Last Updated on October 10, 2013 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

Time management, selecting right Qs and other Toppers Mantra for Quantitative Ability

In this special series, MBAUniverse.com will shares tips and tricks from various CAT Toppers and Quant Experts on how to score high percentile in Quant Section of the CAT 2013 exam.

Time management, selecting right Qs and other Toppers Mantra for Quantitative Ability

With just a few days to go for CAT 2013 to commence, how can you make yourself stronger in Quant section? What are the strategies that you can follow so that this section saves your time on cumbersome calculations? In this special series, MBAUniverse.com will shares tips and tricks from various CAT Toppers and Experts on how to score high percentile in Quant Section of the CAT 2013 exam. MBAUniverse.com interviewed CAT Experts and more than 10 toppers from various IIMs, FMS Delhi, NITIE Mumbai and other top B-Schools. Our last article was based on Toppers Mantras on how to leverage Mock Tests.

Experts and CAT Toppers are of the view that as the D Day gets closer, aspirants must streamline their study schedule to prepare for Quantitative Ability Section. To start with, lets briefly discuss the content of this article. This special article on Quant will share with you the key topics to revise for CAT 2013, what should be your strategy for the Quant section and how to improve your sectional cut-off for Quant section.

Key topics for Quantitative Ability for CAT 2013
Quant section comprise of at least 20 questions on various topics of Quantitative Aptitude. Experts have always stated that questions in Quantitative Ability section of CAT exam are based on basic mathematics, hence revisiting your Maths books of class VIII to XII level is not a bad idea.

According to Quant expert ARKS Srinivas, Quantitative Ability is divided into three basic areas i.e. Arithmetic, Algebra and Core mathematics. It includes topics related to percentage, Average, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Indices, Logs, Permutations and Combinations, Quadratic Equations, Inequalities and Progressions.

Strategy for Quantitative Ability Section
Every aspirant has a different strategy to cope with the difficult question of Quant. This section is all about numbers and calculation and every CAT topper vouched for the key essentials of accuracy and quick calculations to score high percentile in this section.

Experts believe that CAT does not aim to check your mathematical skills through Quant Section. Instead, you have to focus more on digits, logic and common sense. Quant Expert Shiva Kumar says, Try to focus on numbers with quick calculations through vedic mathematics

Anusha Subramanian from IIM Bangalore says Quant section is all about number crunching and speed. Solving practice papers in a simulated test environment at home helps prepare for this section.
Sumedha Deogharia of NITIE Mumbai who secured 99.35 percentile says, I found the Quant section really easy which had simple formula based calculations. As a result of which, I was able to attempt all the questions in that section. It was only because of a good accuracy in this section that my percentile shot up to an overall of 99.35.

She added, Quantitative Ability consists of simple formulas. Once you grasp and understand all the formulas you can solve all the questions very easily.

Quant Expert Srinivasan says, Understand that CAT does not want to test your mathematical skills; if it wanted to do that, wed have only M.Sc. Mathematics & PhD students sitting in the IIMs! That the CAT test logic & common sense is a good enough reason for you to take heart and focus on cracking the test. He added, You have to go through all the formulas before 15 days and try to focus on vedic mathematics that will save your time.

How to improve on Sectional Cut-off
Apart from overall percentile, Sectional cut off is also considered by top B schools during the selection process for admissions.

Experts suggests that 14-15 questions in Quantitative section with an accuracy level of above 90% i.e. 12-13 correct answers will fetch you a sectional percentile as higher as 98+.

On the question of how to maximize my score in Quant section, Arks Srinivas, Quant expert has a simple formula, The key to doing well in any competitive exam is 1) to solve all questions that ONE can solve in a certain time. While the above statement looks simplistic, it is probably the only important thing in writing CAT or any other exam. More often than not, students lose out in competitive exams because they spend MORE time on questions than they ought to. The key is the In a Certain time. Instead, students spend enormous amounts of time on those questions they think they know and lose out on other questions that they could have solved. 2) Sticking to time limits per section/per area. This ensures that you are giving the right time to each area/section. Otherwise you may end up spending more time than necessary in an area/question.

Kurian George, a CAT topper from IRMA, shares his success mantra for Quant section and says, My strategy was to spend as little time as possible on any questions that seemed unfamiliar or difficult. I didnt waste my time in solving questions which I knew I dont know. I quickly moved to the next question to solve it without wasting anytime.

You have to fold your sleeves and strategize your studies so that you can achieve highest percentile in CAT.
Stay Tuned with MBAUniverse.com for tips and Strategies for CAT Examination 2013.

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