Last Updated on December 3, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2016: Exam day dos & donts for 2.32 lakh candidates; avoid mistake in test lab, wear no shoes, apply no Mehndi

All your hard preparation for CAT 2016 may go waste on December 4 if you do not reach in time, get clear understanding how to answer MCQs and Non-MCQs and your testing room strategy beforehand

CAT 2016: Exam day dos & donts for 2.32 lakh candidates; avoid mistake in test lab, wear no shoes, apply no Mehndi

CAT 2016 convener Prof Rajendra K Bandi, faculty at IIM Bangalore has categorically advised the 2.32 lakh registered candidates for the CAT exam to make sure to reach the test venue in time without fail. Sharing the important must do with MBAUniverse.com for CAT 2016 exam day, the CAT convener says All CAT 2016 applicants are strongly advised to be aware of the local weather conditions in their Test City (rains in Puducherry & Tamil Nadu, or dense fog in northern India), and plan accordingly to reach the test venue on time.

CAT Centre 2016 has asked the candidates to reach by 7.30AM for morning session and by 1PM for the afternoon session of the CAT exam on December 4, 2016. No candidate reaching after 8.45AM in morning session and after 2.15PM in afternoon session will be given entry to the testing room to take CAT 2016 exam. While the morning session time slot of CAT 2016 is from 9AM to 12Noon, the afternoon session will be from 2.30PM to 5.30PM.

All your hard preparation for CAT 2016 may go waste on December 4 if you do not get clear understanding on your testing room strategy beforehand. It is very important that you should know how your CAT 2016 exam will begin, how you should answer the MCQs and non-MCQs in testing lab and what events will take place immediately before, during and after the CAT 2016 exam.

Wear No shoes, apply no Mehndi
CAT 2016 as computer based test is different from other MBA entrance exams. You are not only required to reach the test venue 90 minutes before the start of exam for security check, biometrics but should also go in chappals or sandals as your shoes & socks are not allowed inside the testing lab.

As your finger prints will be captured, you should also not apply any Menhdi or Henna on your fingers on palm side to avoid any problem inside the testing lab. Making the instruction clear, CAT 2016 convener has clarified On the day of the test, your digital finger print scan will be captured. Candidates whose finger prints cannot be digitally scanned due to reasons like applying Mehndi / henna / any cosmetic colours etc., will not be permitted to take the test. It is strongly recommended that you avoid applying Mehndi on your hands (palm side) for at least 5 days prior to the test.

No 15 minutes tutorial before the test
This year you may not find a 15 minutes tutorial just before the exam on your computer screen also and therefore you must be well prepared how to proceed during the exam with sectional time constraints.
Touching the computer key board in the exam may lock your computer and may cause unnecessary inconvenience and loss of time in CAT 2016. It is therefore necessary to understand what strategy and key steps you should follow in the CAT 2016 testing room.

Check your seat with Test System Number
Please see that your CAT 2016 Admit Card has distinct Test System Number which should be different from your registration number. The 2nd column on the CAT 2016 Admit Card has CAT 2016 Registration number while the last column of the Admit card displays your Test System Number.

Your seat allocation at the designation work station would be according to your system number.
Clarifying the key change brought about in the CAT 2016 Admit Card details, IIM Bangalore has informed The Test System Number is provided only for the limited purpose of identifying the floor/wing and the computer at the test venue on the day of the test; For any correspondence with CAT Center you must provide your Registration Number

20 Minutes before the exam: Get ready for CAT 2016
After occupying your seat in the testing room, you need to adhere to following-
-- The invigilator will read out instructions 20 minutes before the test. Listen attentively.
-- 10 minutes before the test, invigilator will request all CAT 2016 test takers to sign in at their terminals.
-- The candidate needs to enter only his/her password.
-- The password to enter will be instructed by the invigilator.
-- The candidate will have to use the virtual keyboard to enter the password.
-- The candidate can view his/her profile information and click on I Confirm to proceed.
-- Next, the candidate will be presented with instructions on screen elements and how to navigate on the screen from one question to another. Clicking Next, the candidate can read CAT 2016 test specific instructions.

Dont use key board once the test begins
The candidate will have to wait for the invigilator to signal start of test at the designated time. The I am ready to begin link will be enabled. Click the link to proceed to take the test. At no point during the test, the candidate should touch the keyboard. Doing so will lock the terminal. All answer choices should be made using the mouse.

During the test, you may use the rough sheets to do your calculations. Kindly return the same to the invigilator before you leave the lab. Ensure that you have written you name and registration number on all the rough sheets. Any attempt to take away the rough sheets out of the lab will be considered as disruptive behaviour and liable for disqualification.

Test Duration and Pattern
The test duration is for a total time of 3 hours. PWD/DA candidates with scribe requirements will be allowed an extra hour. All candidates will start the test at the same time when the invigilator signals to start. Candidates are to remain at their seats for the entire duration of the test even if they complete their test early. The sectional Submit button will be enabled only upon completion of sectional test time of 60 minutes.

Test Language
The medium of the CAT 2016 test is English language for all candidates. The test will have 100 questions in multiple choice (MCQs) and Non-Multiple Choice (Non-MCQs) questions across 3 sections. Candidates have to follow the same order of sections beginning with the first section on VARC. An on-screen timer will mark remaining minutes for the test.
Besides, CAT 2016 has provided a facility of on-screen calculator which can be used for Quant and DI questions.

