Last Updated on July 21, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2016: Why IIMs dont repeat the exam structure and pattern? CAT constantly changing in last 6 years

CAT 2016 may bring more surprises and set a new trend by introducing many firsts in the exam structure and content

CAT 2016: Why IIMs dont repeat the exam structure and pattern? CAT constantly changing in last 6 years

CAT 2016 - Common Admission Test since it was computerized in 2009 has constantly been changing its attire - structurally as well as content wise. Last year CAT created history after introducing very different type of questions called NON-MCQs which carried no negative marking for wrong answers. Going by the trends, CAT 2016 may bring more surprises and set a new trend by introducing many firsts in the exam structure and content.

CAT never repeats its past exam is one fact and why it does not do so is an intrinsic query of the aspirants. The answer to this fact has been sought from present and past CAT conveners and the experts and mentors on CAT 2016 preparation. The crux of the answer is that CAT exam remains in evolutionary process in accordance with the current trends and diversified requirements of IIMs. During the past one year many changes have been introduced by IIMs in their curriculum and learning process. Now CAT 2016 would change its face in accordance with these requirements.

MBA education scenario goes on changing and needs candidates having diversified profile. Economic and social concerns on the regional, national and global level also play an important role in consistent changes in the MBA entrance exam structure. CAT, the largest MBA entrance test of India recognizes this need and accordingly avoids repetition. Those preparing for CAT 2016 must take a note of this and should expect a different CAT 2016.

Constant updation and changes in CAT, though throw surprises to the aspirants, the exam remains as the most sought after MBA entrance test. Despite all the changes and surprises more than 2 lakhs candidates registered for CAT last year and the number may go up this year as IIMs have increased their intake in class rooms and new IIMs have also been established.

No repetition in CAT to bring improvement; says CAT convener According to Prof Tathagata Bandyopadhya, faculty IIM Ahmedabad and past CAT convener Every year we review CAT and make certain changes- both operational and content This will help in enhancing operational efficiency and quality of the test content.

No repetition to provide Level Playing field and academic diversity Prof Bandyopadhyay further adds One of our concerns is, score in Quant dominates the percentile rank in CAT. As a consequence it brings in skewness to the selection process towards a particular set of candidates from a particular background. This year we intend to address it by making some changes in the test content and also by rationalizing weights assigned to different components of the test. This we hope will create a level-playing field for all candidates, no matter what educational background they come from, and will remove skewness to a large extent that we referred to above. We believe such a move will help us identify candidates from varied backgrounds who will become future leaders in their chosen profession. Such a move will also help IIMs bring in greater diversity in the classrooms and will go a long way in enriching the learning experience.

A revamped CAT 2016 As happened in last few years, CAT has continued to change it exam pattern, type of questions, ratio of content in the exam from the previous year, and in 2015 it overhauled the entire structure and content, the trend is set to take this journey further with more changes in exam structure and content.

The evolution process in computerized CAT began in 2009 and does not appear to stop in future also. IIM Bangalore which is the convener of CAT 2016 has the reputation of not compromising on many things. It may bring further changes to increase the weightage on academic profile and may reduce the weightage points for the score obtained in CAT 2016.

Guess the shape of CAT 2016 CAT used to be a paper pen based test till 2008. Since 2009, the exam has gone green and opted to become a computer based test. Beginning with IIM Ahmedabad as the convener for first computer CAT in 2009, the IIM Lucknow convened CAT 2010 followed by IIM Calcutta convening CAT 2011 and IIM Kozhikode convening CAT 2012. It is only IIM Indore who convened CAT for 2 consecutive years and the responsibility to convene CAT in 2015 was again assigned to IIM Ahmedabad. IIM Bangalore for the first time has been assigned the responsibility to convene CAT 2016 exam

The perceptible changes over a period of time in the Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation, Verbal Ability and logical reasoning Tests in CAT has made it an unpredictable exam. An aspirant needs to know what and how to prepare before moving on the tricky path of CAT preparation module. Besides, the difficulty level also varies year after year. You need more speed and accuracy to conquer CAT 2016.

CAT 2016-No repetition test There is no possibility that CAT 2016 will repeat itself. You may find an absolutely different CAT 2016. According to Prof S K Agarwal, expert and mentor on CAT 2016 preparation- not only the number of questions and sections in CAT 2016 may change, you may find different type of questions in the exam. He suggests the aspirants to devise a comprehensive and to the point preparation plan to score high in all the sections of CAT 2016.


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