is assumed that the candidates opting for CBT in MAT 2015 have basic familiarity with use of computers like use of keyboard and mouse operation. It is the responsibility of the candidate to acquire these skills before appearing in the test and AIMA the MAT 2015 conducting authority has clarified that it cannot take responsibility for the same.
The candidate appearing MAT 2015 must ensure that the computer allotted to him is switched on and any problem with the computer should be informed to the invigilator immediately. You have to fill in the details like your Name, Roll No, Form no on the space provided on the screen for test appearance.
There is no time limit to complete the individual parts of the MAT 2015 test. The candidate can go back and change any of his/her answers among the 200 questions.
All questions in CBT MAT 2015 will be of the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ type). Each MCQ will consist of a stem which may be in the form of a question or an incomplete statement and four options. Candidates must choose the correct or most appropriate answer by clicking on the button next to the answer. Candidates can navigate freely through the questions during the overall time limit in MAT 2015 September CBT exam.
In the event of a technical failure during the MAT 2015 test, the candidate may be required to attempt the test again. Online computer based test is the second option provided by AIMA to the candidates to appear in online MAT 2015. Candidates can either appear in the on line computer based MAT 2015 or in paper pencil based test in MAT 2015.
MAT 2015: Report 45 minutes before at CBT exam venue
Candidates appearing in CBT for MAT 2015 exam are to report to the allotted test centre at least 45 minutes before the scheduled commencement of the test. Neither any candidate will be admitted 15 minutes after the commencement of the test nor will any extra time be granted for completing the test. The MAT 2015 test room will be opened about 30 minutes before the commencement of the test.
Required Documents at MAT 2015 CBT centre
Admit Card duly completed; Ball Point Pen; HB Pencils, Eraser and Sharpener should be carried by the candidate at the MAT 2015 CBT centre. The candidates are to be seated at the allotted place. Your Admit Card will be verified during the test. One part of Admit Card will be given to you as proof of your having appeared in the test. Please ensure that this is duly signed by you and the test invigilator. The duration of the MAT 2015 test is 2 hours 30 minutes. There will be 200 questions in MAT 2015 CBT exam. All questions are compulsory. Each question will have 4 options marked (1), (2), (3) and (4).
MAT 2015: Difficulty level in CBT
Same pattern with 5 sections will appear on the computer screens of MAT 2015 test takers on Sep 12, 2015. Although the paper pencil mode test held on Sep 6, 2015 had questions with moderate difficulty level, CBT MAT may have different difficulty level and candidates may also expect surprise elements. It is advisable to revise also the topics the questions on which did not make their presence in paper pencil mode but are covered in MAT 2015 syllabus
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