Last Updated on May 8, 2013 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

Optimise your Facebook, Twitter habits during your CAT prep

MBAUniverse.com Prep Team of experts brings you tips on optimizing your social media behavior & online activity during your CAT Prep.

Optimise your Facebook, Twitter habits during your CAT prep

With Internet and Social Media websites heavily proliferating into the lifestyle of new generation, it is increasingly becoming imminent for students especially those preparing for highly competitive exams like CAT to optimize their online media behavior to their best advantage.

Many of the online researches have proved beyond doubt, that youth in your age group spend their maximum online time on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Orkut etc. While internet proves to be one of the best options for MBA Aspirants to explore news and information related to their CAT preparation, the need to utilize their valuable time spent online in best possible way is very important.

Social media presence and real time communication online has become integral part of youths lifestyle today. It is not uncommon to astray to your social media accounts while searching for some good informative study material for your CAT Prep. Sometimes you logon to your social media account like Facebook intentionally but sometime you do it unintentionally while browsing internet just because you are used to logging into your account frequently.
Incessant real-time feed from your friends, family members, colleagues and acquaintances prompts you to become part of their social media communication and keeps you hooked on to your different social media accounts. With the social media tools getting more and more engaging and user-friendly, the indulgence on social media has become a threat that has a potential to consume much your study time as well.

But Beware! Over spending your crucial CAT preparation time on internet and social media may result in low CAT percentile and diminish your chances to get into Top B-schools like IIM. As time management is one of the core areas during CAT prep, you need to judiciously spend your time on different internet engagements and social media activities.

One of the most important challenges during your CAT preparation will be to manage and control your time on your social media accounts. So how do you optimize your time that you spend on internet? How do you avoid your Facebook, Twitter trap?

MBAUniverse.com Prep Team of experts brings you tips on optimizing your social media behavior & online activity during your CAT Prep.
What are disadvantages?

While your CAT preparation, use of internet is necessary as it helps you to get news and information on CAT related preparation. But there are disadvantages also like:
- You end up spending much of your precious time on social media accounts
- It also sometimes de-focuses you from your CAT prep
- It consumes time on unnecessary forced engagement with not-so-important acquaintances Make the best out of it!

While there are various disadvantages, but you can utilize internet and social media to your best advantage in the following ways:
- Use internet to keep yourself updated on CAT related news. You can subscribe to Google Alerts on key words like CAT or MBA to get you updates on daily basis. This can save your time on searching for the same.
- Using your social media accounts, you can make friends with CAT Aspirants and form your online study group
- You can keep tab on updates on prep material from different online preparation sites
- You get valuable experience and insight by joining B-school alumni group page of IIMs and other top B-schools. You may also surface your doubts and queries related to CAT & GD PI and get solutions to the same

Check your online presenceNow, if your online behavior is interrupting your CAT preparation, how do you control yourself? While disassociating from your social media accounts is not possible in todays time, you can minimize your time-wastage in following ways:
- Ensure that you open your social media account for a limited period of time every day. The best way is to log on to your accounts when you have already fixed your next schedule for something else. This keeps you confined to a limited timeframe that you are going to devote to your social media account.
- Use more of online mails to interact with friends. It gives you comfort of responding as per your convenience. In this way, you get very selective messages, going through which saves your time.
- Keep yourself presence invisible or busy while you logon to your social media accounts. It will keep you off from avoidable messages from your friends.
- Reduce the number of posts that you put on your social media accounts on daily basis. It will reduce your chances of getting comments on your other mail account connected to your social media pages.

So, keeping yourself updated with current news and events through internet is important but it should not make an excuse for you to wasting your time on your Facebook, Twitter accounts.

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