
MAT Score Vs Percentile 2024

Last Updated on May 31, 2024 by Prof. SK Agarwal

MAT Score Vs Percentile 2024: MAT CBT (May 26) and MAT PBT (June 2) Exams held; Check MAT Score Vs Percentile

MAT 2024 Exam is accepted for MBA Admission 2024 by 500+ MBA colleges across India, and is held in three modes: Computer Based Test (MAT CBT) and Paper Based Test (MAT PBT) and Internet Based Test (MAT IBT). Both MAT Paper Based Test and MAT Computer Based Test were held on May 26 and June 2. You can check your MAT Exam Score Vs Percentile, based on your performance. Check details below. 

Table of Content

  • 1. MAT Score vs Percentile for May MAT 2024

  • 2. Top MBA Colleges Accepting MAT Colleges

  • 3. Difference in MAT Raw Score and Percentile Score

  • 4. MAT Score Vs Percentile Calculation: AIMA’s Formula

  • 5. AIMA Composite MAT Score Vs Percentile Calculation

  • 6. MAT Scoring Pattern: Raw Score Vs Scaled Score

  • 7. MAT Percentile Score: Key Points to Note

  • 8. MAT Scaled Scores: Clarification by AIMA

1. MAT Score vs Percentile for May MAT 2024

MAT experts have calculated following MAT Score vs Percentile 2024 to arrive at the MAT May percentile. Check your expected MAT 2024 percentile based on your performance in MAT exam. The MAT May Score vs Percentile is equally applicable for all the three types of MAT testing modes:

MAT May 2024 Score
Expected MAT Percentile
91-95 %
85-90 %
75-80 %
61-74 %
51-60 %

Important Note: To help you prepare for the MAT exam, MBAUniverse.com has published MAT Mock Tests which are based on previous MAT Exam Papers. Take Free Online MAT Mock now by clicking on the links below.

2. Top MBA Colleges Accepting MAT Colleges

MBA Colleges
Fees (Rs.in Lakhs)
Placement (Rs.in Lakhs)
BIMTECH Greater Noida
XIME Bangalore
Rajagiri Business School Kochi
Woxsen University Hyderabad
Jaipuria Lucknow & Noida
Indus Business Academy - IBA Bangalore

Top MBA Colleges Accepting MAT: 80-90 Percentile
There are highly ranked and internationally accredited MBA/ PGDM colleges among the MBA colleges accepting MAT score. Some of the prominent MBA colleges accepting MAT percentile 80 & above are:  

MBA Colleges
Fees (Rs.in Lakhs)
Placement (Rs.in Lakhs)
BIMTECH PGDM-Insurance Business Management
Amrita School of Business Coimbatore
IPE Hyderabad
Chandragupt Institute of Management - CIMP Patna
SIES Mumbai
Delhi School of Business (DSB) Delhi

MBA Colleges Accepting MAT Percentile: 60-80 Percentile
Many MBA colleges accepting MAT percentile in the range of 60-80 award greater weightage to the profile of the applicants than only the MAT exam score. They are good MBA colleges with consistent placements. The list of some of the prominent MBA colleges is shared below:

MBA Colleges
Fees (Rs.in Lakhs)
Placement (Rs.in Lakhs)
BIMTECH PGDM Retail Management
Sri Balaji University Pune (SBUP)
Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur
SOIL Institute of Management
AIMS School of Business (AIMS Institutes)
Jagan Institute of Management Studies (JIMS Rohini) Delhi

Check Top MBA Colleges Accepting exam Scores.

3. Difference in MAT Raw Score and Percentile Score

There is a great difference between MAT score and percentile calculation. In your MAT score card, you will find three types of score – Scaled Score, Percentile and Composite score. While MAT percentile calculator is based upon your relative performance in actual MAT 2024 May exam - paper based test, Computer Based Test or IBT MAT.  

While your performance will get you raw score in MAT leading to MAT percentile Score, many of the MAT exam takers are not aware the key aspects of MAT Score Vs percentile calculator. Once you know how the MAT score Vs percentile is calculated, it will be easier for you to focus and devise your test taking strategy. For example, the MAT score of Indian & Global Environment section in CAT exam is not taken into account for percentile calculation. Please note that Top B-schools will shortlist you on the basis of your high MAT Percentile that you are awarded in MAT exam. 

