Last Updated on October 20, 2018 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2018 Mock Test released by IIMs: Special Features Added for Question Clarity

IIM Calcutta has released the official CAT 2018 Mock test with special features on October 16 even before the release of CAT 2018 admit card. The CAT 2018 Mock test contains 100 questions divided in 3 sections and is a complete guide on CAT syllabus, exam pattern and the process how to use the navigation tools during CAT 2018 exam

CAT 2018 Mock Test released by IIMs: Special Features Added for Question Clarity

IIMs have released the CAT 2018 full length Mock Test on October 16, 2018, more than a month before the CAT 2018 exam which is scheduled on November 25, 2018 in two sessions.Although the CAT Mock test contains 100 questions, it is added with special features. Besides, on the pattern of CAT 2018 Mock Test, the actual CAT exam may also contain fewer questions of Non-MCQ and No penalty type.

This is the first time that the IIM-CAT official mock test with 100 questions has been released by IIMs even before the release of CAT Admit Card. The official CAT 2018 Mock Test is the most authentic source to familiarise yourself with the actual CAT 2018 exam pattern, changes in topics in CAT 2018 syllabus, sectional composition, type and pattern of questions expected in CAT 2018 exam and the scoring pattern.

Special Features & Changes in IIM-CAT 2018 Mock
IIM Calcutta has made three important changes in release of CAT 2018 Mock Test:

Separate CAT 2018 Mock Test Navigation Guide PDF Released
Separate login link provided for candidates with normal vision
Login Link separately provided for the candidates who have low vision with two magnifying glass icons at the top of the screen. You can click on icon to zoom-in and click on icon to zoom out the question.

Fewer Non-MCQs
You may find fewer Non-MCQs (No-penalty) questions in CAT 2018 as against past 2 years, if the CAT 2018 test paper adheres to the CAT 2018 official Mock test released by IIM Calcutta today on October 16.
The VARC, DILR and Quant sections in CAT 2018 exam may contain fewer number of Non-MCQs. For example, only 6 Non-MCQs as against earlier 8 exist in DILR while Quantitative Ability section may consist of only 7 Non-MCQs as against 10 in 2017. This will increase the risk of getting negative marking in more questions as wrong answers in Non-MCQs are not imposed with any negative marking.

Non-MCQs offer higher scoring chances as the candidates have no fear of negative marking. The process to answer a Non-MCQ is that instead of marking the answer option on computer screen, the CAT examinee will have to write the answer for the Non-MCQ in the given space on the computer screen.

Since, Non-MCQ question will not carry any negative marking, it means that even if the CAT 2018 test taker writes a wrong answer in the given space on computer screen, no penalty of 1/3 negative marking will be imposed for the wrong answer.

It will help the CAT 2018 aspirants to attempt these Non-MCQs and score high as the correct answers will be awarded with +3 marks each while no penalty of negative marking will be there for wrong answer. Even if more such questions are attempted with wrong answer, there is no fear of deduction of marks.

Key changes in CAT 2018 Mock
The CAT 2018 Mock test is full length indicating the type and number of MCQs and Non-MCQs that you may expect on the day of CAT 2018 exam on November 25. The sample test reflects number of changes in the structure and content of CAT 2018. Candidates should now proceed to take the test to understand the changes in the test pattern that they are going to face in a months time on November 25, 2018.

Now the CAT Sample test will continue to be available for the CAT 2018 aspirants till the CAT exam is over. With number of changes in the CAT 2018 exam pattern, the test is supposed to be the most authentic guide with sample questions right from the horses mouth. CAT 2018 aspirants can now very well familiarize themselves by practicing the sample questions as many times as they like.

MBAUniverse.com received number of such queries on the expected nature of correct CAT 2018 exam pattern. Now with the release of CAT 2018 official mock test, the exact CAT 2018 exam pattern has been made clear.
IIMs CAT Mock as per revised CAT 2018 syllabus

CAT 2018 aspirants were very much worried as regards to the exact nature of the CAT 2018 exam, its sectional composition and the division of MCQs and Non-MCQs.

The official CAT 2018 Mock released by IIMs is as per the changed CAT 2018 syllabus. While the CAT 2018 aspirants have been taking CAT Mock tests from different sources, the Mock released by IIMs reflects the correct CAT 2018 exam pattern and Level of Difficulty (LoD) in the real CAT exam. Interestingly, IIMs make it clear that question pattern and type & number of questions as appear in official CAT 2018 Mock may be different from what you will find in real CAT exam, the question pattern and topics on which questions are placed in CAT Mock have remained on similar lines as appear in real CAT exam during last 2-3 years.

CAT Mock with 100 questions
The sample test contains 100 questions divided in 3 sections beginning with VARC with 34 questions; DILR with 32 questions and Quant with 34 questions.
While VARC and Quant sections have 10 Non-MCQs each, the DILR section has 8 Non-MCQs divided equally in DI and LR parts with 4 Non-MCQs each. The CAT 2018 sample test has again indicated that the candidates preparing in-depth vocabulary and error correction topics on Grammar and other parts of English Language should focus more on Reading comprehension as it commands 70% weightage in VARC section.

Will the Actual CAT exam be different?
Although the instructions in CAT sample test confirm the notion and say that the actual number of questions, including the number of MCQ and Non-MCQ type of questions, could be different in CAT 2018 actual exam, the trend for the last 2 CAT exam years reflect that the sample test has proved to be the right indicator of the topics and type of questions in the CAT exam. Accordingly, it can be anticipated that CAT 2017 actual exam will also follow the pattern as reflected in the CAT 2018 sample test enabled by IIM Calcutta.

PWD/DA candidates to have 240 minutes to complete the test
CAT 2018 test duration is for a total time of 3 hours. PWD/ DA candidates with scribe requirements will be allowed total 60 minutes extra, implying 20 minutes extra in every section to attempt the CAT 2018 test paper. All candidates will start the test at the same time. Candidates are to remain at their seats for the entire duration of the test even if they complete their test early.

CAT 2018 aspirants have anxiously been waiting for the Sample test right from the beginning. IIMs have stopped making the sample test available with the opening of CAT registration process. Thousands of CAT 2018 aspirants who have been approaching MBAUniverse.com and CAT 2018 helpline regarding the delay in making live the Sample Test have taken a sigh of relief now.

Since the test is published by the CAT Centre 2018, there should not be any doubt about the type of questions proposed to appear in the exam and the proposed CAT 2018 exam pattern. Aspirants should practice the test, understand its key points, focus on similar type of questions in their CAT 2018 preparation and cover complete CAT Syllabus.

CAT 2018 scores will be accepted by 20 IIMs, FMS Delhi, SPJIMR Mumbai, MDI Gurgaon, IMI New Delhi, IMT Ghaziabad, Great Lakes, LIBA, NITIE Mumbai, JBIMS Mumbai, TAPMI Manipal, XIM Bhubaneshwar among others for admission to MBA/PGDM 2019-21.

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