NMIMS NPAT 2019 Analysis& Cut Offs: English Dominated by RC & Grammar, Maths a bit Lengthy; Overall Moderate Exam on Day one
NPAT 2019 exam Analysis reveals that the exam has remained at same difficulty level as last year with a few questions reported as more tricky. Overall NPAT difficulty level is moderate. NPAT exam duration is now of 100 minutes instead of 120 minutes. The time management factor is expected to impact the NPAT cut off 2019 also. While the NMIMS NPAT 2019 day one exam has got over on May 11, 2019, the second day NPAT 2019 is on May 12.

NMIMS NPAT 2019 day one exam has got over on May 11, 2019 at 11.40AM at 71 test centres in India. NPAT 2019 Analysis reveals that theNPAT 2019 exam is now of 100 minutes duration instead of 120 minutes. The time management in NPAT has become a problem for the test takers as they have to attempt 120 questions in 100 minutes while earlier there were 120 minutes for 120 questions. This factor is expected to impact the NPAT cut off 2019 adversely.
The second day NPAT 2019 is scheduled on May 12, 2019. The candidates are allowed to apply and appear in NPAT 2019 on both days of the exam provided they had paid the NPAT exam fee for each day. So, in case they find that on the first day it is difficult to clear the NMIMS NPAT cut off, they have the opportunity to appear on next day NPAT exam. NMIMS will consider the best of the two scores for the BBA admission. Candidates appearing for both engineering and non-engineering exams, have to appear for the NPAT 2019 on separate dates.
Students who have applied for non-engineering undergraduate programmes like BBA, B.Pharma+MBA, B.Com. Hons, B.Sc. Finance, B.Sc. Economics, B.A. (Hons) Liberal Arts among others had to appear in Paper-1 of NPAT 2019 entrance exam.
NPAT 2019 Analysis: Highlights ofExam Pattern, Duration, Difficulty Level
- The NPAT 2019 exam pattern remained as a computer based test
- NPAT 2019 was not much different than that of last year
- Overall NPAT 2019 difficulty level was moderate
- NPAT 2019 did not have negative marking
- All questions were of Objective Type
- Each question was followed by 4 answer options
- English was dominated by RC passages and Grammar based questions
- Few questions in Mathematics were lengthy, otherwise it was moderate
- A few questions in Logical Reasoning were based on Verbal Reasoning topics
- NPAT 2019 test duration was of 100 minutes from 10AM to 11.40AM
- NPAT exam consisted of 120 questions
- NPAT exam was divided into 3 sections of 40 questions each
- No individual sectional time limit was given in NPAT 2019. Candidates could move between the sections and could attempt any question from any section
Candidates who appeared in NPAT 2019 were found looking for and attempting the easier questions first and the tough questions later. Besides, the candidates were found keeping a balance of attempts among the three sections to make sure that they clear the sectional cut offs also.
NPAT 2019 Exam Pattern
NPAT 2019 has remained an objective type exam. The exam contained questions on English, Quantitative and Logical reasoning skills. The exam difficulty level has remained moderate.
There were no descriptive type of questions for both Engineering and Non Engineering. Test for Engineering was different than Non Engineering.
Section | Questions | Weightage for final score |
Proficiency Test in English Language | 40 | 40 |
Quantitative & Numerical Ability | 40 | 40 |
Reasoning & General Intelligence | 40 | 40 |
Total | 120 | 120 |
NPAT 2019 Analysis: Section wise
Section-1: NPAT Analysis for Proficiency Test in English Language
Considering that few candidates study English language and its basic grammatical concepts so deeply, the test was a bit difficult. English Language Proficiency Test was more dominated by RC Passages and Grammar based questions. Major Topics and sectional pattern of English in NPAT 2019has more or less remained on similar pattern as that of last year.
- Number of Questions: 40
- Maximum Score: 40
- Negative Marking: No
- Difficulty Level: Moderate to Difficult
- Key Changes: Dominated by RC and Grammar based questions
Important Topics:
- Three Short Reading Comprehension passages of about 300 words followed by 15 questions
- Correct use of Grammar – Parts of Speech, voice, conditionals, Fill in the blanks
- Sentence correction- Usage, identification of errors
- Vocabulary Use
- Jumbled paragraphs
Good Attempts & Sectional NPAT Cut offs
- NPAT 2019 test taker should not spend more than 30 minutes to attempt this section.
- 30-32 could be considered good attempt
- With 85% accuracy the sectional NPAT cut off 2019 could be cleared at a score of 29-30
Section-2: NPAT 2019 Analysis for Quantitative & Numerical Ability
Candidates without Mathematics in class 12 could find it difficult to attempt and score high in this section. There were a few lengthy questions of good difficulty in this section. It was important to select the right questions before proceeding to solve the questions.
- Maximum Score: 40
- Negative Marking: No
- Difficulty Level: Moderate to Difficult
- Key Changes: Mix of topics, prominence of Arithmetic reduced
Important Topics: Questions were based on following major topics
- Time Speed & Distance
- Percentage – Profit, Loss
- Interest – Simple, Compound
- Time & Work
- Trigonometry
- Mensuration
- Sequences/Series
- Statistics
- Algebra
- Quadratic Equations
- Geometry including coordinate geometry
- Functions, Surds & Indices, Probability, Linear Equations
Good Attempts& Sectional NPAT Cut offs
- This section required 40 to 45 minutes to attempt it well.
- 30-32 could be considered good attempt
- With 80 to 85% accuracy the sectional NPAT cut off 2019 could be cleared at a score of 26-29
Section-3: NPAT 2019 Analysis for Logical Reasoning
Logical Reasoning in NPAT 2019 had some of the lengthy questions but the questions were based on topics that appeared in past also. Some of the topics on which questions were based included arrangements, selection, data interpretation, logical inequalities. A few questions were based on verbal reasoning topics.
- Maximum Score: 40
- Negative Marking: No
- Difficulty Level: Moderate
- Key Changes: Question format and the topics this year were not much different than last year.
Important Topics: Questions were based on following major topics
- Data Sufficiency
- Arrangements
- Selection
- Pie Chart, Graphs, Table analysis – Data Interpretation questions were in sets
- Venn Diagram
- Statements, Arguments, Assumption
- Odd Man Out, Analogy
- Syllogisms
- Symbol Based
- Groups
- Series
Good Attempts & Sectional NPAT Cut offs
- The section could be attempted well in 30 Minutes
- 34-35 could be considered good attempt
- With 80 to 85% accuracy the sectional NPAT cut off 2019 could be cleared at a score of 29-30
Overall NPAT 2019 Cut Offs
Even at the same difficulty level as that of last year, the NPAT cut offs 2019 are expected to go down. Although NMIMS has not released the NPAT cut offs or NPAT previous year cut offs for last 3 years, according to the experts, the expected NPAT 2019 cut off may remain 85-86 marks to qualify for shortlisting.
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