If you do not understand a question on the test, you should answer the question to the best of your ability. While MCQs will be carrying the penalty of one-third negative marking, there will be no negative marking for Non-MCQs. No marks will be awarded or deducted for unanswered questions.

Check the status of questions in the Test
The CAT 2016 Question Palette panel on the right-hand side will display the status of your questions in four colours that indicate the following:
Green - Answered question
Red - Unanswered question
White - Question not viewed
Violet Question marked for review
Order of Sections with time limit

Section-1: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)- 34 questions to be solved in 60 minutes
Section-2: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) 32 questions to be solved in 60 minutes
Section-3: Quantitative Ability (Quant) 34 questions to be solved in 60 minutes

All your hard preparation for CAT 2016 may go waste on December 4 if you do not reach in time, get clear understanding how to answer MCQs and Non-MCQs and your testing room strategy beforehandPlease proceed as follows while going to answer a question in your CAT 2016 exam-
Step-1: Click on the question number in the Question Palette to go to that question directly in the respective section
Step-2: Select an answer for a multiple choice type question by clicking on the bubble placed before the 4 choices in the form of radio buttons (o). For Non MCQs, type in the answer in the space provided on the screen, using the on-screen key board.
Step-3: Click on Save & Next. It will save your answer for the current question and then go to the next question. Or, a better option also exists which is to click on Mark for Review & Next to save your answer for the current question and also mark it for review, and then go to the next question.
This option will get your answer to be considered for evaluation unless you modify the status of the answer. Please note that your answer for the current question will not be saved, if you navigate to another question directly by clicking on a question number without saving the answer to the previous question.
Step-4: After making the first attempt you can view all the questions and the options by clicking on the Question Paper button. This will bring the entire question paper at a glance on your computer screen.

Reap double benefit from single option
You may answer the question first, then click on Mark for Review and then on Save and next. This will allow you to answer the question as well as mark it for review. The twin benefits are that you may come to this question after wards if time permits. If you are unable to re-visit the question due to paucity of time, your answer will still be evaluated. If the answer is correct you will get full marks else one third negative marking will be there. So be rational while answering the questions and using the tools.

First round- use for 100% accuracy
The green coloured symbol on the computer terminal in CAT 2016 exam will indicate the status that the question is answered. Prof S K Agarwal expert on Verbal Ability, suggests the aspirants to choose the option of save & next after answering the question where they are able to finally answer the questions about which they are absolutely sure of and wouldnt need to visit the question again.

In case of slightest doubt about the answer, you shouldnt click save & next after answering a question as they may not modify it afterwards. It will be better to use another navigation tool mark for review after answering the question.

Attempt Non-MCQs first: Easy to answer
Answering a Non-MCQ is easier as you will have to simply key in the correct answer of the question in the given space. Besides all the Non-MCQs in each section are no penalty questions, so you lose nothing even if your answer is wrong but simultaneously dont waste time on any Non-MCQ which you think is not even remotely known to you.

Prof S K Agarwal expert on Verbal Ability and mentor on CAT 2016 preparation suggests not to leave any non-MCQ type question unanswered as you dont have any fear of negative marking even if your answer is wrong.

MCQ: How to change the answer response
Following process must be followed in CAT 2016 to change your answer response
-- Click on the Question number on the palette and click on the Clear Response button.
-- To change your chosen answer, click on the bubble of another option.
-- To save your changed answer, you must click on the Save & Next or Mark for Review & next button

Non-MCQ: Easier to change answer
It is easier to change your answer response for a non MCQ in CAT 2016 exam than the MCQ type question even if you saved the answer for the non-MCQ. The process is simple-
-- Just click on the relevant question number, cursor will be at your answer response
-- You can delete it, or can mark on Clear Response
-- Key in the new answer.
-- After clicking on Save & next you can move on.

Use carefully the Navigation tools
CAT 2016 has provided the facility to the aspirants to know the status of the question. The Question Palette displayed on the right side of screen will show the status of each question.
There will be 4 colour symbols to indicate the status of the question on the right hand side of question-answer screen
Green- Answered question
Red -Unanswered question
White- Question not viewed
Violet Question marked for review

CAT 2016 aspirants should carefully read and understand how to navigate your answers to keep pace with the notified changes in CAT 2016 exam. In the changed new exam pattern of CAT 2016, you are supposed to know and practice well the process how to answer the questions to avoid any testing room problem and technical glitches during the examination Attempt CAT 2016 IIMB Mock Here

How to get Assistance in test lab?
For any issues during the test, you are supposed to raise your hand to notify the invigilator. Stay seated and explain the issue to the invigilator who approaches you. Under no circumstance, should you move from your seat until the end of exam time.

How to get timer reset?
If there is an issue with your terminal, lab technicians stationed in the centre will be called for assistance. Your timer will automatically be reset to accommodate lost time. Also, every test centre allocates extra terminals in case of emergencies. You will be advised and instructed under such scenarios. Additionally, every centre is audited and protected against power outages by ensuring uninterrupted power supply (UPS) and generators on the premise.
It is suggested not to waste time in getting stuck on one question as all the questions carry equal marks.

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