CUET 2023 BBA Exam Analysis: Easy Exam, DU Cut off to Go up; Check Difficulty Level, Good Attempts, Cut offs for DU SSCBS, KMV, DDU
Common University Entrance Test (CUET) 2023 is being conducted by NTA from May 21 to 31, 2023 for admission to BBA/BMS/BBS and other undergraduate programs offered by Delhi University and other 250 Universities for more than 15 lakh students. The first 2 days of CUET 2023 exam reveal that it has remained an easy test. Read below the detailed CUET 2023 Analysis for BBA Admission 2023 for specific subjects and General Test with good attempts and likely cut off

Common University Entrance Test (CUET) 2023 is being conducted by NTA from May 21 to 31, 2023 for admission 2023 to BBA and other undergraduate programs offered by Delhi University colleges and other 250 Universities for 15.8 lakh students as a computer based test.
Many other universities have also announced to accept CUET (Common University Entrance Test) 2023 score for UG admission. CUET is being held in three slots each day for different subjects and the CUET exam analysis 2023 (All slots) is shared here. For BBA Admission 2023 the CUET is conducted for specific subjects which are different than for other UG programs.
CUET 2023 DU BBA/BMS exam analysis for the first two days (May 21 & 22) reveal that the CUET across the three slots has remained an easy exam. Although, the CUET is conducted from May 21 to 31 in all other parts of India, in Jammu & Kashmir, the CUET will be held from May 26, 2023 in view of high number of registrations for the exam.
Before we go for detailed CUET 2023 DU BBA/BMS exam analysis with cut offs for BBA/BMS admission in Shaheed Sukhdev (SSCBS), Keshav Mahavidyalaya of Delhi University, let us first know the important announcements made by NTA leading to key changes in the CUET 2023 exam
CUET Exam Analysis 2023: Key Announcements by NTA
- CUET exam 2023 is scheduled in 3 slots from May 21 to 31, 2023
- In some cities, since the count of registered candidates is very large, so the CUET (UG) – 2023 examination will be extended to 01 and 02 June 2023 as well as to 05 and 06 June 2023. Moreover, buffer days of 07 and 08 June 2023 are also being kept as reserve days
- In Jammu & Kashmir, the CUET (UG) – 2023 examination scheduled for 21 to 25 May 2023 is cancelled and will be held from May 26 onwards. A total of 87309 candidates have registered to appear in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir. To facilitate the students of J&K, the NTA is exploring the possibility of creating temporary Centres in Kashmir due to which the exam is postponed
CUET BBA Exam Analysis 2023: Key Highlights
- CUET 2023 is conducted for 15.80 lakh candidates at various Examination Centres located in 295 cities across India and abroad including 24 cities outside India
- 1.5 million candidates have opted for 64,35,050 Test Papers.
- There are 48,779 unique combinations of subjects in CUET 2023 Exam
- 250 Central, State, and other universities / Institutes are participating in CUET 2023 UG exam for admission to Academic session 2023-2024.
CUET 2023 BBA Exam Analysis: Test Pattern
NTA CUET 2023 Exam Pattern consists of following 4 Sections:
- Section IA: 13 Languages (Choose at least One)
- Section IB: 20 Languages (Choose if opting for language course)
- Section II: 27 Domain specific Subjects (For BBA CUET entrance exam, Mathematics is compulsory + opt for 2 more subjects required for BBA CUET entrance from the list in section-II
- Section III: General Test (Mandatory for BBA admission)
- While choosing options from each Section is not mandatory, the choices should match the requirements of the DU BMS course and other desired University UG course.
