MBA CET 2020 Analysis: Reasoning Lengthy, Verbal Difficult; Each Slot Marked With Surprise; Cut offs to go Down
MAH MBA CET 2020 exam held on March 14 & 15 in four slots had changes and surprises with difficult Verbal and lengthy Logical & Abstract Reasoning, while Quantitative Aptitude section remained moderate. Surprises in question pattern also took candidates off guard. Overall exam difficulty level was similar to last year with expected cut off at JBIMS remaining around 138+

MBA CET 2020 exam, conducted by DTE Maharashtra on March 14& 15, 2020 in four slots has got over now with many changes and surprises to the test takers. The candidates were taken off guard as many new types of questions appeared in the exam. The MBA CET 2020for MBA admission was marked with a lengthy and difficult Logical & Abstract Reasoning. While Quantitative Aptitude section remained moderate, Verbal Ability was on higher difficulty side. Overall exam difficulty level was similar to last year with expected cut off at JBIMS remaining around 138+.
MAH MBA CET 2020 was found on changed pattern. Different type of questions in Verbal Ability, Logical Reasoning were placed in the exam.
MBA CET Exam Dates & Slots
MBA CET 2020 Dates |
Slot-1 Time |
Slot-2 Time |
March 14, 2020 |
10 AM to 12.30 PM |
2 PM to 4.30 PM |
March 15, 2020 |
10 AM to 12.30 PM |
2 PM to 4.30 PM |
Exam Difficulty Level |
Moderate to Difficult |
Moderate to Difficult |
Surprise Element |
Yes |
Yes |
Cut off for 99+ percentile |
130-132 |
131-133 |
MBA CET 2020 exam in each slot began on time. The MAH MBA CET 2020was conducted in multiple sessions by DTE Maharashtra CET Cell in 2 days test window on March 14& 15, 2020 across the country. Session timings for both the days were from 10AM to 12.30PM and from 2PM to 4.30PM.
At some test centres, interruptions due to minor technical glitches were reported as computer systems were getting disrupted during the test duration. However, all the answers marked by the candidates were automatically saved without posing any further problem to the candidates.
MBA CET Exam 2020 Analysis: Key Highlights
- Verbal Ability Questions on Para completion, choosing the correct sentence had close options
- Questions on Fill in the blanks in Jumbled sentences
- Questions on Fill in the blanks based on RC Passages
- Match the column questions with three columns and three rows with a sentence fragment in each cell. Candidates had to match them to form grammatical sentences with first column which was fixed.
- Phrase-replacement questions were introduced. A highlighted phrase was to be replaced with the correct phrase/combination of phrases from the given options
- Questions on picking the odd sentence out of the paragraph was found tricky in the jumbled paragraph
- Logical Reasoning had lengthy question set on seating arrangement
- Quant section had more questions on Arithmetic
- More than 20 questions were on Data Interpretation in Quant section
Overall MBA CET 2020 Analysis
MBA CET 2020 was conducted by IBPS which is as per standard layout of IBPS tests. At a few test venues, some of the test takers faced difficulty of system-hang for a brief span, but it got rectified or the students were allotted alternative systems.
Total questions |
200 |
Mode of exam |
Online computer based test (CBT) |
Medium of Test |
English |
Type of questions |
Multiple choice type (MCQs) |
Number of sections |
4 |
Time available |
2½ hours (10 AM to 12.30 PM & 2 PM to 4.30 PM) |
Sectional cut off |
Applicable to determine percentile score |
Scoring pattern |
1 mark for each correct answer |
Total marks |
200 |
Negative marking |
No |
Answer options for each question |
5 |
Overall Exam Difficulty level |
Moderate to difficult |
Time Management in MBA CET: Big Issue before Test Takers
Less than 1 Minute per Question was available for the test takers with 200 questions to be attempted in 150 minutes. Candidates gasped for more time during the exam.
Candidates had to choose one of the 5 answer options which again demanded a little more time even after using any tips and tricks to solve the question. The only positive was that there was no negative marking and the candidates fighting against the shortage of time resorted to more guess work.
