Last Updated on November 6, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

IIFT 2015: Score 50% to get shortlisted; Follow 5 key Dos & Donts to crack the test

If you aim to score above 50% marks in IIFT 2015 and get this score with balanced sectional scores also, you can expect to be shortlisted

IIFT 2015: Score 50% to get shortlisted; Follow 5 key Dos & Donts to crack the test

The next 15 days of preparation to IIFT 2015 entrance test before the testing day and the strategy in the testing room to ace the exam should be devised and followed meticulously. If you aim to score above 50% marks in IIFT 2015 and get this score with balanced sectional scores also, you can expect to be shortlisted by IIFT.

There will be around 60 thousand test takers competing for 360 MBA (IB) 2016-18 intake at IIFT Delhi & Kolkata campuses. It makes the task more tedious to get into MBA (IB) at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade as the ratio of test takers as compared to intake is very high. The 100 percent placement at the IIFT (Deemed University) in very good companies for the graduates of this programme makes it more fascinating and despite the difficult and lengthy entrance examination, more and more aspirants wish to crack it.

Entrance test to MBA (International Business) programme batch 2016-18 at IIFT will be conducted on Sunday Nov 22, 2015 in a single session and in paper pen mode. IIFT is a premium B school the MBA(IB) programme of which is considered matchless. It is a dream B school for those who wish to make their career in International Business. MBAUniverse.com brings a few important tips from Prof. S. K. Agarwal, expert in the Verbal Ability area, on what should be followed and avoided while going to take IIFT test

Target best 50: Maximum from Quant and DI
IIFT 2015 proposes to have a maximum raw score of 100 marks for 125-130 questions which means IIFT has varying section wise marking pattern. Questions in different sections and sub sections in IIFT entrance exam carry different marking pattern although overall maximum marks in IIFT entrance exam are 100. The maximum marks allotted to different questions vary from 0.5 to 1.

Maximum weightage in IIFT entrance test is awarded to Quantitative ability and Data Interpretation. Expected number of questions in Quant in IIFT 2015 are 25 and Data Interpretation will have around 20 questions both carrying the weightage of highest 1 mark each in these sections. Quant is a separate section whereas Data Interpretation is clubbed to Logical Reasoning but while DI questions have a weightage of 1 mark each, LR questions carry a weightage of 0.75 mark each.

Sectional cut offs in IIFT 2015 will be applicable. This will play an important role in shortlisting criteria and a candidate has to clear each of the sections individually. The DI with LR will form one section in IIFT 2015 exam and in CAT 2015 also. Since the questions in this section are mote time consuming, it is advisable to practice simultaneously for both the exams on DILR questions.
Candidates will have to score much higher than the cut off in each section to get shortlisted for final admission round. Prof S K Agarwal anticipates that the expected cut-off for the raw marks needed in IIFT 2015 exam would be around 49 out of 100. Calculation of percentile will be based on the score normalization process.

Dont stick; move on
Move on to other question if question is found beyond the reach or lengthy. IIFT entrance has more number of questions (from 115 to 130) than CAT while the time allotted will be much less. 120 minutes as compared to 180 minutes in CAT 2015 will be allotted to solve the complete IIFT 2015 entrance test paper that too using accurately the OMR sheet. Hence, the time management becomes a crucial factor as there is approximately one minute per question to answer.

Dont get swayed by temptation
Dont attempt the questions, answers to which may be wrong or doubtful. The examination has one fourth negative marking and even a fraction of slip in percentile is very important. Another important feature about this test is the varying marking system in the range of 0.5 to 1. The aspirants can expect to get through if they score 46 to 55 percent. It is strongly advised not to go for any doubtful questions.

No new topic now
Dont begin any new topic now. It will not only require more time but also you will have to reschedule your already running study pattern. Apart from this, if the topic is trickier than expected, you might end up in more confusion than clarity of concept.

Be gentle to OMR sheet
IIFT 2015 entrance exam is a paper pencil test. You are required to darken the circle. Do not tear out the OMR sheet with pointed darkening style nor leave it too light to detect the answer option. Darken the circle in appropriate way.

Remember sectional cut off
IIFT 2015 will be divided in four sections English comprehension, Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation, General Awareness. One or other section may be separated and clubbed to any other section but the important part is that sectional cut off is also applicable in this examination.

You have the liberty to switch from section to other during the overall time limit of 120 minutes. So dont stick to one section. You may be expert in one section but getting high in one section and not qualifying in another will not help. Please therefore keep a balance among all the sections.

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