- Flexible time limit for completing the exam as per the choice of languages and domain specific subjects
- Computer delivered test
- Different Time Limit for Different Sections
- Scoring Pattern: +5 Marks for correct answer,
- -1 mark for wrong answer
- All Negative Marking Questions: The questions are of MCQ type and will carry penalty of -1 mark as negative marking for each wrong answer
CUET UG 2023 Analysis: Overall Sectional Composition and Time Duration
CUET (UG) 2023 exam sectional composition and time duration broadly is as follows
Section |
Subjects/ Tests |
Total Questions/ Questions to be Attempted |
Question Type |
Test Duration |
Section IA: Languages |
There are 13 different languages. Any of these languages may be chosen. |
Total: 50 Choice: 40 questions to be attempted out of 50 in each language |
Language to be tested through Reading Comprehension (based on different types of passages–Factual, Literary, Narrative, (Literary Aptitude, and Vocabulary] |
40-45 Minutes for each language |
Section IB: Languages |
There are 20 Languages. Any other language apart from those offered in Section I A may be chosen. | |||
Section II: Domain Specific Subject Test |
There are 27 Domains specific subjects being offered under this Section. A candidate may choose a maximum of Six (06) Domains as desired by the applicable University/ Universities |
Total: 45/50 Questions Choice: 35/40 Questions to be attempted out of 45/50 |
MCQ Based Questions, as per NCERT Class XII syllabus only |
40-45 Minutes for each Domain Specific Subjects |
Section III: General Test |
This test is for any such undergraduate programme or programmes which are offered by Universities where a General Test is being used for admission. For DU BBA/BMS admission Section-III is compulsory |
Total Questions:60 Choice: 50 Questions to be attempted out of 60 |
The test consists of MCQ Based Questions on General Knowledge, Current Affairs, General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/algebra geometry/mensuration/s tat taught till Grade 8), Logical and Analytical Reasoning |
50-60 Minutes |
CUET BBA Exam Analysis 2023: DU CUET 2023 Exam Analysis
Based on the revised CUET pattern as detailed above, the overall and sectional composition of DU CUET 2023 BBA Exam Pattern for Delhi University BMS admission 2023 is as below:
DU BBA CUET Section |
Choice of Exam Subjects |
No. of Questions |
Time Duration |
Section I: Divided into 2 Subsections IA:13 Languages (1 Language Compulsory)
IB: 20 Languages (Optional) |
Minimum One Language Compulsory to choose from the list of 13 Languages
Not Mandatory for DU BBA entrance Test |
Attempt 40 Qs out of Total 50
Attempt 40 Qs out of Total 50 |
45 Minutes for Each Language
45 Minutes for Each Language |
Section-II: 27 Domain Subjects divided in two lists-B1 and B2 |
Choose Minimum 3 Subjects Mathematics Compulsory + 2 Subjects like Business Studies, Economics/ Business Economics, Entrepreneurship. One of the subjects should be from List B1 |
Attempt 35/40 Qs out of Total 45/50 |
40/45 Minutes for each Subject |
Section-III: General Test |
MCQ Based Questions on GK, Current Affairs, General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of basic mathematical concepts arithmetic/algebra geometry/mensuration/ stat (taught till Grade 8), Logical and Analytical Reasoning |
Attempt 50 Questions out of 60 |
50-60 Minutes for 60 Questions |
CUET Exam Analysis 2023 (All Slots): Overall
- CUET Exam began on May 21 in 3 slots
- CUET 2023 Shift-1 & Shift-2 Section-1: Paper on English Language and Reading Comprehension was of Moderate difficulty level
- CUET 2023 Shift-2, Section-2: General Test: This is current affairs and GK test and is compulsory for BBA Admission 2023. The General Test section in shift 2 has been reported as of moderate difficulty level by majority part of students.
- CUET 2023 Shift-3, Section-2-Domain Subjects:
- Mathematics
- Maths is the mandatory test for DU BBA Admission 2023. Maths paper was scheduled in shift 3 of CUET 2023. The mathematics test paper difficulty level was easy.
- Tests of Physics & Chemistry were also conducted in shift 3 of CUET 2023. Both Physics and Chemistry test papers were of moderate difficulty level.
CUET 2023 DU BBA/BMS Exam Analysis: Subject Wise Analysis
CUET Exam Analysis 2023 for the exams conducted for Subjects required for BBA (FIA)/BMS admission 2023 in DU colleges is shared below:
English Language
- English Language paper for CUET (UG) 2023, was of moderate difficulty level.
