Last Updated on December 5, 2022 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

Former President of India, CEOs & Whos Who from AACSB, ISB, 5 IIMs, XLRI, SPJIMR, MDI, Coursera, ETS GRE, GMAC, Delegates 100+ B-schools to discuss MBA OUTCOMES at IMC 2022 on Dec 9-10 at IIM Kozhikode

India’s top Policy Makers, Business Icons, Management Education Doyens and Opinion-shapers will come together for the 12th INDIAN MANAGEMENT CONCLAVE (IMC), to be held on December 9-10 at IIM Kozhikode. 30+ Top Speakers will discuss the Theme – Measuring MBA Outcomes, Learning & Research Outcomes, Corporate Readiness and other desired Outcomes. Organized by MBAUniverse.com, in partnership with India’s top B-schools and knowledge organizations, IMC is India's definitive annual Management Education Conference & Awards.

Former President of India, CEOs & Whos Who from AACSB, ISB, 5 IIMs, XLRI, SPJIMR, MDI, Coursera, ETS GRE, GMAC, Delegates 100+ B-schools to discuss MBA OUTCOMES at IMC 2022 on Dec 9-10 at IIM Kozhikode

The countdown to IMC 2022, India’s most respected MBA education conference, has begun! Come December 9, and India’s top Policy Makers, Business Icons, Management Education Doyens and Opinion-shapers will come together for the 12th INDIAN MANAGEMENT CONCLAVE (IMC), to be held on December 9-10 at IIM Kozhikode. 30+ Top Speakers will discuss the Theme – Measuring MBA Outcomes, including Learning & Research Outcomes, Corporate Readiness and other desired Outcomes. Organized by MBAUniverse.com, in partnership with India’s top B-schools and knowledge organizations, IMC is India's definitive annual Management Education Conference & Awards Platform.

Here are the top highlights from the Program Agenda of IMC 2022.

1. Chief Guest – Former President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind
Honourable Former President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest for IMC 2022 and to deliver the Conference Valedictory Address. He shall also present IMC Awards for Excellence in Management Education to worthy winners on December 10. His presence at the conference is eagerly awaited by management education fraternity.

2. Keynote Addresses by CEOs
To understand the business context, and their expectations from management education, IMC Conference has invited India’s most well-respected business leaders to share their perspectives. Mr Suresh Narayanan, CMD of Nestle India and Mr Shyam Srinivasan, MD & CEO of Federal Bank will be delivering Keynote Addresses at IMC 2022. Mr Suresh Narayanan will be speaking on the Topic “Leadership Imperatives for Surviving & Thriving in a BANI ('brittle', 'anxious', 'nonlinear' and 'incomprehensible') World.” Mr Shyam Srinivasan will share how the business world is being transformed by technology and other changes in social and business landscape.

3. Plenary Sessions on Conference Theme: Directors, Deans and Subject Experts from AACSB, EFMD, ISB, 5 IIMs, XLRI, SPJIMR, MDI and many other leading institutions will discuss following plenary topic: Measuring Learning Outcome, Measuring Research Outcomes and Measuring Corporate Readiness. Details follow.

Plenary Session Highlights
To address the conference theme in detail, there will be three plenary sessions:

PLENARY 1 on Topic of “Measuring Learning Outcome” on Dec 9
How does MBA program offer required academic rigour to ensure that MBAs have Conceptual Clarity, Ability to apply concepts to real life issues, and take Effective decisions? How are learning outcomes being measured? Are they effective measures? This session will host Deans and Subject Experts who will discuss these questions, and suggest right measures of learning outcomes. Session will be chaired by Dr Varun Nagaraj, Dean, SPJIMR Mumbai. Speakers are: Dr Geoff Perry, EVP & Chief Officer, Asia Pacific, AACSB International; Dr Ramabhadran S. Thirumalai, Deputy Dean, Academic Programmes, Indian School of Business (ISB); Dr Shubhasis Dey, Dean (FA&D), IIM Kozhikode and Dr Sangeeta Bharadwaj, Dean, Graduate Programmes, MDI Gurgaon.

PLENARY 2 on Topic of “Measuring Research Outcomes” on Dec 9
An important outcome of management education system is the intellectual contributions of faculty through research. Current emphasis is on publishing in peer reviewed Journals, especially those included in FT Ranking or ABDC List. However, the real impact of these publication is often not measured. This session will host Directors, Deans and Subject Experts who will ask hard questions, and suggest right measures of research impact. Session will be chaired by Dr Nava Subramaniam, Dean, Amrita School of Business Coimbatore. Speakers are Dr Rudra Sensarma, Former Dean (RI & I); Professor, IIM Kozhikode; Dr Francois Bonvalet, Director, BSIS, EFMD; Dr Lakshmi Kumar, Dean, IFMR GSB, Krea University Sri City and Dr Neena Sondhi, Dean Research & Accreditation, IMI New Delhi.

PLENARY 3 on Topic of “Measuring Corporate Readiness” on Dec 10
B-schools often judge themselves successful by achieving 100% placement or high average salary in Campus Placements. However, high MBA attrition within first 12-18 months is quite common. Are B-schools conscious of quality of placements, and right-match? This session will host Directors, Deans and Subject Experts who will discuss these questions, and suggest right measures. Session will be chaired by Dr Vishal Talwar, Director, IMT Ghaziabad. Speakers are: Dr Srinivasan R Iyengar, Director, JBIMS Mumbai; Dr Ajit Parulekar, Director, Goa Institute of Management Goa; Dr Monica Khanna, Former Director, K J Somaiya Institute of Management Mumbai and Dr Kumar Mohanty, Director-Corporate Relations, KIIT University Bhubaneswar.

