Last Updated on December 24, 2018 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

MAT Dec 2018 Result: Check Your Composite Score; Key Criteria for MBA Admission 2019

MAT December 2018 exam result with individual score card is out on December 24, 2018 at 3 PM, and the most important component in your MAT score card is the MAT composite score apart from the percentile. The composite score in MAT score card determines your merit for the best MBA/PGDM B-schools

MAT Dec 2018 Result: Check Your Composite Score; Key Criteria for MBA Admission 2019

December MAT 2018 exam result has been declared on December 24 at 3 P.M. on the AIMA website. Alongwith the MAT result, the MAT score card 2018 has also been made available for download on AIMA website.The most important component in your MAT score card is the MAT composite score apart from the percentile. In fact the composite score in MAT determines your merit for the best MBA/PGDM B-schools.

The Composite Score in MAT Dec 2018 result are reported on a scale ranging from 199 to 801,but extreme scores below 200 or above 800 are uncommon. These uncommon scores i.e., allbelow 200 are reported as 199 and all above 800 are reported as 801.

MAT Results 2018 Update: Download Your Score Card Now! Result Out; Apply for MBA Admission 2019 Before Closing Date
MAT Dec 2018 exam result was declared today on December 24 at 3 PM as announced by AIMA earlier. Now with the MAT score card in hand, a high composite score in MAT is what you would need for MBA admission 2019.

What is Composite Score in MAT
The obvious query by the candidates who have appeared or would appear in next MAT exam is what is the composite score in MAT and how does this MAT Composite Score impact on MBA admission?
How to calculate MAT Composite score since the MAT scoring pattern is different from other MBA entrance exams - is the common query. The simplest way to understand the MAT Composite Score is to know and understand how the score calculation is done in MAT:

There are 160 questions in MAT which are divided in 4 sections. The GK section is 5th which is not counted in Composite score calculation.
Scores of these 4 sections were taken into account to calculate your percentile in MAT Dec 2018 exam.
Each question carries maximum 1 raw mark and after scaling process, your MAT raw score goes up many times.
This score is converted to highest Composite Score of 800.
Roughly it means that your 1 question will carry 5 marks in your final Composite Score.
Accordingly 160 marks are converted to 800 marks. On the basis of this Composite score, you will get your percentile.

Calculation of MAT composite score and percentile: Understand with example
If you have written MAT Dec 2018 exam on December 9 or 15, and your raw score is scaled to composite score between 765 to 775 out of 800, you are supposed to get a percentile between 99 to 99.5.
If you score a raw score of around 70 in 4 sections of MAT, it implies that after taking into account the negative marking of your 70 marks would become more than 350 or so. This will be the composite score in MAT which will get you a percentile of about 90.

If you have scored around 85 or 95 raw marks, your composite score will go around 750 and would get you a percentile somewhere around 99.
Top MBA colleges accepting MAT scores: Know the cut offs
Around 300 MBA colleges will offer MBA admission 2019 on the basis of MAT 2018 December exam score cut offs. These institutes are autonomous, University B-schools offering MBA degree, private PGDM colleges.

MAT Composite score cut offs in these MBA colleges accepting MAT scores vary from institute to institute. Apart from the overall MAT cut offs, many of the MAT accepting colleges also consider MAT sectional cut offs in shortlisting the candidates.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on MAT exam

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