Positives for MBA CET 2020 Test Takers
- No fear of negative marking encouraged test takers to solve 100% questions
- It improved the chances of scoring more
- Fixed number of questions with uniform scoring helped to keep balance among the four sections
- Many questions were found on easier side which helped candidates to attempt them first and score high in uniform marking pattern
- Logical & Abstract Reasoning with 100 questions commanded 50% weight in the exam. Questions in Abstract reasoning were found on easier side as reported by the test takers.
- No technical glitches helped the candidates to concentrate more.
Difficult to Score High in MBA CET 2020
- As per the scoring pattern in MBA CET 2020, the equi-percentile and calculation of equated scoring process based on difficulty level of the test, across the sections can place the low scorer at a higher percentile also.
- Guess work, if gone correct by chance, higher score cannot be ruled out even for those who have not made so many good attempts.
MBA CET Analysis: Sectional composition and difficulty level
MAH MBA CET Exam 2020 had 4 sections. However, effectively there were 3 sections only as 100 Reasoning questions were based on Logical and Abstract Reasoning.
S No |
Section Name |
Number of Questions |
Mark Per Question |
Total marks for the section |
Difficulty level |
1 |
Logical Reasoning |
75 |
1 |
75 |
Difficult |
2 |
Abstract Reasoning |
25 |
1 |
25 |
Moderate |
3 |
Quantitative Aptitude |
50 |
1 |
50 |
Moderate |
4 |
Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension |
50 |
1 |
50 |
Moderate to Difficult |
Total marks for the test |
200 |
MBA CET Exam 2020: Sectional Analysis
All the four sections in MAH MBA CET 2020 are referred to as tests and not as sections. The detailed sectional analysis by experts for each of the four tests in MBA CET 2020 is as below:
Section-1: Test of Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension
Total questions |
50 |
Marks per question |
1 |
Answer options per question |
5 |
Total marks |
50 |
Verbal Ability questions |
35 |
RC Based Questions (2 RC Passages followed by 7-8 questions each) |
15 |
Difficulty level |
Moderate to difficult |
Good attempts |
34-36 |
Changes & Surprises
- Verbal Ability section MBA CET 2020 had a major change in the question pattern. The section consisted of questions based on errors in Grammar, contextual use of Vocabulary, English Language usage, Para completion, new type of para jumble, Synonyms Antonyms among other topics.
- Questions based on RC passages were doable although a few of them were difficult and very close ones. Questions on Verbal Ability also included Verbal reasoning and were moderate to difficult. Out of the 50 questions in this section, 12 were based on short Reading Comprehension passages while remaining others were on Verbal Ability and Verbal reasoning.
- The section had mixed level of difficulty. Number of questions based on RC passages like spotting out correct contextual vocabulary usage, phrase, synonyms, antonyms were not difficult.
- Test takers found it difficult and time consuming to solve the questions based on grammatical errors. Many candidates lost the track of the subject, predicate in the sentences formed with the grammatical errors and found them tricky enough.
- Questions like completion of paragraph, choosing the correct sentence was another challenge for the students as the options were very close. The CAT like question in picking out the odd sentence out of the paragraph was not very difficult to solve.
- Reading Comprehension passages were neither very long nor were difficult. The questions based on both the RC passages could be attempted with a little concentrated reading of the passage. The questions based on RC passages had many vocabulary based questions which were not very difficult.
- Picking out the errors in parts of sentences or choosing the ‘No error’ option, in some cases was also very difficult. There were questions followed by answer options to replace the bold part of the sentence with the correct answer. The sentences were based on use of tenses, grammar, pronouns, verbs, conditions etc.
