Last Updated on March 1, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

4 Types of Vocabulary questions key to success in MAH CET 2014

Verbal Ability section in MAH MBA CET 2014 may have more than 80 questions based on English usage and Reading comprehension passages. Out of them 15 to 18 questions may be on vocabulary usage

4 Types of Vocabulary questions key to success in MAH CET 2014

20 percent questions in Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension section of MAHCET examinations are expected to be based on vocabulary usage. Strong vocabulary may turn the table in scoring good marks and in securing a seat in a good B school in Maharashtra like JBIMS, KJ Somaiya, SIMSREE, etc. Outside Maharashtra candidates have more than 8 thousand seats waiting for them in 400+ B schools across the state.

It is a good opportunity for Maharashtra or non-Maharashtra candidates who couldnt score well in other All India tests as they can explore the admission possibilities through MAHCET 2014.

What can you anticipate in MAH CET 2014? Verbal Ability section in the exam may have more than 80 questions based on English usage and Reading comprehension passages. Out of them 15 to 18 questions may be on vocabulary usage. Since the sections are not very clearly defined in the test, you may find questions scattered at more than one place in the examination.

Types of questions and tips to solve For the benefit of the management aspirants, MBAUniverse.com brings forth this comprehensive article shared by Prof S.K. Agarwal, expert in verbal area, to know and how to crack the expected type of questions based on contextual usage of vocabulary.

Learning Vocabulary words has no limit. The best learning is the learning in context. You may understand a word, but more important is to know how and where to use it. If you can make use of this tip, your vocabulary will go on improving and will become a permanent part of your memory.

Sample questions for MAH CET 2014

Type-1 Fill in the blanks Candidates may expect 5 to 7 questions of this type in the examination. Reading, knowing the usage of the words will be the key to crack these questions. Direction for question 1 to 4- Following question has a sentence with two blanks. Five pairs of words are given below the questions. Choose the pair that best completes the sentence. Q.1. The media, too, had shed its ______ stance and had begun to view the Movement with _________ suspicion.

(1) Regulatory; Apprehensive (2) Adulatory; presumptive (3) Obsequious; probable (4). Complimentary; hypothetical (5). Flattering; plausible

Q.2. This can only____them to bear ______ witness to that good news which gives meaning to their entire existence. (1) Urge; bold (2) Thrust;brave (3) Impel;courageous (4) Push;plucky (5) Surge;tremendous

Q.3. The employees of the factory owing ___________ to the workers union, have _______ of an agitation from next week in support of their demands. (1) allegiance, warned (2) respect, called (3) shelter, started (4) pressure, proposal (5) assurance, sought

Q.4. The television boom might not __________ newspaper readership but magazines which are not leaders in their segment might ___________.

(1) link, close (2) effect, prosper (3) reduce, encourage (4) attract, continue (5) affect, suffer

Type-2-Short passage with blanks There may be 10 questions of this type in the test.
Two short passages of approximately 60-70 words with blanks are marked in the passage and the candidates are required to fill in the same with appropriate option words that follow the passage.

Q.5-9. In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate words.

The North-East India is Asia in miniature, a place (5) the brown and yellow races (6) and mingle. There are at least 262 (7) ethnic groups and the region is home to more than 150 million people. If one includes Bangladesh. Take (8) example the state of Manipur, which (9) Burma, with a population of 1.8 million people.

Q.5. (1) when (2) although (3) where (4) to (5) in

Q.6. (1) meet (2) desert (3) form (4) find (5) went

Q.7. (1) identical (2) closed (3) corresponding (4) homogeneous (5) separate

Q.8. (1) from (2) for (3) again (4) besides (5) to

Q.9. (1) holds (2) stretches (3) rules (4) borders (5) side

Type-3 Antonyms to the given word

MAHCET 2014 uses core vocabulary words in the written examination and unlike CAT where you may not find any question on finding out the antonyms in its bare form, there may be 4-5 questions on such usage.

Q.10 to 15 Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold.

