5 benefits to join On-line support to prepare for CAT 2014 exam; a blessing in disguise
With the advent and growth in technology and its far reaching effects in all the sectors of education, online education system has grown to a great extent. This article tells you the 5 benefits to join On-line support to prepare for CAT 2014 exam

CAT 2014 aspirants have started their preparation in a big way. While many of them have been devoted to self-study pattern, number of the aspirants are preparing with the support of one or other coaching centres. Since, at number of times we lag behind in following a tough study schedule unless we are compelled to, it is the fixed study pattern followed at coaching centre that make us move on the meticulous and planned study.
So an aspirant needs a mix of self study as well as support study from the experts at the coaching centre as it strengthens the preparation and saves more time by following the suggested study schedule.
Its not what they teach in Coaching that you cannot study yourself, in fact they teach you, what to and what not to study in a time frame. You opt for the coaching to maintain your regularity, to keep away your laziness and to maintain your enthusiasm and inspirational level through-out.
Why to opt for On-line coaching
Till recently the concept of online coaching was shunned by many aspirants but with advent and growth in technology and its far reaching effects in all the sectors of education, online education system has grown to a great extent. MBAUniverse.com recently conducted a survey on preference of study methodology by aspirants. The survey on CAT preparation methodology indicates, 26% of CAT aspirants have preferred on line coaching for CAT 2014, although a major share still prefers off line coaching.
During the last few years numbers of coaching centres have become so good in their strategy of imparting knowledge and intelligent tips to solve CAT questions that students learn them with an amazing ease. But the decision of choosing a good learning centre is not less difficult than making a choice of good B-school.
Coaching, if taken a little seriously will be a great value addition to your preparation for CAT. How to make an appropriate choice out of many on-line/off-line preparation centres running all over the country is another situation that is to be analysed, so that you may have great motivational level without getting duped.
5 key benefits of Online Coaching
-Flexibility of Time
The need to have a class at the most convenient time during the day or in the evening cannot be undermined. Timing for Off-line classes is more or less fixed depending upon the batch timing. On line classes offer the opportunity of flexibility of time and could be conducted even during late evening hours the facility which may not be available with off line coaching centres. Besides the class time in on line preparation module could be changed easily. In fact it is a class with convenience and feel of virtual class room. It is one of the important factors impacting the decision in choice of coaching.
-On line coaching is cost effective
While off line coaching centres charge more, the on-line coaching system charges much less. If an aspirant has to spend Rs. 35,000/- on offline classes with an additional expenditure of Rs. 15,000/- in travelling during the entire course or has to live in a rented accommodation as the coaching centre exists in some other town, think of the amount of expenses required to be incurred for the coaching, travelling, lodging and boarding, it will be well beyond Rs. 80,000/- or so.
On the contrary the on-line learning centre will charge much less- so less, that you could buy a new internet connection along with a computer/laptop, if you consider spending the amount equivalent to the charges for off-line coaching when the quality and level of understanding remains the same. One has to take care of this aspect also.
- Updated Study material
An aspirant is more comfortable with on-line study material since he can read it anywhere on the screen of his computer with a click of button. It can also be downloaded and printed as a hard copy. Besides Addition, alteration, deletion in On-line material may be instant whereas the off line material will require more time, updating and getting the supplements printed after due printing corrections. On line study support is capable of providing instant updated study material either in soft or in hard copy.
-Saves commuting time
Online coaching wouldnt require you to commute from one place to another as you can take the class on your computer from anywhere in the world. The expert will be just sitting opposite to you discussing your problems and sorting them out. If an aspirant wishes to go for off line coaching, it is very much necessary to judge the convenience of commuting to the centre. If you spend 2-3 hours in commuting to & fro the centre, you are wasting your time and wont be left with time for self-study, which is a pre-requisite with coaching.
-Availability of Past classes
Exigencies of work, emergencies sometimes impel you to miss the class. While there is no facility in off line coaching system that you can go through the past conducted class, you have all the tools to view/review and go though the recorded version of past classes any number of times you like. It is one the great USPs of the online coaching system.
Comparison chart
If we analyse the merits and demerits of the online and offline classes, we may summarise them as follows-
- On-Line Learning
- Off-Line coaching
- No commuting required. One can take classes from anywhere in the world
- Have to go to the coaching centre
- Classes through internet system
- Have to be present in the class room
- One to one interaction Batch size immaterial
- If the batch size is large, will be a part of crowd
- Facility to go through the recorded class, if the class is missed
- Should be present in class, same class may not be repeated.
- Time saving
- Consumes more time travelling, batch attendance etc.
- Students feeling shy may ask the questions sitting before his/her computer-no one to ridicule at.
- Shy ones remain silent for the fear of being ridiculed at.
- Every class may be reviewed any number of times
- Facility is not available
- Absolute punctuality-as class begins on time
- The teacher/student may be late. Class will start when the teacher comes; if the student is late, he will miss the session
- More cost effective-will save money
- Costlier than on-line classes. Sometimes the difference is more than 5-6 times.
- Choosing an on line coaching for CAT 2014 exam; ask for more
When you decide on any coaching, ask for following before proceeding to choose one.
-Ask for a Demo Class in fact special Demo classes are designed to give special effects. It is better to opt for running Demo class. You will get a feel of pedagogy, the level of understanding that you may get. The questions posed by the students in such classes and the answers received by them, will make you form an idea whether to go for it. If the queries raised by you are duly answered, you will have the satisfaction of selecting the right coaching.
-Know the Past Results All the coaching centres claim a lot. Suppose, an on-line coaching centre imparted training to 20,000 aspirants in a session and 100 got a good percentile; on the other hand is a coaching institute that trained 1000 odd students and 50 got a very good percentile think of the ratio and then decide.
-How is the Faculty Find out how motivated are the aspirants. Whether the trainer is able to create interest in the topic; whether the topic is relevant to the examination and so on. It is better to interact with the faculty in regard to preparation strategy.
-Availability of Test series Does the coaching Institute have full length Mock Tests and can provide the same to you timely? Would the test series be in accordance to the CAT examination pattern? Answers to these questions must be sought and well analysed before selecting the right coaching.
Apart from the above, gather the information what shall be number of classes, which topic will have more classes, Batch size, Availability of Doubt clarification classes, ask for its course module, take some already posted feedback- ask them to send a few feedbacks of different dates to assess the quality. This will help you going for the best available option.
-Be your judge- There is a growing trend for online classes as the aspirants find them more convenient but you will have to judiciously select the right coaching based on above parameters. CAT is one of the most prestigious examinations that pave your way to the best B-schools in India. The examination may not be a cake walk and would require hard work. You need a coaching that could make you prepare to perform your level best in CAT 2014.
MBAUniverse.com offers a comprehensive preparation package coupled with over 200 online interactive classes with Top CAT experts including from IIMs for CAT 2014 preparation. Visit the link below for more information and new batch schedules: http://www.mbauniverse.com/cat_preparation_online.html
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- Logical Reasoning for CAT Exam
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