The overall types of questions that appeared in Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section in MBA CET 2020 is:
Topics of questions |
Number of questions |
Difficulty level |
Reading comprehension passages – 600 to 800 words |
15 |
Moderate |
Vocabulary (Synonyms, antonyms, contextual usage, formation of words with specific letters, matching the words, Fill in the blanks) |
15 |
Moderate |
Para jumble, Para placement, completion, out of context, Fill in the blanks |
5 |
Tricky |
Error correction in Sentences |
6 |
Moderate to difficult |
Passage Inference |
1 |
Moderate |
Replacement of Phrases |
5 |
Moderate to Difficult |
Fill in the blanks - Phrase |
1 |
Moderate to difficult |
Interchanging the words |
3 |
Moderate to difficult |
Important note on Verbal Ability Test
- Questions on error corrections in sentences were similar to the ones as appear in various recruitment examinations of Banks, Insurance companies, Central and state Governments. Sentences were divided in four sections and the error from one of the sections had to be spotted. If there was no error option 5 of ‘ No error’ had to be marked as answer.
- Another type was that of re-writing the parts of sentences containing errors. The question sentence had one part marked in bold and the test taker had to figure out whether there is any error in that part of the sentence. 5 answer options followed the question. In case there was an error, candidate had to choose the right answer option and if it had no error, option 5 had to be marked.
- The questions were formed on core grammar like Active passive; reported speech; conditionals; modifiers and picking out correct synonyms and antonyms. Apart from this, moderate questions on analogy also made their presence in Verbal Ability section.
- There were questions to place the para to fill in the blanks in a paragraph. With simple and correct understanding of grammar and vocabulary usage, candidates could answer the same well.
- The RC passages were short but were followed by number of questions including questions like synonyms, antonyms as used in the passage. The level of difficulty was moderate but the options were close and time was short.
- Candidates who could get around 32-34 questions correct in this section, would improve their overall percentile to a good extent to get admission in one of the top MBA colleges
Section-2: Test of Logical and Abstract Reasoning
This section had 75 questions on Logical Reasoning and 25 questions on Abstract Reasoning.
Test of Logical Reasoning
Total questions |
75 |
Marks per question |
1 |
Answer options per question |
5 |
Total marks |
75 |
Difficulty level |
Moderate to difficult |
Good Attempts |
42-44 |
- There were 75 questions of varying type in the Logical Reasoning section. It had questions sets following the given data; questions on series, statements – inferences/conclusions, true false, coding-decoding among others.
- 59-60 questions were on Non-Verbal Reasoning and rest 15-16 questions were based on verbal reasoning
- Questions on various types of Arrangements, statements, letter rearrangements, family tree are the favourite areas in MBA CET exam. The questions were in sets as well as individual ones. The questions were lengthy in nature and needed more time to solve.
- Sets in Logical Reasoning were difficult to solve. The candidates who marked the answer option and moved on were benefitted as they could solve more questions which were on moderate side.
- Verbal Reasoning part in logical reasoning section has more questions on Critical Reasoning, Syllogism among others. The Syllogisms were overall moderate but time consuming across all the slots. Strong weak arguments, cause effect questions also consumed some time of the test takers. These questions were not as difficult as the other questions and were doable.
- 5 questions were on Logical Inequality, 5 on sentence based coding; set of 4 questions on Directions and 3 questions were on data sufficiency.
- A new question type was there in the test. There were 3 questions in this category. A set of 5 questions based on Sequential Input Output was asked in one of the 4 slots.
- 15-16 questions were on Verbal Reasoning and most of them were on Critical Reasoning like, strengthen the argument, weaken the argument
- 4 questions were on syllogism (4 statements followed by 2/3 conclusions]
- 2 questions were on implicit statements
Type of questions
Question topics |
Number of questions |
Difficulty level |
Arrangements-Seating, Linear, Matrix, Square etc. |
28 |
Moderate to difficult |
Statement-conclusion, inference, cause effect |
7 |
Moderate to difficult |
Direction |
5 |
Moderate |
Family tree-blood relationship |
5 |
Moderate |
Syllogism |
6 |
Moderate to difficult |
Critical reasoning |
15 |
Moderate |
Assumption |
3 |
Moderate |
Data sufficiency |
4 |
Moderate to difficult |
Letter re-arrangements |
2 |
Moderate |
A good attempt of 42-44 questions in Logical Reasoning would lead to a high percentile in MBA CET 2020.