- The test paper had 3 Reading Comprehension Passages
- Each RC Passage was followed by 5 questions of MCQ type. As such total 15 questions were based on RC passages
- One RC passage was on APJ Abdul Kalam, other was fiction, and the third was a poem on sportsmanship.
- Candidates found the poem a little difficult as compared to the other two passages. The questions were direct, but the options were very close.
- In Grammar & Vocabulary part, Idioms and Phrases were in the format of Match the column or spotting the idioms, figures of speech
English Language Topics |
No. & Type of Questions |
Difficulty Level |
RC: 3 Passages |
15 |
Easy to Moderate |
RC-1: Passage on APJ Abdul Kalam |
5 MCQs |
Easy |
RC-2: Fiction |
5 MCQs |
Easy to Moderate |
RC-3: Poem on Sportsmanship |
5 MCQs |
Moderate to Difficult |
Grammar & Vocabulary |
Antonyms/Synonyms |
5-6 MCQs |
Easy to Moderate |
Figures of Speech - Metaphor/Simile/Personification and others |
5-6 MCQs |
Easy to Moderate |
Idioms/Parts of Speech |
2-3 MCQs |
Moderate |
Sentence Correction |
2-3 MCQs |
Easy to Moderate |
Active Passive |
2-3 MCQs |
Moderate |
Fill in the Blanks |
1-2 MCQs |
Easy |
Direct/Indirect Speech |
1-2 MCQs |
Easy to Moderate |
Overall difficulty level of English Language paper was moderate
CUET 2023 Analysis - Mathematics
Maths paper was scheduled in shift 3 of CUET 2023. Mathematics is important and compulsory exam for DU BBA admission. Key highlights of Maths CUET exam paper are:
- CUET Mathematics paper has been rated as easy to moderate in difficulty level
- No time constraints were reported by students in attempting the Maths paper, unlike last year
Key Topics and number of questions with difficulty level as appeared in the exam were:
Maths Paper Topics |
No. & Type of Questions |
Difficulty Level |
Data Interpretation |
1-2 MCQs |
Easy |
Percentage |
2-3 MCQs |
Easy |
Height & Distance |
1-2 MCQs |
Easy |
Ratio-Proportion |
2-3 MCQs |
Easy |
Vectors: Plane, Intersection point, area of parallelogram |
5-6 MCQs |
Easy to Moderate |
Continuity and Differentiability |
4-5 MCQs |
Easy |
Integrals |
3-4 MCQs |
Easy |
Geometry |
3-4 MCQs |
Easy to Moderate |
Mensuration |
2-3 MCQs |
Easy to Moderate |
Linear Programming-Maxima, Minima |
2-3 MCQs |
Easy to Moderate |
Probability |
3-4 MCQs |
Moderate |
Matrices |
4-5 MCQs |
Moderate |
General Test: Current Affairs & General GK
- General Test is the mandatory exam for BBA admission 2023 in DU and other University colleges
- The General Test paper had questions from Numerical Ability (approximately 22-24), General Awareness (10-12 questions), and Logical Reasoning (6-7 questions).
- Questions were also based on topics such as Mathematics & Statistics, Discovery & Invention, Sports.
- Exam was of Easy difficulty level.