4. MAT Score Vs Percentile Calculation: AIMA’s Formula

  • MAT 2024 score Vs percentile calculation in MAT result is based on following parameters:
  • There are 5 Sections in MAT question paper. Out of them, only score of 4 sections in MAT exam are taken to calculate the percentile.
  • The score of 5th section, Indian & Global Environment is not counted for percentile calculation
  • 40 Marks for each section with 40 questions is the maximum raw score with a total of 200 raw marks for all the 5 sections.
  • MAT score is awarded out of 200 marks but MAT percentile is calculated out of 160 Marks after removing the 5th section
  • MAT scores are scaled to 100 for each section. The scaled score is therefore, awarded in the score card in the range of 0-100 in each section.
  • Raw scores awarded out of 40 in each section are not reflected either in sectional score or final composite score
  • This scaled score is then converted to percentile score which is based on your relative performance as compared to other candidates.
  • Finally, the composite score is calculated out of maximum 800 and the scaled score between 0 to 199 is converted to composite score. 

5. AIMA Composite MAT Score Vs Percentile Calculation

  • After calculating the scaled score in the four out of five sections, AIMA awards composite score leading to aggregate percentile in MAT exam. The scaled score of 5th section on Indian & Global Environment is separately shown in the MAT score card.  
  • Composite score is awarded in a range of 200 to 800.
  • AIMA does not award composite score below 200 or above 800.
  • Sectional scaled score below 20 or above 80 are not awarded and are rare
  • The scores below 200 are taken as 199 and the scores above 800 are reported 801
  • If your score is more than 800, it will be reported in your score card as 801
  • If your score is less than 200 to any level, it will be reported in your score card as 199

6. MAT Scoring Pattern: Raw Score Vs Scaled Score

The Raw Vs scaled score calculation pattern of four sections which are taken into account to calculate the percentile score in MAT are:

Name of section
Maximum Raw Marks
Scaled Scoring Pattern
Language Comprehension
Mathematical Skills
Data Analysis & Sufficiency
Intelligence & Critical Reasoning
Total Score
400 converted to Maximum composite score of 800

The 5th section – Indian & Global Environment is the GK section in MAT. The scoring pattern for this section is similar to other 4 sections with 40 maximum raw score converted to scaled score between 0 to 100, but the score of this section is not counted for percentile calculation. 

7. MAT Percentile Score: Key Points to Note

  • MAT percentile score indicates the percentage of examinees who scored below the candidate based on the total MAT test taking candidates
  • The percentile figure may change with increase or decrease in number of test takers and their scoring pattern 
  • The Composite Score in MAT result is reported on a scale ranging from 199 to 801, but extreme scores below 200 or above 800 are uncommon
  • These uncommon scores i.e., all below 200 are reported as 199 and all above 800 are reported as 801.

8. MAT Scaled Scores: Clarification by AIMA

Since each individual MAT exam is held after 3 months, the test may be slightly more or less difficult than another. These slight differences are accounted for, during the scaling process. As a result of these adjustments, equal scaled scores represent about the same level of ability, as measured by the test, regardless of the administration or when the test was taken.

Each MAT result score-report contains 6 scores: Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, Composite Score and Indian & Global Environment. Scores on Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data analysis & Sufficiency and Intelligence & Critical Reasoning are reported on scales ranging from 0 to 100. Scores below 20 or above 80 are rare.  

The 5th Section in MAT percentile calculation 
For the score on section - Indian & Global Environment , a separate score is reported on a scale from 0 to 100 as this section is not taken into account to calculate the percentile score and merit position. Again the scores below 20 or above 80 are rare in this section.

Composite score based on 4 sections 
The composite Score in MAT result is arrived at using the first 4 sections of the test only because these sections relate to specific skills that one acquires over a long period of time. 

Equal Weightage is assigned to all the 4 sections. 
In the calculation of MAT score Vs percentile, the score scales for the first four sections and the composite scores are based on the performance of applicants who took the test in 1996. They were defined in a way that a score of about 50 in a section and about 500 on composite scale represent the average performance of that group. 

MAT Score Vs Percentile in score card
Along with the six scores, a percentile figure is also given below the score in the score card for MAT Result. Each of these indicates the percentage of examinees who scored below the candidate based on the entire MAT testing population for the test. The percentile figure may change marginally with each MAT exam.  

Accuracy & Tendency of MAT Exam Takers
There is a tendency to claim high accuracy after every MAT exam and it has never been proved to be correct. So, the very first thing is that you should not expect more than 80 to 85 percent accuracy in different sections. MAT 2023 Score Vs Percentile Predictor or MAT percentile calculator in MAT 2023 is based upon your raw MAT score in the 4 sections. The MAT score of 5thsection on Indian & Global environment section will not be counted for MAT percentile calculation. Accordingly, your MAT score vs percentile can be calculated and predicted in accordance with your performance which will determine whether you would be shortlisted by top MBA colleges or will have to opt for second or third tier B-schools.  


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