SNAP 2018: 10 Mistakes to Avoid on Exam Day; Carry Coloured Admit Card, Dont Apply Mehndi
Your appearance in SNAP 2018 on December 16 from 2PM to 4PM will greet you with an overhauled exam pattern with two types of questions and changed scoring pattern awarding more weightage to special questions and low weightage to normal questions. Adhering to SNAP test day instructions and avoiding a few mistakes may help you to take the computer based SNAP 2018 exam with greater confidence and come out of the testing hall with flying colours.
SNAP 2018 exam pattern has changed and your appearance in SNAP 2018 on December 16 from 2PM to 4PM will greet you with an overhauled exam with two types of questions and changed scoring pattern awarding more weightage to special questions and low weightage to normal questions. While your preparation by now must have been finalised you will need to attempt a few practice sessions before getting ready for the D-day as per the revamped pattern.
Adhering to SNAP test day instructions issued by Symbiosis International University (SIU), Pune and avoiding a few mistakes may help you to take the computer based SNAP 2018 exam with greater confidence and come out of the testing hall with flying colours.
Making even a single avoidable mistake may put you into trouble and you may not be able either to take the exam or not utilise your preparation to maximise your score in SNAP Exam 2018.
Only a day remains for the SNAP 2018 exam day which is on Sunday December 16, 2018. Symbiosis International University has issued specific SNAP test day guide and dos and donts for the SNAP exam day.
SNAP 2018 test takers have been categorically advised by SIU Pune to meticulously follow these SNAP exam day instructions to make sure that they appear in the exam without unnecessarily getting subjected to different type of problems before or during the SNAP exam.
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All your hard preparation for SNAP 2018 may go waste if you do not get clear understanding on your testing room strategy beforehand. It is very important that you should know when to reach the SNAP test centre, what you should or shouldnt wear, which articles you should gather a day before the exam so that you carry the same with you, how to locate your seat, how your SNAP 2018 exam will begin, how you should answer the MCQs and non-MCQs in testing lab and what events will take place immediately before, during and after the SNAP 2018 exam.
10 Mistakes to Avoid on Dec 16
The dos and donts for SNAP exam day are many. However following the important instructions and test day guide lines will help you more to bring clarity in the exam day activities:
Know the Key changes in SNAP 2018
Following are the key changes in SNAP 2018 exam pattern which need to be duly addressed so that you may maximise your attempts in the testing room on December 16
- Number of questions reduced to 130 from 150
- Question pattern divided between MCQs (Normal Questions) and Non-MCQs (Special Questions).
- Normal MCQs carry +1 Maximum mark and Special Non-MCQs carry +2 Maximum marks. Total Maximum Marks are 150
- Negative marking is -0.25 Mark for each MCQ and -0.50 Mark for each Non-MCQ
- Current Affairs questions reduced to 25 and limited to last 2 years events
- Total time to attempt the SNAP 2018 exam remains 2 hours
- Sectional cut offs will applied in SIBM shortlisting
Download Your SNAP Admit Card Now! Dont Wait
Download your SNAP 2018 Admit Card, if not done earlier. Your SNAP Admit Card is the passport to your exam centre and is most important document for the exam day.After your SNAP Admit Card download is complete take following action:
- Check and verify your details in SNAP Admit Card
- Take a colour print of the SNAP Admit Card 2018 on A4 size paper
- Paste your latest passport size colour photograph in the given space on the Admit card
- Please note that this photograph will be stamped by the invigilator in the test room
Keep Your 3 Items & Documents Ready
You need 2 documents and 1 stationery item for the SNAP exam day. Missing any of them may keep you out of the SNAP exam centre. The first one is your SNAP 2018 Admit card coloured print out with your coloured photo pasted on it apart from the scanned one that already exists, and the second one is to keep ready your original photo ID proof as advised in your SNAP Admit Card.
The recommended Photo ID Proofs for SNAP exam are: Voter ID Card; Passport; Driving License, Aadhar Card/Full page Colour printout of E-Aadhar Card Letter and Pan Card.
The 3rd item is the blue/black pen which you need to carry on the exam day. Accordingly there are 3 things you need to carry on exam day:
Colour copy of the Admit Card with recent passport size colour photo pasted in the space provided
Government issued Photo ID Proof in original
Black / Blue simple ball pen
Go to Designated Test Centre Only
Address of your assigned test centre is printed on your SNAP 2018 Admit Card. Ensure you allow for sufficient travel time on the day of test. As SNAP 2018 is being conducted in a CBT mode, Test Centre capacities are limited. Please note to report to the Test Centre assigned to you and mentioned in your Admit Card. You will not be allowed to appear for SNAP 2018 at any other Test Centre.
Adhere to SNAP Exam Reporting Time
You are supposed to reach at your SNAP 2018 test centre by 12 Noon on December 16, 2018. You should occupy your designated seat by 1.30PM after which you may not be allowed to enter the test centre. Getting late could put you in trouble, so reach in time. The security check & bio-metrics will take some time also. Ensure to adhere to reach the test centre by the prescribed time.
