Last Updated on April 27, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

KMAT 2016: Syllabus & Marking scheme out; offers high scoring chances

Moderate topics in KMAT 2016 syllabus and the marking scheme indicate that the MBA 2016 aspirants have good opportunity to score high in the forthcoming exam and have higher chances to get admission in AICTE approved MBA/PGDM programmes in Bangalore

KMAT 2016: Syllabus & Marking scheme out; offers high scoring chances

KPPGCA, the KMAT 2016 test convening authority has announced the syllabus and marking scheme for KMAT 2016 to be held on May 29, 2016. The moderate topics in KMAT 2016 syllabus and the marking scheme indicate that the MBA 2016 aspirants have good opportunity to score high in the forthcoming exam and have higher chances to get admission in AICTE approved MBA/PGDM programmes in Bangalore and rest of Karnataka B-schools.

Last admission opportunity to MBA 2016 Interestingly, KMAT 2016 offers last opportunity to seek admission in MBA 2016 in 170 highly ranked AICTE approved B-schools in Bangalore and rest of Karnataka which has become a growing job market offering good placement packages after completing MBA in 2018.

Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges Association (KPPGCA) will be conducting Karnataka Management Aptitude Test (KMAT) 2016 for admission to MBA/PGDM/MCA courses in the academic year 2016-17 in AICTE approved 170+ B-schools across Bangalore and rest of Karnataka. KMAT 2016 offers last admission opportunity to MBA/PGDM 2016-18 programme as all other entrance tests to be held after KMAT 2016 would offer admission opportunity in the year 2017.

Simple test pattern KMAT 2016 will be conducted as conventional paper pencil based test in 10 test cities across the country on May 29, 2016. Registration for KMAT 2016 is open both in online and offline mode and is proposed to close on May 10, 2016. Registration fee for KMAT 2016 is Rs.700/- only which is much lower than any other MBA entrance exam.

Lowest Application fee Probably, inspired by the vision of MHRD and the Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi that the higher education opportunities should be equally made available to all the category of people whether rich or poor to turn the Make in India campaign into reality and with a view to offer opportunity to all eligible candidates from all walks of life KPPGCA has kept the amount of registration and application fee to the lowest level of rs.700/- as compared to all other management entrance exams that charge application fee from Rs.1000/- to Rs.1600/-

Type & duration of exam

-- KMAT 2016 will be conducted in Paper pencil mode to offer equal opportunity to all the candidates coming from Urban or rural background
-- The test will be of 120 minutes (2 hours) duration
-- The test will consist of only 120 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
-- There will be 4 answer options for each question.
-- The questions will carry negative marking for any wrong answer.
-- Marking scheme will award 4 marks for every correct answer
-- To bring total transparency, merit will be based on Net Raw scores and not on percentile based scores

Test Pattern: Applicable for admission to MBA/MCA KMAT 2016 will be a 120 minute exam and will be divided in 4 sections with total number of 120 MCQs carrying maximum 480 marks.

Sl No
Total marks

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

Quantitative Ability

Logical Reasoning

General Awareness


KMAT 2016 Syllabus KMAT 2016 is proposed to be conducted with moderate level of difficulty without creating confusion in paper-pencil mode. The exam will have MCQs only. Section wise syllabus for KMAT 2016 is as follows-

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension English language ability would be tested through questions on Grammar, vocabulary, sentence completion, synonyms, antonyms, comprehension of passages etc. There would be questions on understanding of the contents of the passages and choice of appropriate words, phrases, expressions and similar language skills. This shall include the passages with questions based on their contents to test comprehension.

Logical and Abstract Reasoning This shall include questions to measure how quickly and accurately you can think. The section may have questions in sets as well individual ones based on Verbal Reasoning, analogy among others.

Quantitative Ability The questions in this section will be of matriculation standard. This shall include questions to know how fast and accurate you can work with numbers, do numerical calculations, understand various arithmetic problems involving ratio & proportion, percentage, interest, time & speed etc. Apart from Arithmetic, the questions may also be based on Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and parts of mathematics. This test also helps to measure your power of quantitative reasoning, interpretation of tables, common graphs & charts.

General Awareness KMAT 2016 proposes to test the General Awareness of the candidates as is expected from an educated person living in the society. No specific syllabus can be defined for General Awareness However, it may contain questions on current and conventional General Knowledge on various issues past and present.

High scoring chances offer good admission opportunities The Syllabus topics as announced for KMAT 2016 might remind you of other exams but since the topics are moderate and there is no fear of getting any percentile score, it is anticipated that the candidates would get admission with their transparent raw scores to the desired B-schools.

In fact the technically devised and sometimes disappointing equated scoring process to determine percentile scores place the lower scorer on higher merit position whereas the merit position of higher scorer slips to a lower position which deprives him of the admission in desired B-school. KMAT 2016 has done away with all the apprehensions and proposes to award merit position as per the actual scores obtained.

All the candidates equal In a welcome move throwing pleasant surprise to all the candidates, KMAT 2016 has been opened for the eligible candidates from all parts of the country. No more regional preferences will play any key role while final admission offer is made. This is an innovative move providing equal admission opportunities in Bangalore and rest of Karnataka MBA/MCA programmes in 2016 to the candidates appearing in KMAT 2016 in any part of India.

According to Prof S K Agarwal, the mentor and expert on MBA entrance preparation, candidates who wish to pursue their dream of MBA in 2016 but have not scored very high in CAT 2015 or XAT 2016, irrespective of the fact whether they belong to Karnataka or any other part of the country should register and apply for KMAT 2016 as the exam offers good admission opportunity to MBA in dream destination Bangalore B-schools without any regional discrimination and proposes to treat candidates from all parts of India as equal.

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