Last Updated on March 25, 2015 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CMAT 2015: Result Out, Highest Score dips; know the scoring & percentile calculation criteria

The scores in CMAT Feb 2015 have dipped not only from CMAT 2015 first test but also are lower than any of the last 4 CMAT exams

CMAT 2015: Result Out, Highest Score dips; know the scoring & percentile calculation criteria

CMAT Feb 2015 results declared by AICTE in the morning on March 25, 2015 displaying National Merit list have kindled hope among MBA aspirants with low score to explore admission opportunity in good B schools across the country with fewer marks. The basic reason behind this idea is the low scoring pattern in CMAT Feb 2015 result. The scores in CMAT Feb 2015 have dipped not only from CMAT 2015 first test but also are lower than any of the last 4 CMAT exams.

57700 test takers
AICTE-CMAT 2015 second test result has displayed All India merit list for 57700 candidates who have scored between the highest marks 305 to the lowest -70 out of 400 for admission session 2015-16. Only 2 Candidates have scored the highest 305 marks making them 100 percentilers.

AICTE-CMAT Feb 2015 contains raw marks along with the arrived percentile score. The percentile is arrived at on the basis of highest marks scored but the sectional scores have also been given due importance in case more candidates have scored same percentile.

CMAT Feb 2015 result: Key trends
CMAT Feb 2015 has witnessed the more number of candidates appearing in CMAT. As against 43 212 candidates in CMAT 2015 first test held in September 2014 there are 57700 candidates who appeared in CMAT Feb 2015.

The highest score in CMAT Feb 2015 has gone down from 323 in CMAT 2015 first test to 305 in CMAT 2015 second test. The highest score in CMAT 2015 second test is also lower than the score in CMAT Feb 2014 which was 317 out of 400. The lowest score has also got a dip from -40 in CMAT 2015 first test to -70 in CMAT 2015 second test.

The scoring pattern in National Merit List also shows a downward trend. The highest score, as the pattern shows is the lowest in CMAT Feb 2015 dipping to 305 during the last four CMATs. Its probably due to the fact that the level of difficulty in CMAT in Feb 2015 was higher than expected.

Scoring Criteria
The Scores obtained in CMAT 2015 second test have been calculated by assigning:
+4 marks for the correct answer
-1 mark for incorrect answer
0 mark for no answer
Percentile Calculation in CMAT

AICTE-CMAT has awarded percentile along with the raw scores in the National Merit List. The calculation criteria is as follows
Percentile has been calculated using the formula:
Percentile P = ( (N- your rank)/ N) x 100
(Where P is percentile and N is total number of candidates appeared for exam)
Merit list
National level merit list of candidates is available on AICTE-CMAT site on the icon Result. Clicking on the National Merit List for the relevant viewing of the result will display the merit list beginning with the topper of the respective CMAT examination.

The national merit ranking has been arrived based on the Total Score. In casescores are same for more than one candidate, the ranking has been done considering sectional score also in theorder of:
Quantitative Techniques & Data Interpretation
Logical Reasoning
Language Comprehension
General Awareness

In case more than one candidate secures same ranking as per the above criteria, the same Rank has been assigned to all of them but has beendisplayed by sorting their names alphabetically.The Rank of the subsequent candidate has then been extended by the number of additional students having the same Rank. For example if 3 students are at 25th Rank then subsequent student will be ranked as 28th.

AICTE-CMAT was conducted in a computer based format and is one of the 5 important and largest national level MBA/PGDM entrance tests that facilitate admission to various management programmes in 400+ good B schools across the country. CMAT Feb 2015 was conducted from Feb 19 to Feb 22, 2015 in 2 sessions on each testing day.

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