MAT 2015: result announced, Explore admission opportunities in B schools
Score cards for MAT 2015 September exam are now made available by AIMA on its site
Score cards for MAT 2015 September exam are now made available by AIMA on its site for the Management Aptitude Exam held on Sep 6 in paper-pen mode and from Sep 12, 2015 onwards in CBT mode.
The score card can be downloaded from the AIMA website. Provision of getting a duplicate score card for the test from AIMA is also there.Management Aptitude Test (MAT) is another national level entrance test for admission to PGDM institutes where thousands of the aspirants test their skills. The test is conducted by AIMA (All India management Association). Usually there are 4 MAT tests in a year February, May, September and December. MAT scores are considered for admission by number of management institutes offering PGDM programmes which are equivalent to MBA.
According to AIMA MATis a standardised test being administered since 1988 to facilitate B-Schools to screen candidates for admission to MBA and allied programmes. Govt. of India, Ministry of HRD approved MAT as a national level test in 2003. Any B-School - national or international - can consider MAT Score as an admission input based on the Score Cards issued to the candidates.
AIMA claims MAT as the largest test of its kind in the nation. More than 180 institutes across India are placed on AIMA site claiming acceptance of MAT 2015 scores. On February 18, 2013 Honble Supreme Court of India allowed the petition to continue MAT as an entrance test to PGDM institutes.
Download MAT 2015 score Card
MAT 2015 score card is available at the website. Following details are required to be filled up in relevant columns to download the MAT 2015 score card
Obtaining Duplicate Score Card
According to AIMA the MAT 2015 conducting authority, MAT Score Cards have been despatched through normal post during last week of the month of the test. Queries as to non-receipt of MAT Score Cards will be entertained only after 15th of subsequent month. Score Cards have been dispatched to the addresses of the candidates captured from MAT Registration Form as marked by the candidates in the ovals.
A duplicate score card can be obtained by following the procedure given below
1. Application on plain paper requesting for a duplicate Score Card.
2. Photocopy of the lower half of the Admit Card, which was handed over at the test centre duly signed by the invigilator Or Some Govt ID proof.
Self addressed envelope having :
a) Size 24 cms x 12 cms (approx)
b) Candidate address written in capitals
c) Postage stamp of Rs. 39/- affixed for sending by Speed Post.
The above documents are to be sent at Manager CMS, All India Management Association, Management House, 14, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003
Request for duplicate Score Card as above without any fee will be entertained upto 15 days of the declaration of the results. All requests for duplicate Score Card received there after will have to be accompanied with a demand draft of Rs. 100/- drawn in favour of All India Management Association, payable at New Delhi.
Calculation of percentile: utilize the score
Calculation of percentile in MAT 2015 is based on the score of 4 out of 5 components of Entrance test. 200 questions carry 1 mark each with negative marking. The maximum score of 200 in MAT is taken as the composite score of 800 on a scale of 1 to 100. Cut off score in the B schools would imply the selection would be made if other parameters are also the same. For example if there are 10 students with the same score are applying to a B school and only 4 seats are vacant, the candidate with better profile, work experience, higher age and gender diversity will be given preference.
Candidates who have scored 500+ may expect a good B school, if they are quick to react and apply to the preferred B schools accepting MAT 2015 scores.
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