- A few of the questions asked in CUET 2023 as shared by the candidates who appeared in the exam are as follows-
CUET General Test-GK Section Topics |
No. & Type of Questions |
Difficulty Level |
Nobel Prize Related |
1-2 MCQs |
Moderate |
Olympics |
2-3 MCQs |
Moderate |
Capitals of States, other related information |
2-3 MCQs |
Easy |
Rivers-Cities-Countries (Matching the correct options) |
3-4 MCQs |
Easy |
Geography |
5-6 MCQs |
Easy |
Economics: Largest exporter of cotton textile and the like |
2-3 MCQs |
Easy to Moderate |
History: Questions like Match the following (Battles with their years) |
2-3 MCQs |
Easy to Moderate |
Science: Molecular mass of D20, Boric Acid and others |
2-3 MCQs |
Easy to Moderate |
Reasoning: Blood relation, Series, Coding, Clocks and calendar, puzzles, direction |
6-7 MCQs |
Easy |
Discovery & Invention |
2-3 MCQs |
Easy |
Books & Authors like -India: Mother of Democracy |
2-3 MCQs |
Easy to Moderate |
Numerical Ability: Geometry (3-4 questions), Mixtures and Alligations (2-3 questions), and 1-2 questions from Mensuration, Percentages, Number system, Algebra, Mean, Median, Mode, Set Theory, Time & Work, Simple Interest and Compound interest |
10-12 MCQs |
Easy |
Sports |
2-3 MCQs |
Easy |
CUET 2023 BBA Entrance Analysis: Good Attempts
To clear the DU BBA cut offs for admission 2023, following good attempts may lead to shortlisting:
Sections |
Good Attempts |
Language I (B) |
35-38 |
Domain-Specific Subjects like Math, Business Economics |
33-36 for each subject |
General Test |
40- 44 |
Overall (including Required Domain subjects) |
170-175 |
CUET 2023 Cut off for Top DU BBA Colleges-SSCBS, KMV, DDU
Admission 2023 in BMS/BBA(FIA) programs in Shaheed Sukhdev, Keshav Mahavidyalaya & Others are based on the NTA CUET Merit list. NTA will prepare CUET 2023 result after completing normalization of Score. The score cards will display percentile score separately for each of the tests in which the candidate has appeared. There will be a merit list reflecting student’s percentile score.
CUET 2023 Cut off percentile for DU BBA admission 2023 will have a higher cut-off, around 95-97 percentile. As suggested above your good attempts, may fetch you required CUET cut off score. Top DU colleges BBA CUET cut off 2023 is as below with Fees and latest placements of Delhi University colleges offering BMS/BBA (FIA) programs. Delhi University colleges offer BBA at a very low fee as compared to other BBA colleges in India.
Delhi University BMS/BBA (FIA) College |
3 Years BBA/BMS Degree Programme Fee |
Average Placement (Rs. in Lakhs |
Expected cut off Rank in CUET Merit List |
Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies (SSCBS), Delhi University, Delhi |
BBA (FIA): Rs. 75,000 BMS: Rs.42,000 |
Rs.9.88 LPA |
160-175 Rank |
KeshavMahavidyalaya, Delhi University, Delhi |
BMS:Rs.44,000 |
Rs.5.30 LPA |
165-190 Rank |
Deen Dayal Upadhyay College, Delhi University, Delhi |
BMS: Rs. 61,000 |
Rs.5.20 LPA |
171-200 Rank |
Delhi University has made following changes in its eligibility criteria for BMS/BBA(FIA) admission 2023 in Shaheed Sukhdev College, Keshav Mavaidyalaya, Deen Daya Upadhyaya and other DU Business schools:
- No minimum age requirement for Delhi University BBA/BMS admission 2023
- Gap year after class 10 does not pose any problem in DU-BBA/BMS admission process 2023
- A student who has passed class 12 or is appearing in the exam can apply for CUET 2023.
- Candidates who are appearing in CUET (UG) - 2023 may participate in the Counselling / admission process of any University / Institution / Organization even though they have not applied for that University / Institution / Organization in the Online Application Form of CUET (UG) – 2023. However, the candidates must fulfil the eligibility criteria of that Course of University / Institution / Organization where they are seeking admission.
Apart from Delhi University, other Universities in India will accept CUET 2023 score for admission to BMS/BBA and other undergraduate courses. DU BMS program eligibility and the subjects which you should opt and appear in CUET exam are different from other universities. So you need to check the details for each university.
The CUET UG 2023 – the Common University Entrance Test (CUET-UG) exam 2023 is the entrance exam for admission 2023 to undergraduate courses, offered by the participating Universities and their affiliated colleges including Delhi University, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, BHU, Jamia, AMU among others. CUET 2023 is a computer based test and the National Testing Agency (NTA) is conducting it across India and in 24 Cities Outside-India.
Stay tuned to for more updates on CUET 2023 and BBA Admission