Q.10. Agnostic (1) doubter (2) cynic (3) rationalist (4) theist (5) sceptic

Q.11. Profane (1) offend (2) pious (3) blaspheme (4) secular (5) abuse

Q.12. Concerned (1) Diluted (2) Liberated (3) Indifferent (4) Divested (5) Relaxed

Q.13. Degenerative (1) Recuperative (2) Revolving (3) Productive (4) Innovative (5) Integrative

Q.14. Inevitable (1) Undesirable (2) Unsuitable (3) Detestable (4) Avoidable (5) Available

Q.15. Nave (1) simple (2)unaffected (3) sophisticated (4)artless (5)candid

Type-4 Synonyms to the given word

There may be 3 to 5 questions on picking out the appropriate synonyms from the given options for a word printed in bold. Since all the synonyms appear same, the closest one has to be chosen. One who knows the usage of words will have an edge to crack these questions

Q.16-20. Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold.

Q.16- Obdurate (1) restore (2) yielding (3) destroy (4) stubborn (5) erase

Q.17- Pinnacle (1) nadir (2) low (3) anticlimax (4) zenith (5) explore

Q.18- Adept (1) incompetent (2) bumbling (3) deft (4) observer (5) disciple

Q.19. Connotes (1) Helps (2) Cures (3) Follows (4) Confirms (5) Implies

Q.20. Aberration (1) Observation (2) Alternative (3) Deviation (4) Outcome (5) Stimulate

Answers Ans. Q.1(2) - Adulatory- other words are near synonyms hence adulatory ( appreciating, praising) is most appropriate. Similarly, presumptive meaning assuming in probability will be the most appropriate. Ans.Q.2 (3) Impel; courageous; Explanation- Impel- driven by internal & external reasons different from other near synonyms, Courageous- It required courage to bear the news, other words are not appropriate here. Ans.Q.3 (1)- allegiance, warned. Worker unions have allegiance to one or other group while political parties have alliance; warning is issued in advance before the a action is taken. Ans. Q.4(5)- affect, suffer. Affect is a verb used in negative or speaking about adverse impact of an action; contradiction begins after but that the magazines may suffer. You may go for the elimination trick. Ans.Q 5 (3)- Place should be followed by the pronoun that defines it, so where. Ans.Q.6 (1)-meet and mingle is a compound used to indicate the area/place of meeting and getting mixed. Ans.Q.7 (4)- homogeneous-similar ethnic groups. A closer word than identical Ans.Q.8 (2)-for simple use of followed preposition with verb. Ans.Q.9 (4)- borders Indias border with Burma is adjacent to Manipur, other words dont fit here. Ans.Q.10 (4)- Theist is opposite to Agnostic which means a non believer. Ans.Q.11 (2) Pious; profane means to debase or to violate. Ans. Q.12(3)- indifferent, the person who has no concern with others problems Ans. Q.13(1)- Recuperative is the word opposite to degenerative which means to make the body weaker due to its non recuperative nature Ans.Q.14 (4)- avoidable is the appropriate opposite word to inevitable which means essential or necessary. Ans.Q.15 (3) sophisticated; nave means plain or unsophisticated. Ans. Q.16 (4)- stubborn is the nearest word others are either antonyms or are less similar Ans. Q.17 (4)-zenith; pinnacle means at a higher point or peak Ans. Q.18 (3)- deft; adept means expert and skilled Ans. Q.19(5)- implies is the closest synonym Ans. Q.20(3)- deviation, other words do not get close to aberration

How to prepare for MAH CET 2014 in a short period?

MAH CET 2014 aspirants still have a fortnight to prepare, your preparation will get a shot in the arm, if a few simple tips are followed- Whatever vocabulary words are learnt should be put to use in writing and conversation on the same day.

Read the editorials and articles in newspapers and periodicals regularly, pick out the difficult words used in them and find out their meaning and usage in dictionary Practicing vocabulary words in context is necessary especially for the fill in the blanks type of questions.

You may get past papers of MAHCET and model papers, practice more on them; find out the committed errors; analyse them and rectify them for future.

While solving the questions of fill in the blanks type, if you can get one of the two words, other one will be easy to understand since the options are available in pairs.

Stay tuned MBAUniverse.com for more news and updates on MAH CET 2014

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