Last Updated on September 11, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

MAT 2015: 10 last minute dos for Computer based test tomorrow; be ready

It is recommended to visit your MAT 2015 CBT exam venue today to avoid any eleventh hour problem in reaching the testing site to save your time tomorrow

MAT 2015: 10 last minute dos for Computer based test tomorrow; be ready

Computer based MAT 2015 is scheduled for September 12, 2015 onwards in different time slots at 12 test cities in India and in 2 test cities abroad -Dubai and Singapore. Today is the last day to gather and arrange the documents to avoid any panic at the test venue before entering the testing lab. Prof S K Agarwal Verbal Ability expert and mentor on MAT preparation suggests 10 dos to avoid last minute panic and score high in CBT MAT 2015.

The duration of the MAT 2015 computer based test is 2 hours 30 minutes. There will be 200 multiple choice questions (MCQs) in MAT 2015 CBT exam. All questions are compulsory. Each question will have 4 options marked (1), (2), (3) and (4).
Recommended time to solve the questions in each section and division of 200 MCQs in MAT 2015 computer based test is as under

Section no.
Section Subject
Number of questions
Suggested time to solve

Language comprehension

Mathematical skills

Data Analysis and Sufficiency

Intelligence and Critical Reasoning

Indian and Global Environment


Check the details in Admit Card
You must have downloaded and taken a print of the MAT 2015 Admit card for CBT exam. Please check whether your exam option- paper based or computer based correctly reflects on your Admit Card.
Apart from the above, please ensure to check the following details before getting ready for the computer based MAT 2015-

Name: Your name as entered in the registration/application form of MAT 2015
Application form Number: The Application form number is your registration number also to login the AIMA website to view the admit card and score card in future.
MAT 2015 Roll number: AIMA has allotted the roll number to each prospective test taker. Please note it down and save it somewhere.
Date & Time of test: Date of your MAT 2015 CBT exam and the time slot is mentioned on your admit card. Since the computer based test will be conducted from Sep 12, 2015 in multiple slots depending upon the number of candidates at a particular centre, please check yours.

Test Venue & Address: Name & Address of MAT 2015 CBT test centre would appropriately be mentioned on the Admit card.

No change allowed
According to AIMA the MAT 2015 convening authority Candidate has to strictly follow the date and time allotted to him/her in the case of Computer Based Test. Please therefore note that no alteration in time slots and date will be allowed to take CBT MAT 2015 and you have to adhere to the instructions in Admit Card.

Carry the Admit Card to test venue
The print copy of the Admit Card for MAT 2015 has to be carried with you to the testing venue of computer based test. You should also carry a valid photo ID proof with you to establish your identification. One additional photograph will also be required.

Following need to be carried to the testing venue
1. Admit Card duly completed
2. Ball Point Pen
3. HB Pencils, Eraser

The candidates are to be seated at the allotted place. Your Admit Card will be verified during the test. One part of Admit Card will be given to you as proof of your having appeared in the test. Please ensure that this is duly signed by you and the test invigilator.

Visit the test venue today
It is recommended to visit your MAT 2015 CBT exam venue today to avoid any eleventh hour problem in reaching the testing site to save your time tomorrow.

Check the transport availability from your place to testing venue
1. Anticipating the traffic conditions around the given time slot for the exam, please estimate the time taken to reach the testing venue
2. There could be more than one campuses like 1, 2 or more than one similar sounding locations like Knowledge Park-I; Knowledge Park-II or Knowledge Park-III where your testing venue is situated. Ensure that you reach the right destination.
3. Follow the test timing strictly

At the MAT 2015 test lab
Refrain from reading something new at the eleventh hour now. At the maximum a quick revision of seemingly formulas, words, bits of something which are evading your memory may be attempted.

Enter with an Open mind
Toppers are those who are not biased. Do not limit yourself in attempting the number of questions. You may or may not attempt all the questions in all the sections, given the time constraint or due to the difficulty level but there is no need to go with a biased mind that you will not attempt all the. It is quite possible that you may encounter the questions which you can solve.

Time Management in MAT 2015
All the questions carry equal weightage in MAT 2015 and are to be solved within the given overall time frame. Focus on such questions which you can solve quickly and the saved time can be utilised to solve other questions in that section. You have to judiciously divide the time to maximise your score. Left over questions can be solved in the saved time from other questions.

High Accuracy is the key
One wrong answer will take away the credit for the question and will attract a penalty also, pushing your score backwards. Suggestion is not to waste time on one question if you find it too difficult to solve. Go to the next one. You can come back to it later, if time permits.

Maximise your attempts
The best and proven methodology to attempt any MCQ test is to attempt it again and again. MAT 2015 is a comprehensive test without any restriction to navigate to any section during the examination. You can begin from any section, attempt those questions first where you have more expertise and move to other section.
Second, third and fourth attempts must be gradually focused on higher difficulty level questions.

Aim for sectional high scores
You are supposed to attempt questions from all sections, so dont focus only on one section leaving one or other section. There are candidates who are expert in Quant and in their anxiety to maximise their score in quantitative aptitude, they forget one or other section. By the time they realise it, the exam duration is over. This results in a very high score in Quant but very poor score in other sections due to which the admission to a B school remains a dream.

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