KIITEE Management 2019 Analysis: Moderate Exam Leading to KSOM MBA; Cut Offs Not to Go High
KIITTEE Management 2019 Analysis for the first day exam held on January 20, 2019 has remained of moderate difficulty level. The computer based test of two and half hours duration was held in 15 test cities. Despite having an easy to moderate difficulty level, the KIITEE Management 2019 cut offs are not expected to go high

The first of the three KIITEE Management 2019 exams, leading to MBA admission at KSOM Bhubaneswar, has got over in a single session on January 20, 2019. KIITEE Management is the MBA entrance exam conducted by KIIT University for admission to MBA and MBA (Rural Management) Programmes. KIITEE Management 2019 has remained a moderate difficulty level computer based test of two and half hours duration and is held in 15 test cities.
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The next two KIITEE Management 2019 will be held on January 21 and 22, 2019. It is expected that the KIITEE Management cut off for MBA admission 2019 at KSOM may not go high. Besides, in view of the experts the next two KIITEE Management exams on January 21 and 22, 2019 may also not have higher difficulty level.
Here is KIITEE Management 2019Analysis! Despite having an easy to moderate difficulty level, the KIITEE Management 2019 cut offs are not expected to go high. KIITEE Management 2019 has remained a computer based test. The exam has not reported any technical glitches during the exam duration of 150 minutes.
There was no surprise element in the test structure of KIITEE Management 2019 Exam and has remained on the last year pattern.
KIITEE Management 2019: Exam Pattern
The KIITEE Management 2019 has remained an Objective computer-based test where the questions were shown and answers had to be marked on a desktop computer.
Exam Duration:The total exam duration was of two and halfhours (150 Minutes)
Type of Question:The questions were of multiple choice types (MCQs) with answer options.
No. of Question:The question paper comprised total150 questions.
Marking Scheme:Three marks are awarded for each correct answer.
Negative Marking:For all multiple choice questions, one mark is deducted for a wrong answer andzero for no response.
Marking More than 1 Answer Option:If a candidate has marked more than one answer for a question, the answer is treated as incorrect and will fetch negative marks
Language of the Questions:Question Pattern Language of the questions was in English.
KIITEEManagement 2019 Sectional Pattern
KIITEE Management 2019 exam held on January 20, 2019 consisted of MCQs and is of undernoted pattern:
Total Questions
Maximum Marks for the Section
Quantitative Aptitude
Analytical Reasoning
General Knowledge
Issue of Social concern
Section-wise Question compositionFollowing were the major topics on which questions were asked in KIITEE Management 2019:
Quantitative Aptitude: 40 MCQs
- Arithmetic-Ratio, mixtures, work, average, percentage, Time & speed, Profit and loss, interest, basic statistics
- Number properties
- Probability
- Counting principles
- Geometry
- Algebra
- Table and pie chart
- Bar diagrams and graphs
- Charts
Analytical Reasoning: 40 MCQs
The section remained a mix of the topics from arrangements like linear, seating, sequencing & arranging with conditions to coding
- Logical puzzle,
- True/false statements
- Visual Reasoning
- Seating Arrangement
- Team Formation
- Family Tree Blood Relations
- Direction Sense
- Clocks & Calendar
English: 30 MCQs
English test included the test of grammar, tenses, vocabulary, jumbled paragraphs and reading comprehension.
- Usage of Articles
- Non-finites
- Usage on Nouns & Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions regular and followed, Verbs, Syntax, Subject-verb Agreement, Simple, continuous, Perfect tenses and Conditional-unreal past.
- Jumbled paragraphs
- RC Passages of 400-500 words and not too difficult passages.
- Questions based on inference drawn
- Questions based on the Central idea of the passage
- Questions based on phrases, idioms
- Questions based on expression in the passage.
General Knowledge (GK): 20 MCQs
Conventional GK
Current GK- based on current reading of newspapers and periodicals;
- Business & Economics GK -changes in Fiscal and monetary policy, CRR, Repo Rate,
- Whos who
- Constitutional of India,
- Currency and Capitals of the countries
- States of India
- International Organizations
- Identification of personalities, companies among others.
Issues of Social Concern
Important social issues making impact on social life as covered in KIITEE Management 2019 are:
- Abbreviations of various Social schemes PMRY, MNREGA
- Poverty Line definition BPL
- GDP Measurement
- Five Year Plans
- Indian Economy
- Social Activism in India
- Agriculture related activities & their impact
- Government schemes related to Agriculture and Rural Development
- Various National and International organizations concerning the Agriculture, Rural development with special reference to India and underdeveloped countries
Expected KIITEE Management Cut Offs 2019 for KSOM
KIITEE Management 2019 has maximum 450 marks spread over 5 sections. A score of 200+ marks in the exam can get you shortlisted for final selection round.
Stay tuned to for more updates on KIITEE Management 2019
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