Besides, it is better to locate your test centre on Saturday, December 15 and check for the transport available to help you reach on time.
No Mehndi Allowed
On the day of the test, your digital finger print scan will be captured. SIU Pune has instructed the SNAP 2018 test takers, Kindly ensure that fingers are not coated with stamped ink, Henna (mehndi), etc. and are dry.
It is a very important instruction for the girl candidates who apply Mehndi regularly on their palms. Applying Henna (Mehndi) on palm side may be a hindrance in getting your biometrics captured. Accordingly you should not apply any Menhdi or Henna on your fingers on palm side to avoid any problem inside the testing lab.
If your finger prints cannot be digitally scanned due to reasons like applying Mehndi / henna / any cosmetic colours etc., you will not be permitted to take the test. It is therefore, strongly recommended that you should avoid applying Mehndi on your hands (palm side) prior to the test.
Check TSN Number Your Guide to Designated Seat
Your SNAP 2018 Admit Card has distinct 9 digit Entrance Test Seat Number which is different from your SNAP ID/ registration number. Your seat allocation at the designated work station would be according to your TSN number and not as per your registration number. So check it in advance to avoid any inconvenience on the exam day.
On the notice board inside the test centre, you can locate the exam hall (block) assigned to you based on your Entrance Test Seat number given on the Admit Card. This Seat Number is different from your SNAP ID. There will be direction sign boards that will help you locate the designated exam hall.
Once you arrive at your assigned test hall (block), notice board outside the lab will display Seat numbers of all candidates who have been allotted the block. Confirm that your Seat number is present on the sheet. Seating allocation will be denoted as System Number alongside your name. Except for Admit Card, Photo ID card and Pen, no other items or belongings will be allowed inside the block.
Once you have signed in at the exam hall and are seated at your terminal, you will not be allowed to go out. If the candidate needs to leave the lab for any reason, he/she will not be allowed to re-enter. To sign in at the designated terminal, the candidate needs to enter only his/her password. The password details will be instructed by the invigilator. Candidate will have to use the virtual keyboard to enter the password.
Dont Get Confused in Navigation Tools
SNAP 2018 has provided the facility to the aspirants to know the status of the question. The Question Palette displayed on the right side of screen will show the status of each question.There will be 5 colour symbols to indicate the status of the question on the right hand side of question-answer screen
White- Question not visited; Green- Answered question; Red -Unanswered question; Violet Question marked for review; Violet with small Green- The questions answered and marked for review will be considered for evaluation.
After marking your selected option while answering a question, click one of the following to proceed:
Save & Next: Saves your answer and moves to the next question
Clear Response: Clears the already selected answer option for the given question only
Mark for Review & Next: Marks your question in Violet for review so that you can return later to confirm your answer selection. You will also be prompted at the time of submitting the test, those questions that are marked for review.
You can also view other details related to the test on the right panel of the screen such as:
- Question Paper: You can view all the questions in the test.
- Profile: You can view your profile information.
- Instructions: You can view the test related instructions.
- Submit: Allows you to do the final submission of your test. When you click on the Submit button, the system will prompt you to confirm if you indeed want to submit your paper. The system will also display a summary of the status of the questions attempted by you.
Once you click submit and exit the test, you cannot login again.
Dont Carry Bags, Electronic Items
SNAP 2018 test centre will not have any facilities like locker to keep your personal items such as bags, books, wrist watch or mobile phones. These items are not allowed into the exam hall either. It is advised that you leave personal belongings at home. There is no provision of waiting room or designated area for friends and relatives who accompany you to the test centre. Only persons with valid Colour Admit Card along with original Photo Id proof will only be allowed inside the test centre premises.
No Bio-Break During the Exam
Once you enter the exam hall, you will not be allowed to take a bio break (restroom break). It is advised that you locate and use the restrooms well before entering the test hall. Security and Invigilation Identity checks will be made upon arrival at the gates of the test centre.
SNAP 2018 will contain objective type questions. Each question has 4 responses. Candidate should choose an appropriate response. Each wrong answer attracts1/4 negative marks.
SNAP 2018 is the gateway to 15 Symbiosis management institutes including SIBM Pune.
This year SNAP 2018 will be conducted across the country in 92 test cities by Symbiosis International University (SIU) Pune on December 16, 2018.
High scores in SNAP 2018 will offer admission to MBA 2019-21 programmes in all 15 Symbiosis institutes namely SIBM Pune; SICSR; SCMHRD; SIIB; SITM; SIMS; SIMC Pune; SIOM Nashik; SCIT; SIHS; SIBM Bengaluru; SSBF; SIMC Bengaluru; SIBM Hyderabad and Symbiosis School of Sports Sciences (SSSS). All the 15 B-schools are affiliated to SIU Pune.
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