Test of Abstract reasoning
Total questions |
25 |
Marks per question |
1 |
Answer options per question |
5 |
Total marks |
25 |
Difficulty level |
Moderate |
Good Attempts |
18-20 |
Abstract Reasoning with 25 questions was a moderate difficulty test and candidates were found busy in maximising the attempts in this section. Questions were formed on series, Analogy, puzzles among others and were found doable. Most of the questions in Abstract Reasoning were similar to visual reasoning questions that appeared earlier in MBA CET exam.
Type of questions
Question topics |
Number of questions |
Difficulty level |
Series Completion |
11-12 |
Moderate to difficult |
Analogy |
6-7 |
Moderate to difficult |
Matching of Pair |
7-8 |
Moderate |
A good attempt of 18-20 questions would lead to high percentile.
Section-3: Test of Quantitative Aptitude
Total questions |
50 |
Marks per question |
1 |
Answer options per question |
5 |
Total marks |
50 |
Difficulty level |
Moderate |
Good Attempts |
34-36 |
- This section was moderate to difficult in terms of difficulty level. Questions in this section were doable but time consuming. Apart from a few questions in Quantitative Aptitude section, the remaining were on the easier side. Though many questions involved some tricks but aspirants with basic conceptual clarity were able to solve these questions. There were more questions on Arithmetic. A few questions from Algebra also made their appearance in the test. Data Interpretation (DI) questions in this test were more calculation based but doable.
- Out of 50 questions in the Quant section, 18-20 questions were on Data Interpretation and the remaining were on Quantitative Aptitude. The DI questions were in three sets of problems.
- The 3 sets of questions on Data Interpretation included prominent topics like Table, Pie chart, analytical data, case lets, bar graph. All the sets needed concentration and were calculation intensive.
- In Mathematics, there were 5-6 questions each on approximations and number series and 10 questions on Quantitative Comparison
- Major topics in Quant on which questions were based are: Number system, Arithmatic – constituting percentage, time, speed, distance, integers, Geometry, Algebra among others.
Type of Questions
Question topics |
Number of questions |
Difficulty level |
Arithmetic (Percentage, P&L, TSD, ratio etc) |
10 |
Moderate |
Geometry |
2 |
Moderate to difficult |
Modern Maths |
1 |
Moderate |
Graph, Pie charts, Table, case lets (DI questions) |
20 |
Moderate to difficult |
Data sufficiency |
4 |
Moderate |
Others including Algebra, odd man out |
8 |
Moderate to difficult |
Approximation |
5 |
Moderate |
Good attempt of 34-36 questions would lead to high score.
Cut off Percentile
99+ percentile is expected to at a score of 130-132 marks
Difficulty level in MBA CET 2020 has remained moderate except for questions in VARC and Reasoning sections. Going by the trend, it can be observed that a good attempt of around 150questions plus guess work would lead to a percentile of 99. If the slot you have appeared in, is considered more difficult, you may even get a higher percentile on low scores.
Expected Cut offs for JBIMS, SIMSREE, K J Somaiya
All India candidates can expect admission to top MBA colleges accepting MAH MBA CET 2020 score like JBIMS, SIMSREE, K J Somaiya, PUMBA at a score of 138 and above as shared below
- JBIMS Mumbai: 138-142
- SIMSREE: 134-136
- K J Somaiya: 128-130
- PUMBA: 124-126
Many candidates were allotted centres other than they opted for at the time of completing their registration form. This fact was already clarified by State CET Cell which conducted MBA CET 2020 exam, “If sufficient number of candidates does not opt for a particular centre for "Online" examination, Competent Authority reserves the right to allot any other adjunct centre to those candidates OR if the number of candidates is more than the capacity available for online exam for a centre, Competent Authority reserves the right to allot any other centre to the candidate.”
MBA CET 2020 witnessed around 15% less turnout out of 80000 plus candidates vying for admission in JBIMS, SIMSREE, PUMBA, K J Somaiya, N L Dalmia among other top MBA colleges in Maharashtra. MAH MBA CET 2020is conducted in more than 40 test cities across the country.
Stay tuned to for more updates on MAHCET 2020