4. Leader’s Roundtable: In this Special Session, titled Leader’s Roundtable, top Management Education Leaders shall share their perspectives on what are the Key Indices they use to track the Outcomes of their Institution, and the Peers. These indices will indeed cover the typical Academic, Research and Corporate outcomes, but may offer other important Outcomes for management education in India. Leaders shall also outline Implementation Strategy that they deploy at their institutions to ensure these Outcomes are continuously Measured and Achieved. During the session, CXOs from leading Global Knowledge Organizations shall offer rich external perspectives. Speakers are Dr Debashis Chatterjee, Director, IIM Kozhikode; Fr Sebastian George, S.J, Director, XLRI Jamshedpur; Dr Varun Nagaraj, Dean, SPJIMR Mumbai; Dr H. Chaturvedi, Alt President, EPSI; Director, BIMTECH Greater NoidaMr Raghav Gupta, Managing Director, India and APAC, Coursera; Dr Asit K Barma, Director, BIM Tiruchirappalli; Dr N. R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD Mysore and Mr Gaurav Srivastava, Regional Director - South Asia, GMAC. Session will be chaired by Mr Amit Agnihotri, Founder & Convenor, IMC.

5. IMC Awards for Excellence in Management Education 2022: The IMC Awards are presented to identify, document and recognize the Best-practices and successful Initiatives undertaken by Indian B-schools in strategic areas like Admissions Management, Curriculum & Pedagogy, Industry-engagement and Education Technology. Award winners 2022 will be selected by an eminent jury after a rigorous multi round selection process. The best shortlisted entries will be making final presentation during the IMC Conference on December 10. Jury comprises of Dr Pawan Kumar Singh, Director, IIM Tiruchirappalli and Dr SR Singhvi, Management Consultant & Advisor; Former Senior Faculty, IIM Indore & MDI Gurgaon.

6. IMC Distinguished Alumni Award: IMC believes that success of B-school Alumni is the best representation of the value of Indian management education. Every year, IMC Distinguished Alumni Award (IMC DAA) are presented to outstanding business leaders who graduated from an Indian business school and are now making a national and global impact. IMC DAA 2022 Award Winner will be announced during Valedictory Function on December 10.

While these Keynotes and Plenary Sessions offer rich discussions on conference theme, there is a lot more at IMC 2022! Keeping the topic trends in minds, two Special Sessions have been organized. Details follow:

7. Special Session on “Rethinking Admissions”
MBA Outcomes are influenced by the ‘Input’ – the academic and social profile of students admitted. So how can B-schools select the right class to achieve the desired institutional outcomes? Experts from leading Indian B-schools and Global subject experts will offer some answers. Session will be Chaired by Dr Atish Chattopadhay, Director, JAGSOM. Speakers are Prof Alberto Acereda, AVP for Global Higher Education, ETS; Dr Vishwa Ballabh, Chairperson Admissions, XLRI Jamshedpur, Convenor, XAT; Dr P K Shajahan, Dean, Academic Affairs, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) Mumbai and Dr Amit Das, Chairperson - MBA Admissions, IFMR GSB, KREA University Sri City.

8. Special Session on “UG Management Education”
Extending the IMC Conference theme to Undergraduate Management Education, this special session will focus on the desired Outcomes from IPM and other UG programs like BBA, BBS and BMS. Speakers shall share the expected Outcomes of their UG Management Program – how they are Identified, Delivered and Measured. Session will be Chaired by Mr Vinay Hebbar, Senior Vice-President, Head - International Markets, Harvard Business Publishing. Speakers are: Dr Shruti Tewari, IIM Indore; Dr Viraj Varma, IIM Ranchi, Dr Aditya Mohan Jadhav TAPMI Bengaluru and Dr Niraj S. Mankad, FLAME University.

In addition, a Roundtable on UG Management Programs Outcomes is organized on December 10 after the Valedictory Session. This will be Chaired by Dr SR Singhvi, Management Consultant & Advisor and Former Professor, IIM Indore, MDI Gurgaon.

9. Leading Global Organizations and Top B-schools are Proud Partners
IIM Kozhikode is the partner and host institution of 12th IMC 2022. Welcoming the conference to its campus, Dr Debashis Chatterjee, Director, IIM Kozhikode said, “IIM Kozhikode is happy to partner MBAUniverse.com to bring the 12th edition of Indian Management Conclave to ‘God’s Own Campus’.”

Partner B-schools and Universities include IMT Ghaziabad, TAPMI, K J Somaiya Institute of Management, BIMTECH, BIM Trichy, JAGSoM, IFMR GSB KREA University, SDMIMD and SCMS Cochin.

Leading Global Knowledge organizations including AACSB International, ETS GRE, Coursera, GMAC and Harvard Business Publishing are partnering IMC 2022.

Organized by MBAUniverse.com in partnership with India’s top B-schools and knowledge organizations, IMC is India's definitive annual Management Education Conference & Awards Platform. Like in the past, IMC 2022 Conference is an exclusive, in-person leadership conference. There will be no virtual or online steaming of the conference. Delegate Registration is are now closed.

Stay tuned to MBAUnivese.com for more details on Indian Management Conclave 2022

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